View Full Version : my ammo was missing 2 rounds from cdn tire!

09-22-2011, 01:01 AM
so i bought a box of .44 mag yesterday and when i was paying for it my buddy opened it up and odly there was 2 rounds missing from it! the cashier thought one of us stole it haha and was crapping his pants "THIS IS A BIG DEAL THAT IS A MAJOR OFFENCE!" i'm pretty sure he was new there. why would i steal 2 then buy 50. i would have been ****ed off if i left the store with it cause i wouldn't be able to return it.

09-22-2011, 02:25 AM
they don't pay that great but they usualy have better staff than most chain stores but you maybe right. or he could of been a Peta member and scared to death of a box of ammo.