View Full Version : camera DVR

12-02-2022, 09:22 AM
I can only find the vexilar recorder online and it doesnt work on my new Marcum. does anyone have a unit for recording video that works ok? this is the one I used on the old camera https://www.latulippe.com/en/product/598334/digital-video-recorder-w-remote?utm_source=google&utm_medium=google-ads&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4aacBhCUARIsAI55maGUfw4LB92KWU0FNM9N CidquFok8w9NTAe3JdfDZ42Fjb8U9GRiaxkaAlH_EALw_wcB
only issue with it is the card mount is crap, I had to take it apart to get the card out a few times, the micros are so small I can barely see the little slot and the card would go right by it sometimes and lodge inside