View Full Version : Baiting wolves...

02-02-2013, 10:19 AM
What do u use to attract the wolfs? Calls n such..... Any advice would be nice. Thanks!!

02-02-2013, 03:46 PM
With Coyote calls.

02-02-2013, 04:24 PM
I have never baited for wolves but I have heard that they like dead horses for bait. As for calls the e.l.k. Inc howler is supposed to work well.

02-04-2013, 10:53 AM
dead horses lol k ill be going to my neighbors tonight and hunting them haha!! jk.. i have a jack rabbit call? woul that work much? or better off to use an elk call? like a hoochie mama?

02-05-2013, 09:29 AM
Old rotten meat I have heard works well. As for calls I would assume many would work, possibly in distress.

This winter has been nuts so haven't gone out yet but big plans for next season.

If you have any sucess let us know and be safe... specially if using a hoochie mama call. Never know what will pop out of the bush then.. lol

02-05-2013, 01:12 PM
This question has been discussed on previous posts! Before you do anything check with the local F&G as to what is and is not acceptable for domestic livestock bait?
But by far the BEST bait is their natural food source -moose/elk. Get permission to pick up road kill and drag & place it in close proximity to known travel corridors. You will have wolves within 72 hours!! I suggest you let them eat the first bait undisturbed. Use the second set to hunt.
As for calls, fawn distress works well. And once the bait is active, howling is is very effective. The Alpha male will not allow any intruders in his territory and the entire pack will come to investigate. Howl once or twice and wait for a reply. If you get one, stay put close to the bait. If you don't go home they're not around!
Good luck

02-05-2013, 11:30 PM
3,200 wolves in MN but the MN DNR is still scratching their heads wondering where all the moose have gone. I would buy a MN wolf tag in a heartbeat along with my dad and many others I know.

02-06-2013, 04:50 PM
I have used any road kill that can be found. Let them eat it for a day or two, before you shoot them. If you can keep the site fresh, they will continue to come back, often late in the day. I once used a dead horse by Nordegg for a week. Shot 4.