View Full Version : Pet peeves

09-29-2010, 02:05 PM
This is to avoid hijacking another thread.

Pet Peeves

1. people who dont know what a turning lane is or where they go when in it.
2. people who tail gate.
3. people who dont understand MERGE
4. the perfume sales people in stores
5. telemarketers. if i wanted your services I would call you.
6. parents who think it is okay for toddlers to stay up all hours of the night.
7. parents who think toddlers need video game systems. then have to deal with a toddler who after visiting friends thinks he NEEDS one.
8. people who litter
9. staff who dont want to get their paperwork in on time
10. customers who even after you explain why you need a MODEL and SERIAL number figure that they know more than you do.

feel free to add to the list

09-29-2010, 02:25 PM
Bad breath! When people back away from someone with bad breath its not an invitation to get closer face to face. If someone offers a breath mint or similar item it's probably for a good reason, take the darn thing!:sign0068:

09-29-2010, 02:29 PM
People who aggressively tailgate me while I'm in the process of passing other vehicles, doing 10km/h OVER the speed limit.. and there's other vehicles another few hundred feet in front of me. I really get a kick out of the ones who flash their lights, "drive in my mirror", etc. Guess what? You now get to wait longer..

09-29-2010, 02:33 PM
This is to avoid hijacking another thread.

Pet Peeves

1. people who dont know what a turning lane is or where they go when in it.
2. people who tail gate.
3. people who dont understand MERGE
4. the perfume sales people in stores
5. telemarketers. if i wanted your services I would call you.
6. parents who think it is okay for toddlers to stay up all hours of the night.
7. parents who think toddlers need video game systems. then have to deal with a toddler who after visiting friends thinks he NEEDS one.
8. people who litter
9. staff who dont want to get their paperwork in on time
10. customers who even after you explain why you need a MODEL and SERIAL number figure that they know more than you do.

feel free to add to the list

11. subordinates that call a CFO to complain their manager is doing something illegal at work to get back at them for disciplinary measures (I'm still fuming over this one). :mad0100:
12. people who stop in "free flow" lanes.
13. people who don't physically turn their headlight switch to ON at night and are therefore driving with no tail lights.
14. people with HID plug'n'play kits in their headlights/fog lights.
15. people who don't use turn signals.
16. people who drive slower than traffic in the left lane.

09-29-2010, 02:37 PM
People on their cell phone when they are also interacting with a cashier or such. Deal with the person in front of you and treat them with simple respect, that other person on the end of the line can wait a second. Another would be the guy who took a call in the mens room while he was at the urinals. Not even a passing effort to muffle the sounds of the neighboring toilets flushing, I'm sure his caller was duly impressed.

FishinMom: a few threads in a row with overtones of frustration, methinks you need to get out fishing for a breather!

09-29-2010, 02:42 PM
Geez MOM, having a bad couple of days? Didn't you just start a rant thread yesterday? LOL :argue2:

09-29-2010, 02:44 PM
FishinMom: a few threads in a row with overtones of frustration, methinks you need to get out fishing for a breather!
March 31-April 12 2011
and shore/shallows fishing.


Biggest peeve of all........
Mommy I'm hungry can I have XYZ. Make XYZ, oh well mommy i dont want that I want JKL instead.

09-29-2010, 02:49 PM
13. people who don't physically turn their headlight switch to ON at night and are therefore driving with no tail lights.

Though to be fair Tyler, I think that part of that is due to faulty vehicle design. I don't know about others, but my dash lights come on automatically. So if I start driving without "turning on my lights" everything is lit up, I can see the speedometer, and my headlights illuminate the road. There is no obvious reminder to tell you to turn on your lights. You have to remember (not an impossible feat but some people do forget when distracted). Better if the dash lights did NOT go on automatically. At least a blackened dashboard could remind you, like in the "old days". OR just have the damned tail lights come on automatically as well and be done with it.

09-29-2010, 02:55 PM
Though to be fair Tyler, I think that part of that is due to faulty vehicle design. I don't know about others, but my dash lights come on automatically. So if I start driving without "turning on my lights" everything is lit up, I can see the speedometer, and my headlights illuminate the road. There is no obvious reminder to tell you to turn on your lights. You have to remember (not an impossible feat but some people do forget when distracted). Better if the dash lights did NOT go on automatically. At least a blackened dashboard could remind you, like in the "old days". OR just have the damned tail lights come on automatically as well and be done with it.

