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moosehunter3-0 05-28-2010 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by fish_e_o (Post 596826)
that 12 gauge sure makes a mess up close...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

walking buffalo 05-28-2010 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Marisa (Post 596988)
Here's the thing: Causation does not equal correlation. In other words, it's circumstantial evidence. The farmer may have seen a corvid around a baby cow but was that corvid actually pecking at the eyes? And/or, if that farmer saw a corvid pecking at the eyes of the animal - was it already dead? The third question is: Was that calf sick and dying or was it healthy. If it was healthy, it would survive the eye pecking and that would be some evidence against the bird.

Don't believe everything you hear - find out for yourself - do some research.

With all due respect, maybe I'm not the one who needs to get out in the country more. :-)



Hungry ravens kill fourteen calves in central Sweden
Published: 13 May 09 15:19 CET

An aggressive conspiracy of ravens is wreaking havoc on farmers in central Sweden, having killed more than a dozen animals in the last 3 months.

“It’s been a 20 percent loss of my production,” farmer Lennart Gunnergård told The Local.

Since February, Gunnegård has had to carry the remains of 14 calves from his cattle farm in Lerdala near Skaraborg in central Sweden which has about 75 cows and an equal number of calves.

Normally, Gunnegård loses a calf or two each year to the hungry ravens.

“It’s natural,” he said.

But this year, the area raven flock has ballooned from less than ten birds to more than 30.

“It seems there are three ravens who sort of act like the ring leaders,” he said.

On one occasion recently, Gunnegård noticed a small group of ravens swirling shortly after he had placed a yellow ear tag on a two-day old calf.

“And just after I put in the ear tag, I looked out and saw two ravens start pecking the calf’s ear tag, while two others started going for its eyes,” he said.

“I ran out and shooed them away and luckily was able to save the calf.”

Gunnegård suspects the explosive growth in the size of the raven conspiracy is likely related to the recovery of the area’s convocation of Golden Eagles.

“There are a lot more wild animal carcasses in the nearby forests,” he said.

“With more food, the ravens are breeding more and having more young.”

Others theorize that the recent covering up of local garbage dumps has cut off one of the ravens’ primary food supplies, forcing them to prey on vulnerable livestock.

Gunnegård said ravens had also claimed the lives of a lamb from a neighbouring farm, adding he thinks it’s time to consider offering affected farmers compensation for livestock lost to ravens similar to payments made for animals lost to wolf attacks.

“I’m not trying to call for help, but I think it’s time to have a discussion about how people who lose livestock due to attacks like this ought to be compensated,” he said.

Nevertheless, he’s wary of there being an overreaction and vilifying of the big black birds.

“I think the ravens are really nice. It’s just that things have got out of balance,” he said.

“There are simply too many ravens.”

David Landes ( 8 656 6518)

daduke0 05-28-2010 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Marisa (Post 596651)
They are likely going after the afterbirth on the calves. They hunt small rodents so unless you have mouse sized cows, you are safe from the ravens and crows. They will go for the calf if it's dead. Look to other things for killing the calves.


Originally Posted by The Fisherman Guy (Post 596846)
Many calves are killed each year during birth from stress from ravens and eagles targeting a calving cow. They go after the eyes of the newborn, and they die shortly after birth.

Marisa you really need to get your facts straight. It is 100% true that calves and lambs are killed by ravens and crows and that they go after the eyes, I've seen it happen myself. My grandfather always had a shoot on sight policy when it came to crows, and it also a fact that there is almost always a calf in my uncles herd that has lost an eye as a direct result of crows(not to mention the ones that have died). It has also been my own personal experience that they are persistent and are not afraid of humans. I've had crows dive bomb newborn lambs when I was only a few feet away. They probably do go after the afterbirth but they will try to take out the newborn first. I for one would rather end the life of a crow than see it make a lamb or a calf suffer needlessly.

daduke0 05-28-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Marisa (Post 596988)
Here's the thing: Causation does not equal correlation. In other words, it's circumstantial evidence. The farmer may have seen a corvid around a baby cow but was that corvid actually pecking at the eyes? And/or, if that farmer saw a corvid pecking at the eyes of the animal - was it already dead? The third question is: Was that calf sick and dying or was it healthy. If it was healthy, it would survive the eye pecking and that would be some evidence against the bird.

Don't believe everything you hear - find out for yourself - do some research.

With all due respect, maybe I'm not the one who needs to get out in the country more. :-)


See my above post

Originally Posted by daduke0 (Post 597013)
it also a fact that there is almost always a calf in my uncles herd that has lost an eye as a direct result of crows(not to mention the ones that have died).

whitetailman 05-28-2010 01:12 PM

wow marisa u have alot to learn in life. u dont shoot them they just get worse.

Tundra Monkey 05-28-2010 01:22 PM

Wow is right!!

Marissa, after reading your last 15 posts I truly hope you are really, really HOT.

Cause you got nothing else going for ya

You shoud open your mind and and maybe listen for a bit



whitetailman 05-28-2010 01:26 PM

hahah couldnt of said it better tundra monkey ahahaha:bad_boys_20:

bigbadbrown 05-28-2010 01:28 PM

hey marisa i think you should check out this video.

Crows have funerals and group up around the dead.
Thought you would love to know.
Enjoy the video!

yamaha 1 05-28-2010 01:29 PM

She needs a :snapoutofit:Its is not illegal to shoot crows so she can:love0025:it.These kind of peaple start to believe what ever they preach instead of what the truth is.Ignore her and she may:scared0018:

daduke0 05-28-2010 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by bigbadbrown (Post 597060)
Crows have funerals and group up around the dead.

lol pigeons do that too makes it really easy to shot them when they are all standing around wondering what happened to 'bob':)

Spennydubs 05-28-2010 01:35 PM

HAHAHA Chris!!! This marisa needs to stay off these forums she just complains about everything im sure ppl are just getting sick of it. I cant stand these PEDA people let me guess marisa you hate rodeo too right? hahah :fighting0030:

marlin1 05-28-2010 08:56 PM

well I see she's banned not surprised, I just got back from the country I wonder when she was there last :) dialed in my .22 real good too , look out crows

hunter10 05-29-2010 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Tundra Monkey (Post 597055)
Wow is right!!

Marissa, after reading your last 15 posts I truly hope you are really, really HOT.

Cause you got nothing else going for ya

You shoud open your mind and and maybe listen for a bit



Thats great!!:47b20s0:

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