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220swifty 05-07-2013 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by BeeGuy (Post 1959660)
Hey if you want to be manipulated by media for the masses that is your business.

For myself, that guy got 30 seconds more of my attention than he will ever get again.

I should have known better than to click on that brain rotting trash.

Any over dramatized hype man loses my attention pretty quick, especially when they pass themselves off as media. I did watch the story though, and nobody is denying it happened, so there must be truth to the story.

If kids want to learn about sex, the Internet is full of perverse crap, they need not post it in classrooms too.

diamond k 05-07-2013 08:41 PM

Gretlynx while I agree in pricipal with your comments I believe the vulgarity and forum are unacceptable. Many kids read this forum and I am discusted with your comments.

brownbomber 05-07-2013 08:48 PM

Not that it's related to the thread, but greylynx speaks the truth. It's a disgusting procedure, sickening really. Any argument you want for it, but we all stand in front of our maker one day.

Alberta Bigbore 05-07-2013 09:04 PM

clean up, carry on

Alberta Bigbore 05-07-2013 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by brownbomber (Post 1959743)
Not that it's related to the thread, but greylynx speaks the truth. It's a disgusting procedure, sickening really. Any argument you want for it, but we all stand in front of our maker one day.

Yes and no... his last [art of his post is un acceptable for the forum, and he knows it. It could have been worded in a better way.

ESOXangler 05-07-2013 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by BeeGuy (Post 1959660)
Hey if you want to be manipulated by media for the masses that is your business.

For myself, that guy got 30 seconds more of my attention than he will ever get again.

I should have known better than to click on that brain rotting trash.

Well said! That dude is creepy as hell. There's Noway he can be comfortable in his own greasy skin. Reminds me of the d bag salesmen for the company that built my house. And as for he poster, yeah sure the language was out of place and it has no place in a school room, but maybe that's what it takes to get the point across. If the vulgarity of that poster causes just one kid to think about his actions then it worked. Lets face it, things are waaaay different now days because of the speed of information. You can't rely on Victorian guilt tactics in today's age. It doesn't work!

propliner 05-07-2013 09:35 PM

It's easier to shoot the messenger than to admit that the real problem here is the message. That instruction manual created by human filth is pure evil. It's absolutely disgusting. To paste it on a wall in a school should be punishable by time in jail. Where have our morals gone?

sns2 05-07-2013 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by greylynx (Post 1959575)
No: go back and look at what you wrote:

Number 35 under the Stupid Administration thread.

Stay off the sauce. It's impairing your vision, your ability to read, and obviously your judgement too, based on your newly gained status.

Post #35 was Sjemac, not me, and has nothing to do with anyone talking about their occupation. My two posts on the thread you mention in fact mention my job as a teacher, which I am quite proud to speak of, as it's a profession that is also a high calling. One in which I, quite frankly, excel in. Too bad you couldn't cut it as a teacher, but don't feel bad, most can't. But don't take it out on people who were better at it than you.

Here are my posts on the thread of which you speak...

Post #52 "Your situation was not handled great. However, I must say that as a teacher when I need to contact a parent for academic issues, if I can't get hold of parent #1 after a few tries, I have often called parent #2. Never had a bad experience in doing so.

Sounds like your ex is a piece of work. I wouldn't expect you to know all the ins and outs of our protocols, but if you want limited contact with her, be specific and send all of your child's teachers, as well as school administration, a direct e-mail spelling out your situation.

As for the assistant principal you had problems with. That's unfortunate. Deal directly with the boss."

Post #57 "I totally agree with you, but was referring to the OP's situation where his interactions with the AP were clearly less than desirable from his perspective.

I love my principal, she's a wonderful lady who is devoted to students' best interests. I would follow her wherever she went, but at my school the get it done person is an AP."

Clearly, I have never claimed to be a principal. Maybe one day, but not now. I'm having too much fun trying to positively shape young lives.

ESOXangler 05-07-2013 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by propliner (Post 1959816)
It's easier to shoot the messenger than to admit that the real problem here is the message. That instruction manual created by human filth is pure evil. It's absolutely disgusting. To paste it on a wall in a school should be punishable by time in jail. Where have our morals gone?

Morals are still the same, just people find out quicker. Back in the day you got to second base in a wood shed and then told everybody Susie was easy. Nowadays you get herpes and spend the rest of your life miserable! People don't change!
Oh and if your feel words deserve jail time you should consider moving to Iran or Afghanistan! I'm sure you'd find a whole bunch of guys who agree with that!

propliner 05-07-2013 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by ESOXangler (Post 1959834)
Morals are still the same, just people find out quicker. Back in the day you got to second base in a wood shed and then told everybody Susie was easy. Nowadays you get herpes and spend the rest of your life miserable! People don't change!
Oh and if your feel words deserve jail time you should consider moving to Iran or Afghanistan! I'm sure you'd find a whole bunch of guys who agree with that!

