View Full Version : Banff Wolves & Radium Sheep

03-02-2008, 09:43 AM
Two interesting articles in this weeks local paper (which, BTW, is a superb paper - well written and providing space for a thorough review of its subject matter)

- the status of Wolves & elk near Banff
- an epic journey by a radio-collared ewe


03-02-2008, 12:26 PM
Great article Thumper.

Without predators over population of elk and other ungulates wouldn't only occur in Banff, it would be wide spread. Too bad some think the wolf is good for nothing and should be shot on site.

03-02-2008, 04:00 PM
If they are trying to reduce the elk numbers around Banff, maybe they should transplant/relocate a good sum to the Ya-ha and Panther area where there seems to be plenty of preditors and fewer elk. Just a thought.

03-02-2008, 05:25 PM
I think Parks Canada and the scientific community need to realize that it's not up to them to "manage the system". Arbitrarily deciding on populations and then making adjustments is just wrong. Managing wildlife numbers is flawed science. The system will decide the correct numbers of any given species if left to function unimpeded by the committee.
Translocation and or birth control is not the solution. If prey densities drop the predators move on. It’s not much of a wilderness area if no species live in it.

The solution is to allow prey densities to rise and fall as they always have. If the goal is to restore ecological integrity to the area then it’s hands off time. Let the system function.

Parks has a long history of tinkering but not a history of success.

If elk in and around the town site are an issue I’d say it’s time bring back the Border Collies and keep the elk out where the predators are. It’s not rocket science and it’s been dealt with before.

There is no need to do anything other than push them away from town. Dogs can and have kept the elk herds out of the town in the past with very good results.. The bean counters might find the cost of managing the wildlife in town tough on the budget. If they want to save a few beans they could restore hunting rights to the local community. No one paid us a cent when they took away the rights of the locals to hunt this area. When BNP was 15 square miles the local community hunted and guided.

Why is it that only native folks get money when their rights are taken from them. I want a cheque too! Whoops wandered off topic.

Bottom line: Leave the elk be, the predators will clean them up. Now when prey densities drop and cougar and wolves start sneaking about in the dark again town might want to reconsider all those stupid eco friendly street lights that are so mugger friendly.

Whoops off topic again.

End of rant!