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nube 07-06-2010 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nester (Post 624394)
Calling bull**** on this nube :rolleye2: Make it sound like it's a daily occurence and not the very rare occurance it is. Nice try.

This isn't just a "native" thing. It's pathetic how badly abused this system is by everyone, especially the elderly.

Sorry to say Nester but it is a daily occurance. Yes it gets abused by both sides but the nubers don't lie. Compare the number of calls in lets say Vermillion compared to a Hobema for instance. Also compare the types of calls are getting. THere is a reason why I know guys that say they will never work in Hobema again after some of the crap they see.
We have a big problem with abuse overall in this country with Native affairs and I wish it would get straightened out. Same as white abuse also. There is too much of it.
I don't know what would help other than everyone to be treated the same. Everyone get jobs, pay taxes, have some pride in the things they own, help with abuse. It goes for all races but I see one needing more help than the others.

Walleyes 07-06-2010 05:21 PM

Its the same all over boys.. Just go to any northern town with a high native/metis population its a repeat story.. High crime rates, heavy abuse of the medical system, social assistance out the roof.. Abuses of every type of system there is.. This whole hunting issue is just that another abuse of a system.. They know they can get away with it because it has been entrenched in their society. Abuse and miss use of the system is more of a tradition than the hunting rights they are fighting for.. I guess people just don't want to see the truth.. And when the truth is spoken they cry foul and call everyone bigots and racist..

They are getting scared cause they know people aren't blind and everyone has had enough.. The jigs up..

mulecrazy 07-06-2010 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by buck slayer (Post 624530)
you just say the same bullsh#$ over and over it applies to all people in soceity. Its like that every where theres nice white towns and ruff white towns. "This is a classic " natives abuse the system" and it does not make the problem go away". Every thing you say can be reversed think out side the box. This thread was about hunting rites not a forum to bash a race use your head you sound like a whiney little bi&^h. You got more issues then hunt rites grow up..................

What makes it such BS??? there is not one thing that isn't true. everything is intertwined. but I guess according to you, if it isn't pretty we shouldn't discuss it. cmon man, look in the mirror and grow up yourself. Its funny how those like myself and nube who have experience in the medical system abuse aren't backing down. I have first hand experience and know a lot of the nurses in Rocky. It brings them too tears with the abuse from the natives and familys. If they are doing something critical and another patient (native) wants a glass of water they will scream for it. even though they are busy with more important things, the race card gets pulled. Or how about how they accomodate them and allow them to burn there wheatgrass(I think thats what it was) in their hospital room. To do this they are supposed to warn the nurses so the whole run around to modify the ventilation system can happen. However, one decides to just up and spark it. the fumes travel throughout the whole hospital causing one person to suffer a severe allergic reaction and have to be rushed out too safety. Then, when the nurses tell the native to put it out as she knows the proper procedure, she screams racism. These are just a couple of the many stories I get to hear from my friends.

Just because you refuse to acknowledge there is an issue, DO NOT tell me to ignore them. And yes I realize there are whites that are very ignorant as well, and I hear about them as well. But the proportion is way out of whack.

209x50 07-06-2010 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by CanuckShooter (Post 624376)
Sure to a helps if there are jobs available, and if the government lets you do things on the land they own. But some of these reserves are so bad that most of us cannot even imagine......don't kid yourself into thinking that it would be an easy fix in these places.

Oh, I'm not decieved in the slightest. The solution will take a lot of hard work by the residents, becasue they are the only ones who can pull themselves up by the boot straps.

mulecrazy 07-06-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Walleyes (Post 624547)
Its the same all over boys.. Just go to any northern town with a high native/metis population its a repeat story.. High crime rates, heavy abuse of the medical system, social assistance out the roof.. Abuses of every type of system there is.. This whole hunting issue is just that another abuse of a system.. They know they can get away with it because it has been entrenched in their society. Abuse and miss use of the system is more of a tradition than the hunting rights they are fighting for.. I guess people just don't want to see the truth.. And when the truth is spoken they cry foul and call everyone bigots and racist..

They are getting scared cause they know people aren't blind and everyone has had enough.. The jigs up..

The last bit may be a bit optimistic but I hope it is close. awareness breeds change. change is good, evolution is good, to evolve is too be human. Just as our rights and laws have changed over time so should theres. A course I took for work was put on by a guy named Shawn Messier(mark's brother). one of the things he talked about was employees he called cave people. Cave stands for "citizens against virtually everything". They need to reckognize and not ignore the problems. Just like the Osoyoos reserve.

Tuc 07-06-2010 06:06 PM


The solution will take a lot of hard work by the residents, becasue they are the only ones who can pull themselves up by the boot straps.
Drug addiction and Alcoholism runs rampant on many of the reserves, until that problem is addressed, no other will.

ishootbambi 07-06-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 624509)
Alberta Metis hunter Ron Jones, after illegally shooting, then poses with the antelope, identifies himself, “I AM NOT ABORIGINAL”. see post # 461 and 463.

Lawyers Rothwell, Madden, and Teillet, Provincial Court Judge Ted Fisher, Audrey Poitras, Metis Nation of Alberta, Supreme Court of Canada, should see this admission.

Poor “Wa-quish and the Glove”.

i can assure you that those who need to see the posts of someone showing his true goal here will. the comments of rams tasting better than ewes and driving hundreds of miles in air conditioning are particularly impressive. i love it when a criminal spouts off and provides evidence against himself.

ishootbambi 07-06-2010 09:13 PM

as far as the problems of alcohol and drug abuse on reserves, what must be remembered is that natives have a lot of the same problems as everyone else. their government (chiefs and bands) tend to porkbarrel for themselves while basically stealing form its constituents (tribal residents). i have a native friend originally from brockett. when he was younger, he tried hard to convince the others on that reserve to work together with what they had to make things better for all. the example he used was the hutterites. he tried to explain that they all work together for the common good and everyone has everything they need, they have money to buy all of their neccessities, and for the most part everyone is happy. he urged his neighbours to unite and build a better furture for all. he was met with the typical defeatist attitude and was told the usual "its the white mans fault for everything bad". he gave up and he and his wife left the reserve to join society. they both obtained decent paying jobs, bought vehicles, a home and nice furnishings. the whole while he has refused to send money to his family on the reserve. his response has always been "you can do it too. get away from the problem and build yourself a life. the responsibility is yours and yours alone" i admire him for his courage and his inner strength. if there were more like him, there would be fewer problems in the world. for many years....usually in the spring, he and his wife would get into a pretty good argument. she gets homesick and misses her family and talks about moving back. his argument is always the same....."why move back to poverty and squalor. look around at what we have. look at how happy our kids are. why move back to nothing". sadly, she left 3 years ago. he fought tooth and nail to keep his children and thankfully he was successful. i am proud to call that man my friend.

lilsundance 07-06-2010 11:02 PM

ok folks
the name calling and stereo typing has completely taken this thread off topic. A lot of good things have been said on both sides, but with everything going south its time to close it.

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