View Full Version : Mike Judd, Liberal Candidate

02-22-2008, 09:26 AM

02-22-2008, 09:56 AM
He could cross over to the Conservatives or Wildrose Alliance?:)

02-22-2008, 10:07 AM
But lets have some fun anyway...

02-22-2008, 10:32 AM
"keeners" average hunters.

Still touchy, huh? I meant it as a compliment and refer to myself as a keener when it comes to hunting and guns, but you take how you like.

02-22-2008, 11:01 AM
Hello all...

I've know Mike Judd for nearly 20 years and I can tell you that he has integrity, a strong land conservation and hunting ethic and a deep commitment to democracy and democratic reform. If I lived in Livingstone-Macleod, I would be voting for him, no question...

But let's think for a moment about the comment that he should cross over to the Conservatives or the Wildrose parties.

The current government has been in place for over 30 years and governs based on ideology rather than what is in the public interest. Or the interest of hunters and fisherman... Lets look at a few examples of how the Conservative decision-making has negatively affected hunters:

- Reduced resources allocated for resource, environmental and wildlife management. Staffing at Alberta Fish and Wildlife, Alberta Environment and Parks have all been dramatically cut in comparison to even 10 years ago. Do you not think that this does not affect hunters?

- Unconstrained resource development, regardless of the cost. Forestry, oil and gas, tourism, urban sprawl, subsidized public land grazing, water impoundments... the list goes on and on... And in every case wildlife habitat is lost or impaired... All this done with minimal concern for public input, flawed or no environmental assessments and a decision-making process where crass politics always trumps good science and the public interest. Has this affected hunters - you tell me...

Even farmers must be ****ed with government cuts to Alberta Agriculture staffing - a direct contributor to the economic meltdown when the USA and many other countries banned the import of Alberta beef...

- And what about the game ranching debacle. In return for a few political brownie points from a relatively few rural game ranchers, the government put Alberta's wildlife at risk - some of which is coming to pass... Did this affect hunters?

- And then there is the governments draconian policies on public access to public lands held under agricultural dispositions... If ever there was an issue that affected Alberta hunters, this must be it!!!

The list could go on and on... Hell, don't get me started on the government's new plan for paid hunting on private and crown lands (see the other threads on this topic). Don't you think that will negatively affect us?

Of course, in addition to being hunters and fisherman, we are also citizens of this province. How do we feel about the decline in health care (we're not getting any younger!!), education, infrastructure ect... Does anyone really believe the current government has done a good job on these fronts?

The response is likely tied back to the prosperity we have in this province, which the government regularly claims credit for... Sure we, or at least some of us, have it good... But is that the government's doing... hardly. You could have given a monkey that much money and it probably would have done just about as good as this government has done over the past 30+ years...

So in end, do we want more years of contempt for Alberta' citizens , more years of almost criminal disregard for its forests, lakes and stream and its fish and wildlife resources? For me I say no - we need a change...

Electing a representative like Mike Judd, a decent, trust-worthy person with a deep and life-long personal commitment to Alberta's lands and its wildlife, to the public's right to responsibly use public lands, and a strong commitment to democracy and democratic reform, would be good news for all hunters and fisherman throughout Alberta... Too bad we don't have another 70 or so like him...

Best regards

Mike Sawyer

02-22-2008, 11:08 AM
sounds like Mike Judd wrote that... hahah

02-22-2008, 11:51 AM

02-22-2008, 07:58 PM
Capthook, it really does not matter to me how long you've known Mr.Judd because what I said was not a personal attack on his character with all due respect.
The fact that he's a candidate with a background in the outdoors is great but that will not get me to vote for a party that flies the Lieberal flag. I just can't seem to forget the big brothers gun registry, kyoto accord,sponsorship scandal etc...

I mean how can an Albertan vote for them? I almost lost my lunch today when I heard that Kevin Taft is claiming that all the Liberal promises won't cost Albertans anything. Their plan? Shuffle some money around and increase royalties. That's right INCREASE royalties. Their whole plan evolves around biting the hand that feeds us a little harder. Yeah, won't cost us a thing :huh:

You make some good points on Conservative done wrongs, hindsight is always 20/20, but imo the Liberals are not the party that is going to change anything. You think the plight of our environment and fisheries and wildlife is bad now? Who and what do you thinks going to get the shaft when the Liberals famous spending and bandage policies leaves us broke? We as hunters are a minority in Alberta if you want to believe or not and we will be one of the first to "go" in a crap economy. No matter how much Mr. Judd loves hunting and conservation.

With that said, I should mention that I'm not even voting PC this election. I'll be casting my ballot for the Wildrose Alliance. But like I mentioned in another post I don't care who gets into government as long as they are not Liberal or NDP.

just my two cents,

02-22-2008, 08:05 PM
With that said, I should mention that I'm not even voting PC this election. I'll be casting my ballot for the Wildrose Alliance. But like I mentioned in another post I don't care who gets into government as long as they are not Liberal or NDP.

just my two cents,

I agree, but it would be nice if it were a minority, it would sure send a message

02-22-2008, 08:06 PM
Yep, my daughter. She went through 9 days of labor ending on the 13th and believe you me she is ready to kill something!

Congrats on being a grandpa! I hope that everyone is doing well! I'm guessing they are since you're going on a yote hunt.:lol:


02-23-2008, 08:03 AM
Okay folks, enough of the slagging of other members on here. I deleted a bunch of posts, that have no place on here, or were quoting/referring to these posts.

02-23-2008, 11:25 AM
One of my bugs with the provincial Conservatives was the cancellation of the pheasant release program in the northern Bucks for Wildlife areas.It didn't cost them that much and the spinoff from hunters in license fees and bird hunting expenditures more than made up the costs