View Full Version : Vintage(?) men's handerchief

05-21-2014, 12:16 PM
I can remember my grandfather always having one of these in his pocket.

Without going into a lengthy explanation as to why I want some I'll just simply ask.....

Anybody know where to get them?




05-21-2014, 12:51 PM
Welsh's or Lammle's

05-21-2014, 01:03 PM
Welsh's or Lammle's

Never even thought of them. Thank you.

05-21-2014, 01:54 PM
maybe even walmart.

05-21-2014, 02:00 PM
Ahhh yes.... the old snot rags of days gone by. My Grandfather carried them as well. Hand made by my Grandmother with his initials sewn on them. If I had a dollar for ever time I saw him honk his snot box into one of them booger nets and then jam it back in his front pants pocket I'd probably have enough money to buy another rifle.

05-21-2014, 03:25 PM
Mark's Work Warehouse

05-21-2014, 03:44 PM
Ahhh yes.... the old snot rags of days gone by. My Grandfather carried them as well. Hand made by my Grandmother with his initials sewn on them. If I had a dollar for ever time I saw him honk his snot box into one of them booger nets and then jam it back in his front pants pocket I'd probably have enough money to buy another rifle.
Ah yes the good old times :rolleye2:,..saving snot and boogers in a rag in ones pocket and then wipe ones sweaty face with it was the thing to do back then :D
Can it get any grosser:sick:

05-21-2014, 04:08 PM
Ah yes the good old times :rolleye2:,..saving snot and boogers in a rag in ones pocket and then wipe ones sweaty face with it was the thing to do back then :D
Can it get any grosser:sick:

It's just snot?

It's not like it is something that came out the other end.

05-21-2014, 06:46 PM
Nothing wrong with them. They are a lot stronger than cleanex you buy that tears and you get boogers all over your hands. I carry one on occasion when I am out hunting, fishing etc.

05-21-2014, 07:18 PM
When i am outside i keep the one nostril closed and snort the snot out trough the other and visa versa,...no rag or cleanex needed.
When i have the urge to clean da nose when in the house i step outside.
My wife found it gross, i say that's to bad..better get used to it :snapoutofit:

05-21-2014, 07:26 PM
Peavy Mart carries them too.

From The Hip
05-21-2014, 07:41 PM
The pocket handkerchief was used for may things besides blowing ones nose....dabbing up a spill on a lady's clothing....giving it to a lady when she was in extreme grief/shock etc etc....and using it to blow your nose was a hell of a lot more polite than doing a "farmers blow" in the company of others or wiping your nose on your sleeve.

In short it goes back to the idea of good manners and good manners are not an idea of making yourself feel superior to others but making everybody else around you feeeling as comfortable as possible by being considerate to everybody else....something severely lacking in todays society where people have no regards to the the company they are in as well as the total lack of comprehension as to their surroundings....it is pretty rude IMO to let a a door just close behind you when entering a building with no care about the person behind you but it happens all the time....yet if I give the inconsiderate person a vocal response to the lack of consideration suddenly I am the AZZhole.

In short...the idea of good manners has died a long time ago.I got them engrained into me when I was a child and that practice as gone the way of the dodo.


05-21-2014, 08:54 PM
The pocket handkerchief was used for may things besides blowing ones nose....dabbing up a spill on a lady's clothing....giving it to a lady when she was in extreme grief/shock etc etc....and using it to blow your nose was a hell of a lot more polite than doing a "farmers blow" in the company of others or wiping your nose on your sleeve.

In short it goes back to the idea of good manners and good manners are not an idea of making yourself feel superior to others but making everybody else around you feeeling as comfortable as possible by being considerate to everybody else....something severely lacking in todays society where people have no regards to the the company they are in as well as the total lack of comprehension as to their surroundings....it is pretty rude IMO to let a a door just close behind you when entering a building with no care about the person behind you but it happens all the time....yet if I give the inconsiderate person a vocal response to the lack of consideration suddenly I am the AZZhole.

In short...the idea of good manners has died a long time ago.I got them engrained into me when I was a child and that practice as gone the way of the dodo.


Thank you Great post

Red Bullets
05-21-2014, 09:16 PM
Army & Navy probably has them too.

Handkerchiefs were used by the cowboys over their faces because ofthe dust on the cattle trail. Then the settlers started to use them to blow their nose into.

The first nations people used to laugh at this because the man would blow his nose into the small square cloth and then "save" it and put it back in their pocket.

05-21-2014, 09:44 PM
Marks work warehouse has them in sometimes :)

05-22-2014, 06:52 AM

I agree, manners and consideration have gone the way of the Ford Falcon; just read some of the posts on this forum.....


The pocket handkerchief was used for may things besides blowing ones nose....dabbing up a spill on a lady's clothing....giving it to a lady when she was in extreme grief/shock etc etc....and using it to blow your nose was a hell of a lot more polite than doing a "farmers blow" in the company of others or wiping your nose on your sleeve.

In short it goes back to the idea of good manners and good manners are not an idea of making yourself feel superior to others but making everybody else around you feeeling as comfortable as possible by being considerate to everybody else....something severely lacking in todays society where people have no regards to the the company they are in as well as the total lack of comprehension as to their surroundings....it is pretty rude IMO to let a a door just close behind you when entering a building with no care about the person behind you but it happens all the time....yet if I give the inconsiderate person a vocal response to the lack of consideration suddenly I am the AZZhole.

In short...the idea of good manners has died a long time ago.I got them engrained into me when I was a child and that practice as gone the way of the dodo.


05-22-2014, 06:59 AM
Use them all the time, won't leave the house without one!