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TundraBuck 05-27-2008 07:24 AM

Fishin in Australia back in the 80's catching a ton of fish on little spinners, I hooked what I thought to be a real trophy fish. Ended up being a damn penguin!! Boy did it shriek and shriek. Little bugger bit me twice too.

mudkid 05-27-2008 10:53 AM

I caught a chastity belt on the bow.

otto389 05-27-2008 01:02 PM

I used to fish Coal lake a lot as a kid, and one time me and a buddy were fishing from an old row boat about a mile down from the North end.We came across a cow standing knee deep in the lake haveing a drink.I had this great idea to scare this cow by casting at it and splashing that big old red devil(or 5 of diamonds,I can't remember) right in front of its face.That was the plan.Well,as it turned out,the spoon smacked the cow right on the top of the head.And that scared it all right.It was all legs and tail after that, as it ran through the bush,bellowing and hollering,yarding out my 12 lb test at a rather alarming rate.The drag on that old berkely reel was screaming..I tried to break the line by grabbing it, and all that I got was some wicked line burns.My buddy was laughing to hard to come over and cut it for least until it hit the end of the line..then..plink!!At this point he was almost hysterical with laughter.

RayL42 05-27-2008 01:03 PM

In New Zealand I caught a fish (not sure what it was) witch was bright orange about 6 inches long and 4 wide with lots of spines on its fins. I unhooked it and said “it is you lucky day” and through it back in the ocean as I watched it swim down a big blue figure came up from below and swallowed it hole.

srp71 05-27-2008 02:43 PM

We were trolling the south shores of Rainbow Lake one nice summer afternoon,about a dozen yrs ago or so,when I caught a snag.It was a fairly large tree branch,with some line tangled in it.Well we go to untangle the line to take back to the garbage when my buddy pulls up a cheap but still working rod and reel.As he is messing with it the other end of the tangled line starts tugging on us.WTF,we shout.He has the branch and rod in hand so I hand over hand the line in to find a large northern still attached to the Yeller Five of diamonds.Well as I am flinging her,yes flinging her as we had no net,over the side of the boat the hook breaks as the treble was well rotted.We wieghed it at 12#'s although I always suspected that rusty old scale of wieghing a few #'s heavy.I am happy to finish by saying the fish was released (hopefully) no worse for wear,the line was untangled and thrown out and the rod was still in use when I left town the next year.

wake 05-27-2008 03:38 PM

While fishing back in 2002 in Yucaba along the Amazon basin its not what I caught but what caught me.
About 3 days after getting home I had developed what I thought was a zit on my shoulder but no matter how hard I tried to get rid of the thing it just got more sore and swollen.I finally noticed that it was leaking alot of fluid that did not appear to be normal.
Off to the doctor I went...

It was not a zit atall but something called a ''Botfly larvae''.
Literally a maggot that was living off me.
The doctor removed the critter with no issues but it certainly was disgusting.
The things are pretty easy to catch down there I was told and you dont even feel the thing until its already made a happy little home on you.:sick:

And just to add to what they are here is a video.

Now go have some dinner!


Thats friggen nasty dude.

wildman 05-27-2008 04:55 PM

one trip i caught something heavy... thought it was a log but as i dragged it in it would head-shake every once in a while...turned out to be a big branch with a pickerel rig snagged to the opposite end of the end i caught with a nice pike still hooked!!!
a little later, my fishing buddy snagged up...after pulling a yanking for a long time (he wanted that hook back!!!) he got loose and pulled up a plaid shirt pocket :sick:
we decided to move before we caught the owner of that shirt next!!!!
weird day!!!!!

sickfast 05-27-2008 05:48 PM

The drip....burn baby burn!!!! LOL...:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

gonefishin 05-27-2008 07:36 PM

I caught a snapping turtle while fishing for cats a couple years ago.

gprime27 05-27-2008 08:57 PM

Weirdest thing?
My friend went fishing at this lake in BC and he caught a fish.. Stood up and splash.. his chair was in the water. We couldn't catch it let alone see it.. 3 weeks later, I returned and caught the chair again.. I took it back to him and needless to say he didn't want it any longer :lol:

Grizzly Adams 05-27-2008 09:13 PM

I hooked a Sea Cucumber, while salmon fishing:D A big jelly like slug, about a foot long.

Chris K 05-28-2008 07:55 AM

I caught a soft shelled turtle that was about 18 inches accross in the Mississippi river on pool 4 while fishing a wing dam. I got him in the foot, so it felt like something was pulling on the line, but it was pretty hard to bring in with the current and his shape. He was really angry to say the least.

Crayfish are a popular catch while fishing in Saskatchewan or Lake Of The Woods, one time I put one on my buddy's shoulder, and the crayfish immediately clamped onto his earlobe.

I have caught rods, anchors, lotsa tangled messes of line, safeway bags (one was full of crap?) and a shoe. I also caught a pretty big rock at Devil's Lake in North Dakota. It was about a pound and a half and took a while to bring in.

Chris K

southunter 05-28-2008 03:29 PM

I hooked a clam on a five of diamonds. It must have snapped shut when my hooked on top of it in the bottom of the river. It was released as I wasn't sure of the size limits on clams.:)

Big Red 250 05-28-2008 06:21 PM

I hooked an old gill net in a stocked trout lake several years ago. When I got my hands on it and pulled it into the boat i found about a 3 lb rainbow in it. It must have swam into it as I was pulling it up. I took the net home with me and cut the weight's off to melt down for making jig's.No floats on it. The net I took to work with me and threw in in a burning barrel

Kneedeep 05-28-2008 07:43 PM

Was ice fishing at Fawcett Lake. My partner left his hole only to come back and find his rod was gone. A minute later I pulled up a fish with another hook in his mouth and... pulled the line up and was his rod and reel.