Sure, which is why I want DRLs to be effectively banned. The government is taking responsibility for your actions but doesn't accept any responsibility for any of the consequences. All the CMVSS states is that forward lighting must be on, not rear lighting. A few of the manufacturers do have that, but many more don't. It's the reason I disabled the DRLs in my truck. I need to be responsible for my lighting and deciding when it's appropriate to turn them on and off, not some pencil pusher in Ottawa.

09-29-2010, 05:14 PM
Sure, which is why I want DRLs to be effectively banned. The government is taking responsibility for your actions but doesn't accept any responsibility for any of the consequences. All the CMVSS states is that forward lighting must be on, not rear lighting. A few of the manufacturers do have that, but many more don't. It's the reason I disabled the DRLs in my truck. I need to be responsible for my lighting and deciding when it's appropriate to turn them on and off, not some pencil pusher in Ottawa.

DRL's are different than the vehicles that have the lights come on "automatically". DRL's are on all the time, regardless of ambient light. So when it gets dark, the DRL's are still on, but the dash and rear taillights are NOT on.

Then there are cars with automatic or "light sensor" switches. They still have the DRL's...but when the ambient light gets too low, then you will hear a "click" and the rest of the lights (dash and rear taillights) will come on, as well as the normal low beams (which are a different bulb than the DRL's)

But it is VERY annoying, and I agree with MTyler, to see people driving in the dark with just their DRL's on. The dash lights will not come one, so it is just dumb ignorant drivers that don't realize this. I almost rear ended a car on the highway doing this. Totally dark, moonless night, doing well under the normal speed and I was fast approaching him...this DRL's were giving off a dim glow, that looked like a car way WAY off in the distance...until I was right upon him.

I don't care how redneck racist I sound...but usually I find it to be older, immigrant drivers that are the worst offenders of this.

09-29-2010, 06:09 PM
Those jokers who drive at 85 in a 100 zone then speed up to 110 when you are passing them. :sign0176:

09-29-2010, 06:15 PM
people who wont dim their lights at night, or shut their fog/running lights off, wether its on 2 or 4 lane devided hwys:mad0030::mad3::mad2::fighting0007:

09-29-2010, 06:16 PM
March 31-April 12 2011
and shore/shallows fishing.


Biggest peeve of all........
Mommy I'm hungry can I have XYZ. Make XYZ, oh well mommy i dont want that I want JKL instead.
me to kid, as I'm taking XYZ away... "next meal is breakfast" and mean it... fairly simple

09-29-2010, 08:09 PM
1. The old lady who walks her 2 dogs down my back alley (off leash), the dogs are 3 or 4 years older than her, gets my dogs barking like crazy for about the 15 minutes it takes them to pass by.
2. The old lady comming back from the walk with her old dogs 15 minutes after the first incident. They only go 2 or 3 houses past then return. :sign0176:

09-29-2010, 08:15 PM
Geez MOM, having a bad couple of days? Didn't you just start a rant thread yesterday? LOL :argue2:

Yep it's now ABF now. Buy well we are at it when in line paying at any store the jerk off in front of you that feels the need to hack with the clerk for 20 minutes? Shoot em dead!!! Grrrrtt

09-29-2010, 10:53 PM
Where to start, people without manners, people that dont tell you when you have some pepper in your teeth, liars, thiefs, contractors that dont pay when the job is done complete and ontime,poachers,# 1 my nieghbor for what he has done to his wife and now my house is a 24 hour counseling/crisis/marriage repair/hotline slash I just need a gallon of wine to go to bed with, what do you think I should do kinda place!! I think you should take my advice or stop asking for it. PERIOD.If you dont want to hear kick the useless little boys bicycle seat smelling f@%$#r to the curb get a lawyer and put him in his place then dont come over anymore. PLEASE!! I wouldn't pizz on the man if he was fire in front of me!!

Stop Staring at my Rack
09-29-2010, 11:00 PM
People who assume your husband shot the big deer you are holding...... or moose, ect.......

