View Full Version : string waxing

05-26-2008, 10:31 PM
ok so i bought a new bow last month and im wondering how often i need to wax the string and which parts? any info would be great

05-26-2008, 11:26 PM
Don't let the string dry out. If it feels tacky to the touch it's good. Waxing served areas doesn't do anything but it won't hurt either. Wax everything not wound up in the cams.

After you apply the wax, use a small piece of soft leather between your fingers, run up and down the string with it, helps to heat up the string and push the wax between the strands.......it cleans the string up a little too.....and saves your fingers.

05-27-2008, 09:16 AM

The idea of wax is to keep down the fuzzies......

I rarely wax the string.... be careful with using leather... too much heat can degrade the string.

For modern strings there are some synthetic products that are softer than wax that are good to use.

Use a good quality string that has been built and waxed properly and you will not need to wax very often.

In fact some pro's don't use wax at all after string is put on bow. they just replace more often.

On a hunting bow I recommend replacing the string every year and cables every other year.

Once again use a good quality string from a reputable string maker!

05-27-2008, 06:11 PM
...and I always thought that wax lubricated the stranding, reducing breakdown from heat generated within the string.

05-27-2008, 06:59 PM
When out walking in the bush, small brush that inevitably brushes against the string (especially rose bushes) is very hard on the string and cables. After a day out in the bush, it can be clearly seen by the fuzzy strands that start to form. I typically apply wax as soon as I start to see this happen, which in extremes may be every second day when out in the bush.