Originally Posted by Kneedeep (Post 152973)
Was ice fishing at Fawcett Lake. My partner left his hole only to come back and find his rod was gone. A minute later I pulled up a fish with another hook in his mouth and... pulled the line up and was his rod and reel.

I reckon that to be a crappy day for that fish but good for you guys :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

burbotman14 05-29-2008 05:41 PM

One time i caught a piece of wood that was attached to a piece of fishing line which had a walleye on the end. That was in the north saskatchewan river. I have also caught a fishing rod.

pecker 05-29-2008 06:32 PM

last summer i caught an old railway lantern . it was still lit . o.k. i'll blow out the flame if you'll take back SOME of these stories.:lol: :wave:

tbosch 05-29-2008 09:06 PM

caught a mouse that was swimming on a beaver dam on peppers creek. Roasted it on the fire and ate it. Tasted pretty good. Kinda like chicken:)

Douglas N 05-29-2008 09:39 PM

killer whale..
We were salmon fishing north of Prince Rupert and a friend hooked into a 30 lb + Chinook. A LARGE bull killer whale ended up stealing the salmon right at the stern of the boat. We have most of that fiasco on video.

I had a muskrat come into my ice shack at Swan lake- I'm not sure who was more surprised- me or him. We almost burned my shack down running circles around each other. :)

Kingfisher 06-01-2008 02:00 AM

I was at Tunkwa Lake just west of Kamloops a few weeks ago and I went out fishing with my friend Jody who works at the resort and the resort owner Paul. Well Jody hooks into a nice pound and a half rainbow trout. He gets it almost to the boat and a loon grabs the fish by the head. So Jody's got the fish on his line still and the loon's swimming away with the rainbow. Meanwhile I'm in the middle of the boat watching this all take place. The loon has his rainbow about 10 feet from the boat and I'll be damned if another loon doesn't grab the rainbow from the tail and both loons are swimming away with this fish which is still hooked onto Jody's line. They get about 20 feet away and the both let go of the fish. Jody finally lands the fish and it's just beat to crap. We got back to the dock at the lodge and another fisherman asks us if we caught anything. Before we could say anything Jody pikes up and says that he caught a 11 1/2 pounder. The guys eye's almost popped out of his head. Then Jody says. Ya, one rainbow 1 1/2 lbs and 2 - 4 1/2 pound loons.

I wish I had of snapped a picture of it. But we were laughing so hard we didn't even think of grabbing a camera.


FisherPotch 06-01-2008 02:15 AM

Can't think of the strangest thing I've ever caught. Probably a sucker snagged by its tail, it put up quite an interesting fight. Also had a muskrat come up my ice hole once while in the tent, a lil two man with two men in it. Damn near spit myself.

baldone 06-05-2008 12:16 PM

That botfly video is just nasty :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

deerassassin 06-05-2008 12:22 PM

my dad caught a filleted jack last year at coal lake

Unregistered user 06-05-2008 09:14 PM

Non-specific urinary-tract infection. (NSU for us ol' timers).

floppychicken 06-06-2008 02:10 PM

Likely the nastiest so far....
I in fact didnt' catch "it". But my uncle did.....

He was fishing some late summer weedbeds in the "Mille Iles Riviers" (Thousand Island River) in Laval, Quebec around 1978. He was out in a 'really old' float tube which by the way, was a REALLY bad idea in this type of water. He was hitting a nice bunch of fish just before a drop off along the front of a weed bed using surface plugs. His 'last fish of the day' (a nice size smallie) slammed that plug and promptly pulled it to the bottom leaving him snagged.

After much pulling and yanking, he finally unhooked himself and reeled in what looked like a huge slimed covered birdsnest of fishing line.....

It turned out to be a clump of "Human hair with some scalp bits attached to it...". :sick: VERY, VERY nasty....

I'm pretty sure that took a few years off of his life and I know that he never got into that tube, nor any other float tube until his death a few years ago.

Sad, but true.....


Outt and Aboutt 06-06-2008 02:22 PM

Was ice fishin' a few years back and caught a dog. Fair hooked, right in the mouth!
I had a line sitting on the ice beside me with a minnow on the hook. A guy came up to chat and let his dog poke its nose through my gear. I guess he found the minnow and thought he'd steal a snack. Next thing I know the rod is jambed against my chair, the drag is screaming, and one surprised dog is racing across the ice, trying to get away from whatever was holding its lip.
I cut the line and the dog just kept running. It took about 20 minutes for the owner to finally convince the dog to come back to him. Then I got a pair of pliers while he held the dog still, and we slipped the hook out of its lip.
I told the dog it could thank king Ralph for implementing the barbless rule that year.


Buckwheat 06-07-2008 08:22 AM

Hooked this on the bow last year. Hadn't caught anyhting live until I picked this up and then my luck changed.

My friend foul hooked this little guy at Newell last weekend. Any guesses what it is?

I also snagged someone elses line while fishing at Pine Lake once. I hand pulled in a alot of line and lo and behold there was a live pike and a crocodile lure on the end of it :)

Buckwheat 06-07-2008 08:44 AM

One more. We were fishing out by Pill Point and when a buddies turn rolled around he hooked into what felt like a decent fish. Got her half way in and then all hell broke loose and the line started screaming. He thought he had a monster on when all went slack. He reeled in to find this still on the hook. Saw the culprit a few hundred yrds off smacking his lips!:mad3:

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