View Full Version : Pike Mount

05-23-2011, 01:18 PM
Can anybody recommend a taxidermist for a pike replica to be done? Previous post got me thinking that would look amazing in the man cave. Mine was 44.5inches and 24.5 lbs when she swam away. Im in Calgary however shipping would not be an issue. Thanks in advance

05-23-2011, 01:21 PM
PM Ryisnky, he would likely be happy to tell you. He posted it in his thread but it mysteriously disappeared....

Thanks for posting the length and weight of yours...now I have a better idea on the one I nabbed! :) Just like a typical fiosherman I thought it weighed more lol.


05-23-2011, 03:52 PM
Awfully nice of Burbking to let you mount his fish...is he that nice with other things in his life..lol

05-23-2011, 05:09 PM
Im thinking 24.5 wouldnt really be worth mounting, for the money it would cost, since there are a lot of pike much bigger swimming out there. I was tempted for about 5 seconds last winter with mine, but for me unless its the new record Im not going to spend the cash it would take. but then again, that might be the biggest one you will ever catch, I dont know your circumstances. In that case why not.