View Full Version : It's a little early but:

12-19-2011, 12:43 PM

[nearly] Free at last!!

12-19-2011, 12:52 PM
i just heard that qubec has taken it to court..so they cant move forward untill its out of court...thats just what i have heard i have no info beyond that on it..
hope its bs

edit it is just on the data..so now they want to spend 35 mill on there own reg...wonder whos paying for that seeing as qubec cant live with out hand outs from the rest of us...its time to cut them off of funding the rest of us work for and pay tax on..alot better things that money can be spent on..:angry3:


12-19-2011, 01:00 PM
i just heard that qubec has taken it to court..so they cant move forward untill its out of court...thats just what i have heard i have no info beyond that on it..
hope its bs

I just finished reading an article in the staunchly Liberal rag The Globe and Mail saying that the feds were proceeding despite the court challenge by QC.

12-19-2011, 01:08 PM
The cry babies can spend all they want on a legal challenge, they can't stop it though. No different than the CWB trying to stop the bill so western farmers can market their own grain.