View Full Version : VLD's on game

Bobby B.
11-01-2008, 09:40 AM
Anyone interested in sharing their kill results with other VLD users? I'll post mine. This should prove very interesting as little game has been shot yet with these bullets, at least to my knowledge. We'll separate fact from fiction.

Bobby B.

11-01-2008, 03:19 PM
u have VLD in capitol letters so u r speaking Of the Berger ones?
i consider anything with a bc of close to .500 and over a vld.....

11-01-2008, 07:11 PM
3 critters this year so far, bear, mule deer and moose. All one shot kills like any other bullet.

Bobby B.
11-01-2008, 07:52 PM
Yes, I'm focussing in on the Berger VLD's. Specifics would be helpful; impact velocity, bullet entrance and exit, range at impact, bullet weight, etc...anything you think is relevant.

Unfortunately, my hunting buddy came down with bronchitis this past Thursday so we couldn't leave today as initially planned. Nonetheless, I will leave tomorrow if he's up to it or even Monday. Hunts are much better when the experience is shared. I can and will hunt alone, but I prefer to hunt with my buddy. I know he's totally dejected about not being up to going, I'll help him however I can.

I'm whacking everything with the 168 7mm VLD @ 2950 MV. I'll post all my results.

Bobby B.

11-01-2008, 08:16 PM
All were killed with 155 grain 30 cals out of a 308 win. MV is 2800 FPS. The bear was at 80 yards about 375 pounds and was taken through the shoulders and spine, bullet exited. The mule was at 256 yards, shoulders and spine, bullet exited, the moose was at 70 yards quartering neck shot exited out the far shoulder.

Bobby B.
11-05-2008, 12:24 PM
My friend and I shot three CWD deer this past Monday. All were shot with 7mm 168 VLD's at 2950, all were DWTS. The first of the three was taken with the high shoulder shot at 30 yds; blew a cantelope sized hole on the off side and we found a piece of meat the size of a man's palm stuck to a tree 5 yds behind the deer. Second was taken behind the shoulder at 200 yds; exit wound the size of a mandarin orange and the chest contents sloshed around when we moved the animal prior to dressing it out. The third was taken the same as the second with the same results except the distance was 60-70 yds.

Next time out, we're holding back until presented with 300-? yard shots.

Bobby B.

Matt L.
11-05-2008, 01:06 PM
Ok, I'll probavly kick myself in the ass when I find out, but what are VLD's?

11-05-2008, 01:12 PM
very leathal dooamahickies

Stinky Coyote
11-05-2008, 04:22 PM
very leathal dooamahickies


yeah, what he said:D

Bobby B.
11-05-2008, 04:28 PM

VLD is an acronym for very low drag. Originally designed as a benchrest bullet, the Berger VLD's were later tested on game. Due to their unique design, they performed exceptionally well on game at extraordinary distances. They are NOT widely accepted as a PROVEN game bullet, that's why some of us are intrigued and are experimenting with them.

Bobby B.

11-05-2008, 05:11 PM
Guess I'll have to put in an order with mysicplayer for some!
Can't seem to get ahold of Richard at Wildcat Bullets.

11-06-2008, 09:10 PM
Guess I'll have to put in an order with mysicplayer for some!
Can't seem to get ahold of Richard at Wildcat Bullets.

Richard last I heard from him had sold out his business

11-06-2008, 10:05 PM
NO! say it ain't so!
I know he is a very busy dude, so I guess something had to go. Am sure the farm wouldn't be the first on the list.
Hope to hear from the new owner/s soon. Good product.

Thanks for the info Rick...even if it's...bad?

11-09-2008, 08:55 PM
Killed a small WT buck today using 300 Win Mag 175gr VLD @2950fps. One shot and deer didn't take a step; deer was about 100 yard and I was high on the shot. Large entrance but bullet didn't exit and didn't even hit hide; all that I found was part of the jacket. Would like to know how they would perform on elk or moose. I'm thinking they might not do so well if you hit large bones.

11-13-2008, 12:31 PM
Hey guys, just wondering how far off the lands are you loading the VLD's? I've got some 7mm 140 VLD's that I want to play around with this winter in my 280AI and am curious where you all are seating them.


11-13-2008, 01:04 PM
buddy in west Virginia emailed me has found they like to be 10 thou INTO the lands,,,drop your powder and work up . dunno if this is a good place to start for u or not ...:)

Bobby B.
11-13-2008, 04:36 PM
First off I tried .010" OFF the lands and didn't like the results. I'm now .015" INTO the lands and my 7RM prints 1.5" groups out at 300 yds. Nothing special but certainly accurate enough for hunting.

Going out with the SIL to hunt Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Hope to test the VLD's more.

Bobby B.

11-13-2008, 04:48 PM
First off I tried .010" OFF the lands and didn't like the results. I'm now .015" INTO the lands and my 7RM prints 1.5" groups out at 300 yds. Nothing special but certainly accurate enough for hunting.

Going out with the SIL to hunt Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Hope to test the VLD's more.

Bobby B.
Thanks Bobby, given that you ended up going INTO the lands did you adjust your powder charge down?

Bobby B.
11-13-2008, 08:22 PM
No I didn't. I stuck with 69 grains of RETUMBO, velocity is 2950 fps.

Bobby B.