At least we knew that second base behind the woodshed was inherently wrong. We had a moral compass. Now, when kids see these things on the internet and wonder, we have our g'dam schools telling them it's just fine, that anything goes. Where will it end? I assume you have no objection to this material and that it's all in the interest of bettering mankind. Maybe just put some of these posters in your kids' bedrooms. Or buy them a subscription to some perverted website. They're going to find out about it anyways.

TBD 05-07-2013 09:55 PM

the question for me - will somebody be held ACCOUNTABLE and FIRED ?
probably not.


P.S. biggest problem with our education system .... no accountability - no incentive ...

P.S.S. oh and .... Dantonsen just admit it already - you got a panty fetish don't ya .... I think it's time we start screening your type OUT of the education system ...

trooper 05-07-2013 09:58 PM

I know that if I had walked into that classroom and came across this filth, I would have hit that reprobate teacher three ways, hard, fast and continuously! I hope he looses his teaching license and his name made public. We don't need those kinds teaching my grandchildren.:angry3:

Donkey Oatey 05-07-2013 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by trooper (Post 1959854)
I know that if I had walked into that classroom and came across this filth, I would have hit that reprobate teacher three ways, hard, fast and continuously! I hope he looses his teaching license and his name made public. We don't need those kinds teaching my grandchildren.:angry3:

And yet the parents in the school didn't seem to have a problem with it.

A Toronto teacher has been ordered to work from home after school board officials learned he had posted explicit materials, originally intended for gay bars and bathhouses, in the classrooms of Grade 7 and 8 students since October.

A Toronto District School Board spokesperson confirmed that the posters — part of an awareness campaign by AIDS Committee Toronto — contained the phrase “If you like to f—” in bold letters, followed by tips on how gay and bisexual men can practice safe sex. The materials also detailed steps on how to “Use your head when giving it,” which was coupled with a photo of a man’s partially exposed buttocks.

“On Friday May 3rd, I was made aware and the material was taken down immediately,” reads a letter written by Principal Marc Mullan that was sent on Tuesday to parents of children at the Delta Alternative School in Little Italy.

Flash points in the sex-ed curricula across Canada

The teacher will remain home from work until the TDSB completes a review of the matter, said spokesman Ryan Bird. The posters were removed on Friday, Mr. Bird said.

“This is clearly inappropriate,” he said on Tuesday. “It crosses a line.”

Eric Mackey saw the poster, pinned to a bulletin board at the back of the classroom, earlier this year during a routine visit to the classroom.

“I stood there and looked at it and thought, ‘This is great,’” said Mr. Mackey who has two children at the school and serves as the co-chair of the school council.

“I personally am very comfortable with this poster on the wall. And my children are comfortable with it,” he said, adding that when the poster was put up in October, it was accompanied with a discussion where children were told that “if anybody has a hard time with this, it will be taken down.”

According to Mr. Mackey, a survey was sent home at the beginning of the school year that asked parents to indicate what hot topics they hoped the teacher would cover.

‘If you want to talk to a 12-year-old, or a 13-year-old, or a 14-year-old, then talk to them about real stuff’

“High-risk” behaviour, like sex and drug-use, was one of the most popular responses.

“As co-chair of the school council, I’ve never been informed that there was an issue with it. No teacher, no child, no parent has said a word about it. I guess I’m a little surprised that all of a sudden everybody’s outraged,” he said.

“We’re talking about teenagers that use that sort of language. You could package it nicely, and you could teach it in a way where you’re talking about the birds and the bees,

“But if you want to talk to a 12-year-old, or a 13-year-old, or a 14-year-old, then talk to them about real stuff. Use the word F–k. Use the word ‘blowjob.’ That’s what they’re talking about.”

The TDSB would not confirm the teacher’s name, but did say the posters had been in the classroom since October 2012. The Delta Alternative School has an enrolment of 63 students in grades seven and eight, split across two classes.

AIDS Committee Toronto confirmed the materials were part of their awareness campaigns, but stressed that they were “not intended for school-age children.”

“The language and imagery is geared towards a specific audience,” said Kyle Greenwood, manager of communications at ACT.

“They’re to be distributed in gay bars and bathhouses throughout the city.”

