View Full Version : Fine to leave your bow strung for long periods when not in use?

06-20-2013, 06:10 AM
Is there any adverse effect to leaving your bow strung for long periods when not in use? Also is there anything in particular you should do when storing for a few years?

06-20-2013, 09:00 AM
:D ..Over the years I know of half a dozen cases where compound bows have self destructed with force enough to knock over furniture...lol

most times these bows are in a closet or bow case under the bed and no one was anywhere near them...

Most are due to old and un maintainanced strings...

If your going to store a compound bow for anylentgh of time..a Q-tip dipped in olive oil or a speacialized odorless petroleum type gun oil on all metal bolts and screws...
...Most important is Wax and/or condition strings thouroughly ...Excess wax can be taken off by running dental floss on string after storage..

...Turn bow down in poundage as much as manufactuer suggest and store in bow case...

...add moisture absorbing packs inside case
....check periodically

If unsure of strings condition have strings replaced before storage...new strings are a lot cheaper than new cams ,axle, limbs, etc AND strings after


06-20-2013, 07:14 PM
Cool thanks. I had a brand new string on and did adjust it down to 25lb draw weight.. plus kept away from moisture and stored at room temperature.

It's a just a Browning Fox 2 compound youth bow. Going to take some pics and put it up in the buy & sell forum.

25lb weight should be a breeze for strings to hold in storage for a few years I would think.