View Full Version : Brown trout and sea trout ferox trout

07-23-2013, 11:04 AM
The brown trout eats mostly insects larvae and small fish unlike the brown trout the sea trouts tail is flat and has few spots under the lateral line now the ferox trout is apparently a cannibal browns trout that only eats fish and has a hooked jaw and lives longer .. Has anyone here ever caught a sea trout or a ferox trout and is the ferox trout found in Canada?

07-23-2013, 12:34 PM
Where is this info coming from?

07-23-2013, 12:51 PM
uh ............ you are 50% correct in what you are saying - unfortunately you are also 50% wrong.

Brown trout do, indeed, have flat tails (which are not deeply forked) and will, in fact, eat larger fish. What they eat depends on their size, habitat and available forage base.

The sea trout is an anadromous (salt water) version of the same species.

The ferox trout is also the same species, although, isolated to the UK. The genetics seem to indicate no distinction between, or more properly, within this species.

This not to be confused with the spotted sea trout found in warmer waters of the south, which is, indeed, a separate and distinct species altogether and, in fact, a member of the drum family.