National Post

I am not defending this AT ALL. It would not be placed in my child's school and if I ever saw something like that I would be raising all kinds of trouble. I raised trouble in my public school when my kids came home with religious pamphlets for summer school/camp run by a church. The principal hadn't seem them and would not have let them be given out to the kids. So I am not defending any of this.

dantonsen 05-07-2013 10:27 PM

I am sure the quebecers that own sunnews network just love it when the conservatives watching it get their knickers in a knot and blame liberals for everything thats wrong with society lol.

Dang gubmint tryin' to edumacate my kids to be lesbians!

ESOXangler 05-07-2013 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by propliner (Post 1959849)
At least we knew that second base behind the woodshed was inherently wrong. We had a moral compass. Now, when kids see these things on the internet and wonder, we have our g'dam schools telling them it's just fine, that anything goes. Where will it end? I assume you have no objection to this material and that it's all in the interest of bettering mankind. Maybe just put some of these posters in your kids' bedrooms. Or buy them a subscription to some perverted website. They're going to find out about it anyways.

Oh c'mon bud, don't go telling me what I like. I'm totally against the language, but I'm not against the message. Knowledge saves lives! And i was also saying that nothing has changed since the good ol days, well except maybe the priests are finally laying off the alter boys if you know what I mean! :innocent:

And as for the perverted website comment I'm willing to bet the first thing you learned after logging in to the computer was how to clear the history! All these things are human nature whether its a few stuck together pages of a playboy or a racy website.

220swifty 05-07-2013 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by ESOXangler (Post 1959899)
Oh c'mon bud, don't go telling me what I like. I'm totally against the language, but I'm not against the message. Knowledge saves lives! And i was also saying that nothing has changed since the good ol days, well except maybe the priests are finally laying off the alter boys if you know what I mean! :innocent:

And as for the perverted website comment I'm willing to bet the first thing you learned after logging in to the computer was how to clear the history! All these things are human nature whether its a few stuck together pages of a playboy or a racy website.

How does the knowing how to administer a good blowjob save lives? Aside from prison movie scenarios, of course.

Sneeze 05-07-2013 11:25 PM

I am confused to what you guys are arguing about.

Let me get this right - dantosen, esox and Beeguy all think this poster is a good thing for 12 year olds to view?

If I am incorrect maybe I am having trouble reading through all the lib vs. conservative gum flapping contained in their posts. Something this thread should have nothing to do with.

Personally, the appropriateness of the poster is not up for debate. Teachers should be teaching math and chemistry and not attempting social engineering experiments on our youth.

BeeGuy 05-07-2013 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by dantonsen (Post 1959892)
I am sure the quebecers that own sunnews network just love it when the conservatives watching it get their knickers in a knot and blame liberals for everything thats wrong with society lol.

Dang gubmint tryin' to edumacate my kids to be lesbians!




dantonsen 05-08-2013 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by BeeGuy (Post 1959960)



yeppers!! Once they turn gay/lesbian, them is gonna start grabbin' yer guns!!! Then thems gonna be votin' liberal and letin' the immergrints in and steelin' our jobs.

On a serious note I think parents would rather their kids find out about aids from that poster than find out the hard way because they are soo sheltered these days.

Hard reality makes people think, sheltering makes kids learn the hard way.

rugatika 05-08-2013 12:40 AM

If you want your son or daughter learning how to give someone a good bj then why not teach them yourselves? Why should this be taught and/or advocated in a school setting?

Just more normalization of deviant behaviour by progressives. (and yes, kids learning about this stuff is deviant, at least for now)

"Slouching Towards Gomorrah" by Judge Robert Bork is a good read for those interested.

Big Daddy Badger 05-08-2013 01:47 AM

Somebody… a lot of somebodies actually… need to be fired.
They should start with the Education Minister.

Early sexual education is a good thing BUT there must be reasonable limits.

At the point where you are posting tips on how to do an act that I can't even write here... on a bulletin board for pre-adolescents to refer to... you've crossed a line.
Further... there is a great deal of difference between informing young people what something is and actually advocating doing it.
Those "informational" postings appeared to be as more along the lines of encouraging than simply providing information.

Finally... schools are there to teach and along with the usual fare it is expected that they will help reinforce the morals of society on the whole.
That said, the TSD seems to be actively trying to redefine societal mores and undermine the morals of most parents.... or at least those parents that are more sexually conservative.
A designation that would (I assume) apply to the majority of parents…. if not the bulk of society itself.

Rather than take a reasonable neutral posture they have placed themselves in direct conflict with a great many people whose children attend those schools.
This alone is a breach of trust and there is little doubt it has resulted in the schools causing significant conflict within a number of families.

We lose our minds every time a young person is victimized sexually.
We cannot imagine how otherwise bright young people can be bamboozled by predators.
Is it any wonder now … when we see that public institutions are conditioning kids and normalizing all manner of sexual acts?
To the point that they are actually giving them pointers to improve their prowess?!?
If that encouragement to participate, practice and improve performance isn’t also helping facilitate perverts desires… I don’t know what else could.

