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05-05-2017, 09:40 PM
I'd like to start by saying I can't remember if I introduced myself and can't figure out how to read my old posts.

Hi, I'm Ed and I'm a fishoholic. As is my wife. We moved here back in November. And Albertas fishing regulation book drives us both nuts.

Today we burned up darn near a tank of gas, trying to find (in vain) a little fishing hole close to home (Lodgepole). First and obvious choice was was the reservoir and canal. No dice. The roads was blocked as we approached the end of powerhouse and same thing when we drove out and around. So I wet a line under the bridge, various lures/depths. Nothing.

Broke out the handy backroad map book and found ourselves heading to Alder flats, to fish a little creek or 2 that opened (I hope) April 1st. We toured that area. Hard. Spent hours on the back roads. Everything was chocolate milk and I'm not sure why we didn't stop the hunt, but we didn't.

Fast forward to an hour ago, we find ourselves shore fishing the N.S.R. At Willey West Campground. Not even a sniff, but I'm alright with that. That's fishing.

I'm hoping someone knows, and out of the kindness of their heart, will tell me, what can I expect to possibly catch while shore fishing the N.S.R. at Willey West.

Side note - the wife needs the vehicle for work tomorrow, but I can get a lift to wherever you're launching, should you need an experienced net man.

Thanks for reading!

05-05-2017, 10:06 PM
Lots of sediment making its way down the river this time of year- you'd have to put a lure right in front of their noses to trigger a bite. Best of luck, and welcome

05-06-2017, 03:35 PM
Not familiar with the area but the NSR is a beast during runoff. Gotta find an old oxbow that connects during high water, a tributary, somewhere that the fish can get out of the main flow. It'll still be dirty but that's ok. Other thing is, heavy weights and bait. Worms or minnows, fished real slow and close to the bottom where the structure slows the current.

Few years ago, this time of year, I witnessed pike blowing up minnows in 6 inches of water in the mouth of a tiny feeder creek. Couldn't get them to hit a lure, don't think they could see it, but bait brought some action

05-06-2017, 04:28 PM
Bait isn't an option in these parts, well I should say they haven't started stocking it in the gas stations or the local CT. And that is basically what we did yesterday, was drive up and down all the little roads that run around the NSR around here, looking for feeder creeks. My wife was not comfortable going down roads that were clearly there to access pump jacks, etc. I've read that if a gates open, you can go through it, just treat it with respect. What about when there is a no trespassing sign in the middle of nowhere? Is that geared towards fishermen or hunters, or both?