View Full Version : Ski Boat Trolling Solution

09-24-2015, 12:07 PM
Hey All,

I bought an older ski boat this summer - a 16' open bow with a 115 Merc 2 stroke. Long term I plan on having a fishing rig, but I got a family deal which made this thing too good to pass up - so I want your thoughts on the best ways to troll next summer without hurting the motor.

Like I said, I'll eventually upgrade the boat, so I'd prefer to stay away from the high end bow/transom mounted electric motors - UNLESS that's hands down the way to go.

How are drift socks vs. trolling plates? Socks are the cheapest way to go but will a sock slow me down enough? It has a 19P prop so it idles pretty quick. I'm a little weary about running the 115 as my means of trolling - she's insanely thirsty and 34 years old, so wear and tear is a factor.

I've also considered finding a way to mount a strong kicker plate on it and keep my eyes peeled for a relatively cheap kicker. I think this would ultimately be the way to go in bigger water, but again - its on the upper end of the investment spectrum for a boat I'll eventually get rid of.

Clearly I'm just thinking out loud and have all winter to make a call - but I'd love to hear all your thoughts and expereinces.

Thanks as always.

09-24-2015, 01:16 PM
Hey All,

I bought an older ski boat this summer - a 16' open bow with a 115 Merc 2 stroke. Long term I plan on having a fishing rig, but I got a family deal which made this thing too good to pass up - so I want your thoughts on the best ways to troll next summer without hurting the motor.

Like I said, I'll eventually upgrade the boat, so I'd prefer to stay away from the high end bow/transom mounted electric motors - UNLESS that's hands down the way to go.

How are drift socks vs. trolling plates? Socks are the cheapest way to go but will a sock slow me down enough? It has a 19P prop so it idles pretty quick. I'm a little weary about running the 115 as my means of trolling - she's insanely thirsty and 34 years old, so wear and tear is a factor.

I've also considered finding a way to mount a strong kicker plate on it and keep my eyes peeled for a relatively cheap kicker. I think this would ultimately be the way to go in bigger water, but again - its on the upper end of the investment spectrum for a boat I'll eventually get rid of.

Clearly I'm just thinking out loud and have all winter to make a call - but I'd love to hear all your thoughts and expereinces.

Thanks as always.

Personally I would bite the bullet and buy a bow mount trolling motor your going to probably want one eventually anyway(mind you depends on what your doing) right now I'm using the( trolling buddy) and it works we behind the 90hp motor with out it 3 mph with it,down to 1.3 mph but keep in mind trolling with main motor is not good it(2 stroke) now the kicker motor is always a good idea just for the simple reason of if the main motor poops the bed the kicker will get y home were as the electric well from experience might not have the juice to do it. I would stay away from drift socks myself. If your looking for a kicker pm me I've got a perfect running 9.9 4 stroke for sale.cheers

09-24-2015, 01:24 PM
I agree - a older 2 stroke, at idle, will begin to pile up on you after running it for a while.

I'd get a gas kicker or electric motor.

If you go to electric - Keep in mind - a 24v system ( 2 batteries) with at least 80 thrust would be where I would start on this boat (glass boats are heavy). A smaller 12v electric will leave you mad at yourself after you run out of juice after 4-5 hours.

09-24-2015, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the responses, Guys.

This is more or less what I was expecting - I'd love to be able to use a drift sock or plate in the meantime vs. trying to turn an old glass boat into a proper fishing unit, but it doesn't sound like the big 2 stroke will be a realistic troller.

I think I like the gas kicker option best (I've been reading about the trouble people have with bow mounts on ski boats) - I'd just much rather save the dollars and put them towards a future fishing boat. However I need a trolling solution for the next few years! So I'll start digging into good fibreglass kicker mounts and keep my eyes open for a cheap one.

Thanks for the input.

09-24-2015, 03:19 PM
i ran i plate on my 125 johnson and it worked well, you just have to open her up once in a while to blow the crap out. It worked for the time being but i wouldn't want to make it a permanent thing. Like the others have said a bow mount trolling motor is your best bet.

09-25-2015, 06:16 AM
I vote for a kicker and a electric trolling. The electric is nice if it's windy and you want to hold a position without droping the anchor. The kicker would be nice to cruise around trolling. Slower is better.

09-25-2015, 03:44 PM
If your plan is to rid yourself of the boat in a year or two then spend 100=150 and buy a decent trolling plate. Make sure it is the automatic that kicks up and out of the way when you power up.

It will allow you to troll while at the same time keeping some rpm's up on the motor so it does not overload.

09-25-2015, 04:23 PM
If your plan is to rid yourself of the boat in a year or two then spend 100=150 and buy a decent trolling plate. Make sure it is the automatic that kicks up and out of the way when you power up.

It will allow you to troll while at the same time keeping some rpm's up on the motor so it does not overload.

I'm playing with this idea. I completely agree with all the comments that the best way to go is with either (or both) a bow mount or a kicker, but they aren't exactly budget friendly in this situation. For example, buying a decent depth finder in the spring will cost half what I paid for the boat.

Do you have experience with the plates? I'm wondering how the 2 stroke would handle it as long as I take breaks to open it up and clean it out. Will probably spend the equivalent of a bow mount in fuel though ha...

09-26-2015, 07:18 AM
Can move a bow mount to the next boat when you upgrade. Kicker can be moved as well.

09-26-2015, 09:30 AM
Buddy has a troll plate the Automatic on a 90HP Merc 2 stroker

Been using it for 10 yrs and no issues. Is able to troll down to 1=1.2 mph while still keeping his rpm up so as not to load up the plugs.

Plate kicks up and out of the way as soon as he powers up to plane.

Works good for him should for you too. Cost around 150

09-26-2015, 09:51 AM
I had a plate , I think it was called " happy troller " on a 90 evinrude for years and never had issues with the engine carboning up . I forgot it down a few times when I throttled up and had to bend it back into position . trolling motor is nicer but more $$ plus batteries and wiring . it boils to how much you want to spend , how much trolling you plan to do , etc .

09-28-2015, 09:26 AM
Great - thanks for all the input.

This is extremely helpful. Should be a fun spring!

09-28-2015, 12:03 PM
My boat is a 1993 16ft fibreglass. I have put more hours on this boat than most do in a lifetime. Trolling skiing, whatever.

the 2 stroke 90 hp merc is all original. I have redone the lower leg once and am on prop 5 or 6. Other than that nothing. It also turns over right away every May.

Like I said we have trolled with this motor with no attachments for 20+ years and not a problem. if you are looking to troll at a speed that is precise to the 5th decimal place you might need some sort of attachment.

09-28-2015, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the input, dragon. It's good to hear your 2 stroke has held up well to so many years of fun.

Do you know how fast your boat moves at idle? Right now, with a 19P prop, I think I'm pretty quick for trolling. I don't have a GPS on board yet, but I'd estimate 3+ MPH. I've been more or less "assuming" I'd need something to slow that down, but after hearing your experience I'll definitely get a good reading before making a call.

09-29-2015, 11:20 AM
no idea the actual speed... I can tell you its faster than the 20'0 pontoon boat with a 90hp 4stroke merc but slightly slower than my friends 16.5; fibreglass with a 90hp johnson.

All I know is when I troll I catch fish :)

I'm sure I'll get roasted over this comment but I'm pretty sure the fish don't say... 1.1 kmh... too slow... I'm only hitting 1.4 or higher today or vice versa.

If your looking for that precision, might as well buy a kicker.