View Full Version : A fellow trapper needs our support

12-27-2018, 09:30 PM


I'm sure by now everyone has heard about the young family living and trapping in the Yukon was attacked and killed by a grizzly. Valerie Theoret and her 10 month old infant Adele Roesholt were found dead when Gjermund Roesholt returned from checking their trapline.

A fellow trapper is hurting and we, as fellow fur producers, are being called upon to help out a one of our own. Many trappers from across Canada have been busy getting all the final details worked out on a plan to help out.

Fur Harvesters Auctions, and North American Fur Auctions in conjunction with the Yukon Trappers Association and other regional trapping associations have all teamed up to make it simple for fur producers to help out.

Fur producers are typically cash poor and fur rich. With this in mind, we ask all producers to donate a few skins to help out a fellow trapper.

No matter who or where you ship furs, it is made very simple. Please send a separate bag of skins under the Yukon Trappers Association accounts listed below. Both of these accounts have been set up for Gjermund and all proceeds will be sent to him. The auction houses have also waived many of their usual fees to accommodate this.

FHA: Yukon Trappers Association
Account # 307992

NAFA: Yukon Trappers Association
Account # 789037

jeffreys 21234
12-28-2018, 06:23 AM
Thanks for the info Ryan I think this is a hell of a idea