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10-09-2010, 10:51 PM
Has the rules for the gun transfer changed since the vote. I bought a gun on here about 3 weeks ago. He took my info and told me the paper work is on the way. But he never gave me the info for me to finish my end of the deal.

10-09-2010, 11:09 PM
Nothing has changed.

10-10-2010, 05:45 AM
If you buy a gun from a dealer,you don't have to call the CFC.The dealer will take care of the entire process.

10-10-2010, 09:11 AM
If you buy a gun from a dealer,you don't have to call the CFC.The dealer will take care of the entire process.

True, but he purchased privately "on here", so the seller is responsible for initiating the transfer. Then the seller should communicate the transfer "reference" number to the purchaser in a timely fashion. If he hasn't done this, then the seller is either lazy or crooked.

No paper work is on the way if the purchaser has not completed the transfer by calling the CFC with a reference number. Sounds shady to me, I hope it works out for the OP

10-10-2010, 09:40 AM
gitrdun is right unless the seller is a dealer. We do have them on this forum. Did he at least "loan" you the gun until the paper work is processed. I also found that some sellers don't know they have to give you a reference number.

10-10-2010, 09:52 AM
There was one time I was accidentally one of those sellers; our transaction took place on a Friday and I had so many things on the go I forgot to even initiate the transfer until I got a reminder phone call. Perhaps that is all this seller needs; a gentle reminder. I know I was quite embarrassed when I hadn't yet done it, and hopped right to it as soon as the CFC was open again. On either restricted or non-restricted transfers the CFC should give the seller a reference # right away to pass on to the buyer for the completion of the transfer. The only difference is there's gonna be a wait on the restricted, and some ATT paperwork to deal with. Give buddy a call and get an update.

10-10-2010, 10:24 AM
^^^ you're situation CT is totally understandable, things can slip one's mind. But the thing that has me smelling a rat is the fact that the OP was told that paper work was on the way. Which those of us who make frequent private transactions know it to be BS. Still, as per your suggestion, a friendly reminder could have good results, let's hope so.

10-10-2010, 11:39 PM
How much time should a guy give him. It has been around 3 weeks. What can a buyer do if he doesn't do it? Should of I taken his PAL number also?

10-11-2010, 03:16 AM
There should be no paperwork on the way until he gives you the reference # to complete the transaction. I would be hounding him for that number, he probably never had a problem cashing your check, its a 5min phone call to start the transaction.

Did you receive the gun yet??????????

10-11-2010, 07:27 AM
How much time should a guy give him. It has been around 3 weeks. What can a buyer do if he doesn't do it? Should of I taken his PAL number also?

Hopefully, you also asked for his information, phone number etc. You must have either an email address or a physical address depending on payment method. YEAH, 3 weeks is long enough, if you have his phone number, call him. And if you bought it from an add placed on this forum and you begin to feel as though you've been taken, then there is no shame in forwarning others here of his name and alias name on the forum, you may be preventing someone else from getting burned.

10-11-2010, 08:46 AM
You could call the CFC,give them your PAL number,and see if a transfer has been initiated.At least you will know if he has started the process.