Kids can't by Playboy magazine... but then why would they wish to when the information on that bulletin board is so much more... stimulating?

Maybe along with all the other things lost to cutbacks... we need to make some serious cuts to sex ed funding and get schools back to teaching what they used to be quite good at but are now failing to do... reading, scribe and arithmetic.
Perhaps schools should stick to just teaching kids where babies come from.

There are plenty of other resources out there that can be accessed should individuals with special needs wish to seek more information than that.

BeeGuy 05-08-2013 02:57 AM

people are sexual creatures from conception to cremation.

It doesnt just start when their boobs start sticking out and their dicks get hard.

Perhaps what is needed in your area is different than what is needed in a highly multicultural and urban environment.

I am in no way supporting whatever poster was displayed as I could not stand to listen to that obnoxious, shameless, manipulative blow hard, hide yo wife, hide yo kids,

but y'all HAVE to see this ATROCITY!!!!!

btw dantosen,

its spelled jerbs, as in, "therr steelin ur jerbs!@!#!"

Vingiu 05-08-2013 03:10 AM

The real problem that I see behind all this nonsense is a lack of parenting. Don't get me wrong, I'm not letting the school off the hook one bit. But none of this would have happened if the parents had done their due diligence from the beginning, getting involved in their kids' educational well being. Parents have allowed public employees to raise their children as surrogate parents, and this is what they get...

How many parents actually go to parent-teacher interviews anymore?

propliner 05-08-2013 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by ESOXangler (Post 1959899)
Oh c'mon bud, don't go telling me what I like. I'm totally against the language, but I'm not against the message. Knowledge saves lives! And i was also saying that nothing has changed since the good ol days, well except maybe the priests are finally laying off the alter boys if you know what I mean! :innocent:

And as for the perverted website comment I'm willing to bet the first thing you learned after logging in to the computer was how to clear the history! All these things are human nature whether its a few stuck together pages of a playboy or a racy website.

Turning a blind eye to deviant behavior doesn't make for a better society. It creeps along, constantly seeking to normalize its acts and up the ante. Too often these days, kids are the target. God help us when we have more people condoning these actions rather than condemning them. Turning a blind eye and sloughing it off as "human nature" accelerates the decline. We are seeing it more and more as years go by. And finding a playboy in a back alley is a lot different than having your teacher post it on the wall.

TBD 05-08-2013 06:16 AM

YUP leave it to the educators (co-parents) to decide when our kids should be schooled in the ART of giving blowjobs .....

Originally Posted by dantonsen (Post 1959981)
On a serious note I think parents would rather their kids find out about aids from that poster than find out the hard way because they are soo sheltered these days.

What's next ?


P.S. I agree with Pesky on this one - stick to the basics Reading Arithmetic Writing ( we've only been falling behind the rest of the developing world in the last decade ) ..... , hey when's PISA coming out again ?

CNP 05-08-2013 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by propliner (Post 1960028)
Turning a blind eye to deviant behavior doesn't make for a better society. It creeps along, constantly seeking to normalize its acts and up the ante. Too often these days, kids are the target. God help us when we have more people condoning these actions rather than condemning them. Turning a blind eye and sloughing it off as "human nature" accelerates the decline. We are seeing it more and more as years go by. And finding a playboy in a back alley is a lot different than having your teacher post it on the wall.

Good post

Matt L. 05-08-2013 07:43 AM

Ya know Bee, I really wonder when you're going to contribute to this forum beyond your childish insults and mocking. It got old a long time ago.

houndsmen 05-08-2013 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Matt L. (Post 1960104)
Ya know Bee, I really wonder when you're going to contribute to this forum beyond your childish insults and mocking. It got old a long time ago.

He's just got his panties in a bunch 'cause this happened in his favourite city. He'll be back to slandering "White Conservative Albertan's" in no time.

By the way, having posters of gay sex acts up around Toronto would kind of be par for the course, no? :scared0018:

Fisherpeak 05-08-2013 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by rugatika (Post 1959989)
If you want your son or daughter learning how to give someone a good bj then why not teach them yourselves?

I can just see it now..."C`mon over here Mable,time to show the kids what a blow job is"Talk about family time.......:scared0018:

sjemac 05-08-2013 08:03 AM

I'm the administrator greylynx was trying to bait -- I'm a VP for the record.

Poster is completely inappropriate for any grade level in school -- let alone middle school. It would not be on our walls at all and the teacher (or other staff member) who put it up would be doing some explaining to admin and parents.

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