09-30-2010, 06:51 AM
People who look at my 28 gauge and say stuff like
" nice little gun, but it's too small for pheasants.":mad0030:
Or "jeez, that's a nice SXS, but you'll never kill stuff with it, you need a semi for ducks!":angry3:

09-30-2010, 07:27 AM
1. The old lady who walks her 2 dogs down my back alley (off leash), the dogs are 3 or 4 years older than her, gets my dogs barking like crazy for about the 15 minutes it takes them to pass by.
2. The old lady comming back from the walk with her old dogs 15 minutes after the first incident. They only go 2 or 3 houses past then return. :sign0176:

Duh.......maybe you should train your dogs to shut up.

09-30-2010, 10:17 AM
Duh.......maybe you should train your dogs to shut up.

thats how i feel about city dogs to, big time. i hate going onto the back deck to have a smoke and have the dog in yard across the alley see, not very relaxing. when i had my dog with me in the city for few weeks at a time, never heard nothing out of her. only time i did was when someone was fumbling with the latch on the gate to get in the back yard. i geuss thats one of my pet peeves, so the rant is o.k lol

09-30-2010, 10:18 AM
Duh.......maybe you should train your dogs to shut up.

LOL My pet peeve was going to be dogs that bark their freakin' heads off as you pass by with your dog who is well-trained and silent. ;) LOL

Maybe he's just mistaking me for an old lady! :sHa_shakeshout:

09-30-2010, 10:24 AM
Another one have is actually because of an oversight of my own doing - when i am loading on the progressive and don't notice the charge bar not coming back all the way, so get a light powder charger!!:angry3:
What to do? open up all the ammo you hav eloaded and start again, or put it intoo the " skeet range" bag?
Mine goes into te range bag, and take a rod wit me to poke the danged wads out of the barrel!!:budo:

09-30-2010, 11:34 AM
People who assume your husband shot the big deer you are holding...... or moose, ect.......


09-30-2010, 11:40 AM
My leopard print speedos that make my ass look like 287 lbs of dry curd cottage cheese stuffed into a 187 bag when I am about to do a slow, sexy sultry panther walk for momma after 2 many beers.

09-30-2010, 11:49 AM
my leopard print speedos that make my ass look like 287 lbs of dry curd cottage cheese stuffed into a 187 bag when i am about to do a slow, sexy sultry panther walk for momma after 2 many beers.


Jamie Black R/T
09-30-2010, 12:01 PM
me to kid, as I'm taking XYZ away... "next meal is breakfast" and mean it... fairly simple

painfully simple....only need one hand to count parents i know who have the backbone to mean what they say.

I guess thats my pet peeve....people who let kids get away with anything then complain when the bad behavior continues...all the while not realising its THEIR fault LOL

09-30-2010, 12:05 PM
I guess thats my pet peeve....people who let kids get away with anything then complain when the bad behavior continues...all the while not realising its THEIR fault LOL

How old are your kids?

09-30-2010, 12:06 PM
People who aggressively tailgate me while I'm in the process of passing other vehicles, doing 10km/h OVER the speed limit.. and there's other vehicles another few hundred feet in front of me. I really get a kick out of the ones who flash their lights, "drive in my mirror", etc. Guess what? You now get to wait longer..


Those jokers who drive at 85 in a 100 zone then speed up to 110 when you are passing them. :sign0176:


My leopard print speedos that make my ass look like 287 lbs of dry curd cottage cheese stuffed into a 187 bag when I am about to do a slow, sexy sultry panther walk for momma after 2 many beers.

Yup. Been there done that. Cept I'm only 230 (down from 265), and my speedos are zebra print, and my drink of choice is usually rum or rye.

09-30-2010, 05:34 PM
People on their cell phone when they are also interacting with a cashier or such. Deal with the person in front of you and treat them with simple respect, that other person on the end of the line can wait a second. Another would be the guy who took a call in the mens room while he was at the urinals. Not even a passing effort to muffle the sounds of the neighboring toilets flushing, I'm sure his caller was duly impressed.

FishinMom: a few threads in a row with overtones of frustration, methinks you need to get out fishing for a breather!

When I was in university I worked as a gas jockey. If a person could not be bothered to get off their phone and talk to me I filled their car up with premium