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Jamie 02-20-2009 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by The Anvil (Post 269908)

You are a waste of time pal, you really are.
I'm next?..... in what regards there?

You fishing is what is next.. Don’t you see it. First they go after the guys who kill Bambi.. Then its into the guys who Kill Nemo.... What else could I possibly have been saying.

All through this thread I have tried my best to keep it on a even keel conversation wise (Though a few times I found myself boiling a bit).. If you guys want to fight.. I suggest you do it among yourselves.

If anyone else wishes to have a reasonable discussion about the fact Make a Wish continues to deny sick kids the opportunity to hunt I would be glad to discuss it.

I still will say it again

They prove this by denying sick kids the opportunity afford others who want something a bit more PC
I am disappointed in them.. Apparently they have no back bone as an organisation and then they are not honest about WHY they turn down kids.

I will also say this



Okotokian 02-20-2009 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Anvil (Post 269940)
Are you serious??? did you read... I AM AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE EDSS and the CDSS.....

You guys are all fuking jokes... I'm not going to waste my breathe on you losers any more.... I am not publicly stating anything discriminating nor associating what you claim. If you want to have a kitchen sink fight **** off and go elsewhere.... You can try to drag me into this but honestly I know where I stand, and losers like you can say all you want.

Sorry but Kindergarten and high school was years ago, some of you need to grow up!

You are missing the point... YOU made the association between the term "slow" and people with Down's Syndrom. I suspect no one else here made association from what Jamie said (OMG, I'm defending Jamie! LOL). So when you hear the word "Slow" YOU automatically thnk "Downs". That's you.

It's as if someone said "Idiot" and I replied "I'm tired of people talking negatively about Quebecers!" See, I'm making the connection, not the speaker.

Anyways, not a big deal. Just a point of clarification. I still plan to use the word "slow" for all kinds of things.. Just too weird to to say "Man, the traffic is unfast today". ;)

Sporty 02-20-2009 04:30 PM

Donate to who ever you want to but why try to persuade other people not to just because you don't agree with some of the decisions Make a Wish has to make based on their supporters? At the end of the day it is about helping a sick or dying kid have something special and great in their lives. You're basically just stooping to the same level as those accused of being bully's in the article that was posted. You're entitled to donate to who you please but why make a big deal about what other people chose to do? These organizations rely heavily on charitable donations and they gotta do what they gotta do to keep them afloat so they can keep doing what they do. So a kid can't go hunting, there are many other out door activities they can still enjoy but at the end of the day all that matters is the kids they help.

Huntnut 02-20-2009 04:30 PM

To call make a wish anti hunting is wrong-no where has anyone shown any proof of this.
To slight all the good that make a wish has done and all the good they will do in the future is wrong.
They made what I am sure was a very tough buisness decison. Would it be fair to ask them to sacrifice all the kids they will help in the future to help this one boy? NO
If they can't provide this service to children there are others who can and will. Does this make Make a wish wrong? NO!! They are looking out for the greater good and who are we to fault them for that???

pdfish 02-20-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Okotokian (Post 269949)

It's as if someone said "Idiot" and I replied "I'm tired of people talking negatively about Quebecers!" See, I'm making the connection, not the speaker.


Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah...

Okotokian 02-20-2009 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by pdfish (Post 269954)

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah...

How did I know that was coming? :lol:

poking the bear, poking the bear, poking the bear. ;)

The Anvil 02-20-2009 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jamie (Post 269945)
You fishing is what is next.. Don’t you see it. First they go after the guys who kill Bambi.. Then its into the guys who Kill Nemo.... What else could I possibly have been saying.

All through this thread I have tried my best to keep it on a even keel conversation wise (Though a few times I found myself boiling a bit).. If you guys want to fight.. I suggest you do it among yourselves.

If anyone else wishes to have a reasonable discussion about the fact Make a Wish continues to deny sick kids the opportunity to hunt I would be glad to discuss it.

I still will say it again

They prove this by denying sick kids the opportunity afford others who want something a bit more PC
I am disappointed in them.. Apparently they have no back bone as an organisation and then they are not honest about WHY they turn down kids.

I will also say this




I was unsure what you were getting at with that Your next comment... that's why i asked right... I didn't want to assume the wrong thing but i get your point on that.........We are all entitled to our opinions, maybe this is a wake up call for us all.

But i think we are beginning to agree that this topic is going no where...

It is sad that when someone tries to do something for the better or good, that others try to ruin it.

Support your cause and I'll support mine, if you can arrange an event that supports your cause where A guy could join and make a donation or show support then I am in.

But this BS on the forum has got to stop!

DAVE 02-20-2009 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by pdfish (Post 269954)

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah...

pass some over:wave:

The Anvil 02-20-2009 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Okotokian (Post 269949)
You are missing the point... YOU made the association between the term "slow" and people with Down's Syndrom. I suspect no one else here made association from what Jamie said (OMG, I'm defending Jamie! LOL). So when you hear the word "Slow" YOU automatically thnk "Downs". That's you.

It's as if someone said "Idiot" and I replied "I'm tired of people talking negatively about Quebecers!" See, I'm making the connection, not the speaker.