11-13-2008, 08:42 PM
Early season bull moose. Frontal shot in chest at 258 yds. He ran 60 yards into a field and fell over. Heavy internal damage and upon clean up note that half of his heart had disintegrated. Could not find bullet core but did see afew fragments. Very effective.
An associate shot a deer this week at 200 yds. Apple size hole on exit side as it hit a rib going out.
Very happy with results. LEH Elk will be on Dec 1 so VLD are again bullet of choice .

11-16-2008, 08:33 AM
Took a decent sized muley doe yesterday morning. NOT using Bergers, but 300 gr SMK out of my 338LAI velocity 3080 fps. Shot was only 500 yards away(too close really for the rifle) in the neck. Entry wound was 3/8" as expected, exit was 2.5", she went down instantly and HARD. No bullet of fragments found.
Maybe IF Berger ever gets their big 338 bullets in production, I will try them, but to date have have killed 2 deer, in Canada and 1 Impala and 20 plus donkeys in Africa using a VLD match type bullet all with great results.

11-17-2008, 10:48 AM
I shot four deer this year (all does) with 130gr VLD's out of a 6.5x47 Lapua out to 400yds and they all died very nicely. Bone doesn't seem to hinder them near the entrance, but they are destructive. I will continue to use them in this rifle for deer.
I would compare them with a Ballistic Tip or Interlock for performance.

11-17-2008, 10:52 AM
First off I tried .010" OFF the lands and didn't like the results. I'm now .015" INTO the lands and my 7RM prints 1.5" groups out at 300 yds. Nothing special but certainly accurate enough for hunting.

Going out with the SIL to hunt Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Hope to test the VLD's more.

Bobby B.

Half MOA is no big deal? That seems a little blaise.

Bobby B.
11-18-2008, 07:10 PM
rem338win, if you meant blase then you are correct.

Anyway, shot a small muley buck broadside this morning at a lasered 437 yds. Dialed the Swaro Ballistic Turret to 400 and gave it a couple extra clicks. The 168 VLD struck a rib on entrance, cut the heart and exited. Entrance would was 2-3" in diameter, exit was 1". Deer dropped at the shot. Strange thing was the deer's rear legs were paralyzed but it tried to stand as his front legs still worked. Very odd. Any theories out there? Still 3 more CWD tags to go.

Bobby B.

Bobby B.
11-18-2008, 07:15 PM
double post

11-18-2008, 07:51 PM
Anyway, shot a small muley buck broadside this morning at a lasered 437 yds. Dialed the Swaro Ballistic Turret to 400 and gave it a couple extra clicks. The 168 VLD struck a rib on entrance, cut the heart and exited. Entrance would was 2-3" in diameter, exit was 1". Deer dropped at the shot. Strange thing was the deer's rear legs were paralyzed but it tried to stand as his front legs still worked. Very odd. Any theories out there? Still 3 more CWD tags to go.

Bobby B.

Very likely a shard of jacket or bone nicked or got stuck into the spinal column, creating the paralysis of the rear 1/4s
Just a thought though.

11-18-2008, 10:52 PM
Very likely a shard of jacket or bone nicked or got stuck into the spinal column, creating the paralysis of the rear 1/4s
Just a thought though.
I'm thinking the same thing...

Bobby B.
11-19-2008, 07:02 AM
Thanks, Rick and Cat. The possibility never crossed my mind but seems very plausible.

Bobby B.

11-26-2008, 08:11 PM
Well I got the chance to use the 6.5mm 130gr VLD on a mulie buck this morning. It was a fairly large bodied deer. According to GPS distance was 349yards . The deer was quartering away and the bullet broke the last rib. It went through the liver, and both lungs. There was some unidentified jello like organs in there as well. Looks like the round will be under the far side hide. The deer dropped right there, not a step and never moved.

Bobby B.
12-15-2008, 11:42 AM
Saturday, I shot another mule deer with a 168 VLD out of my 7RM. The shot was almost completely broadside at 212 yds. The VLD broke a rib on the way in, pierced through both lungs and broke a rib on the way out. The holes in the lungs were only the size of a loonie and the exit hole the size of a small mandarin orange. She ran about 15 yds in a circle then dropped dead.

Bobby B.

12-30-2008, 11:14 PM
It was pretty long time ago, before I read in some American magazine about Berger's tests of VLDs by hunting in New Zealand. About five years ago I had some Lapua cartridges 308 Win with Scenar bullets (185 grains) which have similar construction like VLDs. The first animal taken (in my home country in Europe) with Scenar was red deer at 225 meters shot somewhere to the last rib area. She went 10-15 steps. Input was almost invisible (about bullet diameter), none output and mash inside. The second animal was red deer stag in the same season. He was about 30 meters, the shot was placed similarly and the bullet was disintegrated inside as well. I found several fragments in the opposite side in thorax. Because of inside bullet fragmentation and no exit also in the second case, my decision was not to use this bullet anymore. I imagined that in case of hitting a stronger bone I wouldn't see those animals anymore.
For those of you who don't know red deers: regarding weight they are somewhere in the middle between your deer and elk.

The results are rather different. :confused: However, reading about your experiences on this thread I thrive on testing VLDs after I come back home after my temporary stay in Canada. I am going to take some boxes with 7mm VLDs for my reloading "laboratory", of course. But I am not happy to have to wait with my tests till next season ..... :(