View Full Version : Dead Whitefish at Pigeon Lake

08-11-2010, 01:44 PM
I was at Pigeon lake this week and there are dozens of big (3-6lb) dead whitefish floating all over. No small whitefish for whatever reason or other species at all - just whites.

Looks like the algae has turned brown and is floating around the lake. Temp in lake ranges from 68-71 degrees so it's not too warm, must be the oxegen level or something else wierd.

Walleye seem to be acting normally and cooperating.

It's not uncommon for whites to float in late summer but the amount of whites floating was a bit wierd.

Ate a few walleyes out of there (had some tags). Hoping I won't die in the next few days due to some chemical or parasite. Maybe not sich a great idea after all - perhaps my last blog? lol.

Anyone have any insight? (facts would be great but opinions are welcome).

08-11-2010, 02:01 PM
Yeah this is discussed every year (hundreds of times actually). High water temps, lots of fertilizer in the lake plus not a lot of rain fall and wind = algae bloom. This is normal. It's unfortunate, but normal. Because of the algae bloom, it depletes the water of oxygen to a level the white fish can't survive. It only affects the larger ones (cause they need more oxygen to live). Whitefish are particularily stupid, they don't know enough to move to deeper/cleaner water (walleye are smart). Low lake levels and more and more fertilizer run off from farmer fields will continue to make things worse.