Anyways, not a big deal. Just a point of clarification. I still plan to use the word "slow" for all kinds of things.. Just too weird to to say "Man, the traffic is unfast today". ;)

You got a good point...... My bad... just jumped on that like Oprah on a baked

209x50 02-20-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by JohninAB (Post 269911)
Five-O, that is the whole point of this discussion. Make a Wish is not anti hunting. They had to make a business decision not to allow hunting to retain so desperately needed funding from an anti hunting organization to ensure they could still grant those wishes of sick kids in other areas, be it fishing, disneyland etc. It would be a tough choice but one has to realize that to continue on helping the kids they had to do what they had to do. It would have made no sense to cut off their noses to spite their face! It is after all about the kids! We on this board who attended Rumtan's derby went for the kids and what Rumtan was raising money for, and that was to stock the pond with fish so once again these sick kids and their families could come out thru the Make a Wish foundation and enjoy their time together outdoors catching fish. It is really sad when politics gets in the way of a noble venture.

OK, a one word answer if you could, do they take kids hunting? Yes or no.

Wood1 02-20-2009 04:49 PM

I for one have no comment on this subject......but I am going to join the horads from the borads and help in the coplassing of the perch lakes.

JohninAB 02-20-2009 05:19 PM

209x50, no, but that does not make them antihunting. I know lots of people who do not hunt, does not make them anti hunting. And then to try to make a character assination on someone who selfishlessly tries to help out sick kids by suggesting he can make a better informed opinion of which charity to support next year is wrong anyway you slice or dice it.

Kanonfodder 02-20-2009 05:45 PM

UM wow.... when MEC allowed the anti bear hunters to set up shop outside to protest the bear hunters we hunters talked about boycotting MEC for being anti hunters, when Goodyear supported a group that was anti hunting during one of their tire promos we talked and wrote letters to Goodyear. When a corporation makes a decision that affects what we love to do it effects us as a group. Now it goes without sayn any charity work is good but we have to know the facts of where money goes and how its spent. Would you give to a charity that 50% of donations go to admin costs or would you rather it go to one that 1% goes to admin costs? Jamie stated the fact that Make a Wish has made a conscious business decision to not support a childs wish to me that is an anti hunting stance. Fine all he is sayn is that he chooses not to support a group that doesn't support pursuits he loves. I wasn't aware of this and I think its good information. H e points this out that maybe not everyone was aware of that fact , it isn't in any way libelous because it's true. Make a wish does great worka nd should be commended for it but we should remember that they as a group have made that decision just as James has made the decision not to support that charity with his money. If Make a wish has that right why are so many of you ganging up on him for exercising the same right.....all he did was inform ( yes he made some disparaging remarks ) us of the issue....don't kill the messenger. :wave:

FiveO 02-20-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Kanonfodder (Post 270006)
UM wow.... when MEC allowed the anti bear hunters to set up shop outside to protest the bear hunters we hunters talked about boycotting MEC for being anti hunters, when Goodyear supported a group that was anti hunting during one of their tire promos we talked and wrote letters to Goodyear. When a corporation makes a decision that affects what we love to do it effects us as a group. Now it goes without sayn any charity work is good but we have to know the facts of where money goes and how its spent. Would you give to a charity that 50% of donations go to admin costs or would you rather it go to one that 1% goes to admin costs? Jamie stated the fact that Make a Wish has made a conscious business decision to not support a childs wish to me that is an anti hunting stance. Fine all he is sayn is that he chooses not to support a group that doesn't support pursuits he loves. I wasn't aware of this and I think its good information. H e points this out that maybe not everyone was aware of that fact , it isn't in any way libelous because it's true. Make a wish does great worka nd should be commended for it but we should remember that they as a group have made that decision just as James has made the decision not to support that charity with his money. If Make a wish has that right why are so many of you ganging up on him for exercising the same right.....all he did was inform ( yes he made some disparaging remarks ) us of the issue....don't kill the messenger. :wave:

Well said.

pdfish 02-20-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kanonfodder (Post 270006)
UM wow.... when MEC allowed the anti bear hunters to set up shop outside to protest the bear hunters we hunters talked about boycotting MEC for being anti hunters, when Goodyear supported a group that was anti hunting during one of their tire promos we talked and wrote letters to Goodyear. When a corporation makes a decision that affects what we love to do it effects us as a group. Now it goes without sayn any charity work is good but we have to know the facts of where money goes and how its spent. Would you give to a charity that 50% of donations go to admin costs or would you rather it go to one that 1% goes to admin costs? Jamie stated the fact that Make a Wish has made a conscious business decision to not support a childs wish to me that is an anti hunting stance. Fine all he is sayn is that he chooses not to support a group that doesn't support pursuits he loves. I wasn't aware of this and I think its good information. H e points this out that maybe not everyone was aware of that fact , it isn't in any way libelous because it's true. Make a wish does great worka nd should be commended for it but we should remember that they as a group have made that decision just as James has made the decision not to support that charity with his money. If Make a wish has that right why are so many of you ganging up on him for exercising the same right.....all he did was inform ( yes he made some disparaging remarks ) us of the issue....don't kill the messenger. :wave:

Very well said

troller 02-20-2009 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 269919)

How about those Indians?

I think Cleveland will stink it up again this year :(;)

Anvil, good on you for donating your time and energy to a worthy cause, hats off to you bro!!!!

209x50 02-20-2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by JohninAB (Post 269991)
209x50, no, but that does not make them antihunting. I know lots of people who do not hunt, does not make them anti hunting. And then to try to make a character assination on someone who selfishlessly tries to help out sick kids by suggesting he can make a better informed opinion of which charity to support next year is wrong anyway you slice or dice it.

OK Fair enough. Now did they make the decision not to allow hunting at the request of an anti hunting group in order to keep their funding from the anti hunting group? Yes or no?

Loper 02-20-2009 06:09 PM

From what I've been reading they refer interested people to other charities which can fulfill their wishes to hunt. Sounds to me like they are a non hunting organization not an anti hunting organization.

FiveO 02-20-2009 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Alberta Bigbore (Post 269919)
maybe just for a distraction from the Lynching of Rumtan for chosing such an evil charity............

How about those Indians?


Yep we should cut the indians off and give the money to a real charity.

mark-edmonton 02-20-2009 06:13 PM

[QUOTE=JohninAB;269835]Jamie, you posted this for no other reason than to start a fight and belittle what Rumtan is doing. There is a story behind why they do this Make a Wish derby and I have been told it and I respect Rumtan for what he is doing.

Bull crap get off your high horse John. EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion, especially on an open forum. After reading this whole thread, I find that at no time has Jamie belittled what RUmtan has done or is trying to do, he has simply tried to enlighten others to something that he believes in.

Rackmastr 02-20-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Anvil (Post 269965)
You got a good point...... My bad... just jumped on that like Oprah on a baked

You get mad if someone uses the term 'slow' but then can crack obsenity jokes whenever ya want?? Confused there...

Thanks for posting this Jamie and I see what you're saying 100% and definatly a tough decision of doing something good and not wanting to support an anti-hunting charity. It puts a lot of guys in tough spots obviously as this thread is showing....

troller 02-20-2009 06:25 PM

Oh yeah, no one got back to me from Make a Wish today in regards to the email I sent. Kind of want to hear what they have to say.

WABBIT 02-20-2009 06:41 PM

This is embarassing

Make a Wish Canada,
Creating hope and happiness for children with
Life-threatening illnesses
across Canada.

I don't care if they take kids hunting
They help kids and deserve our support, not BS criticism

HILLYBILLYBARRY 02-20-2009 07:52 PM

Holy moly
Look what i ahve missed in the 4 hours i have left adn come back we have a all out going war here man i feel sorry for RUMTAN who has to see all this horse S**T going on.



Originally Posted by wabbit (Post 270052)
this is embarrassing

make a wish canada,
creating hope and happiness for children with
life-threatening illnesses
across canada.

i don't care if they take kids hunting
they help kids and deserve our support, not bs criticism

exactly its sickining to know these clowns like this out here who would hate upon a good thing . In fact im not surprizsed from some of the responces seems to be always the same trolls who patrol ..

redneck posse 02-20-2009 08:20 PM

rumtan chose a charity close to his heart and put in a ton of work to organize a derby to help sick kids. i was there i seen the work they did. so what if make a wish don't do hunts if they outsource them or not. who is ANYONE on here to question his chioce.



Originally Posted by Rackmastr (Post 270040)
You get mad if someone uses the term 'slow' but then can crack obsenity jokes whenever ya want?? Confused there...

Thanks for posting this Jamie and I see what you're saying 100% and definatly a tough decision of doing something good and not wanting to support an anti-hunting charity. It puts a lot of guys in tough spots obviously as this thread is showing....

ITs little bit differant , I crack fat jokes all teh time LOOK AT ME IM FAR FROM A SLIM TRIM MAN !!!!!!!!!!! At least im secure in my own skin .:rolleyes:



Originally Posted by redneck posse (Post 270117)
rumtan chose a charity close to his heart and put in a ton of work to organize a derby to help sick kids. i was there i seen the work they did. so what if make a wish don't do hunts if they outsource them or not. who is ANYONE on here to question his chioce.

exactly It would take a real man to get off his ass to come see at the good instead about bitch about it over the computer , well said Kevin .

russian river 02-20-2009 08:26 PM

hell everyone else said something .... thought i should say something too. I think if Jamie had posted 2 separate posts all would be fine. In the first post he could have said good job with the effort you make for MWF you did a fine job. Then on the second post he could have said I was just wondering if anyone else is aware of the "anti" hunting stance they have taken and maybe we as OUTDOORSMEN should support a charity that supports all aspects of outdoorsy sort of activities? This might have maybe made it more of a discussion instead of a bashing session on everyones part??? Just a thought....

MathewsArcher 02-20-2009 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by WABBIT (Post 270052)
This is embarassing

Make a Wish Canada,
Creating hope and happiness for children with
Life-threatening illnesses
across Canada.

I don't care if they take kids hunting
They help kids and deserve our support, not BS criticism

unless that same sick child wants to go hunting as his dying wish.............and that I think is Jamies point.

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