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209x50 12-15-2010 11:29 AM

To Crossbow or not to crossbow - That is the question!
Hunter success surveys from SRD will start being emailed out today. In the survey there is a question on whether you agree or disagree with crossbows in archery season. Your vote will decide the future, so here is a chance to make your voice heard.

Elkaholic6 12-15-2010 11:31 AM

With my recent purchase of a compound bow just for archery season, I don't know if I agree or disagree haha... :sign0161:

crazyfish 12-15-2010 11:37 AM

i think it should be fairly easy to foresee the results of that .... the majority will say ....YES ! :argue2:

I know that there are lots of people here that will say no, but i believe there is a lot more that would like access to extra time afield and will say YES !!

209 - you didn't say which way you woud vote !!!:scared0018:

personally i'm voting yes. i think in the long run it's for the better, despite the changes it might bring with it ! I personally won't be using one, but my daughters might ?

Let the debate begin !!!!

AxeMan 12-15-2010 11:40 AM

Is this question on the survey going to be the single deciding factor to whether or not crossbows will be included in archery season?

At least they are going take input from us hunters on the matter. I can now make an educated decision based on all the info exchanged so far in all the crossbow threads.

dennisb 12-15-2010 11:53 AM

Hopefully every votes NO. :fighting0074:The ABA has had simular votes with in thier members as well.

walking buffalo 12-15-2010 12:03 PM

I'll be voting NO.

I guess I'm selfish in that I don't want to see Mule Deer Archery season to go on a draw.

shorty 12-15-2010 12:10 PM

I will be voteing "yes". I grew up in BC where you can use a crossbow in bow only seasons and it definately put more people in the field and gets them into hunting. Yes crossbows are easier to learn for most but there is no advantage in tragectory or distance you have to get to the animal for an ethical kill. One still needs all the patience and stalking skills as with a compound bow. I keep hearing that we need more people involved in hunting and this is a good way to do it.

Okotokian 12-15-2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by dennisb (Post 765253)
The ABA has had simular votes with in thier members as well.

Really? Wow.... makes you think.

Anyone heard the results yet of the APOS poll of their members as to whether unlicenced guides from the US should be allocated tags? ;)

steve 12-15-2010 12:42 PM

Vote NO!

dennisb 12-15-2010 01:13 PM


Okotokian Quote:
The ABA has had simular votes with in thier members as well.

Really? Wow.... makes you think.
Whats there to think about?

This thread is gonna get thinks:fighting0030:

HunterDave 12-15-2010 01:23 PM

This might be a good thread to add a poll on or has that already been done somewhere else?

I already hunt with a crossbow due to a permanent disability (Two surgeries for a wonky shoulder). My vote would be YES to allowing crossbows. The only difference between hunting with a crossbow and hunting with a long bow is that you don't have to draw before taking a shot with a crossbow. Everything else is basically the same in the way of how you have to hunt.

Maybe they should poll hunters to see if compound bows should be replaced with recurved bows only? IMO there is an advantage to hunting with a compound bow over a recurved but that's okay to do. Why not the advantage of a crossbow over a compound bow?

If it gives people more variety in the way they can hunt and more opportunities to hunt I'm all for it!

Okotokian 12-15-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by dennisb (Post 765325)
Whats there to think about?

LOL read the whole post... it's sarcasm.... the APOS reference.... get it? I'll add another one... It's like quoting a poll of PETA members about hunting... results sort of expected... and meaningless.

walking buffalo 12-15-2010 01:29 PM

The concept that Crossbows in Mule deer archery season will expand hunter opportunity may not prove to be true.

F&W has made it clear that an increased harvest of Mule deer in the archery season will result in the species going to Draw. The result will be a REDUCED opportunity for hunters.

209x50 12-15-2010 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 765347)
The concept that Crossbows in Mule deer archery season will expand hunter opportunity may not prove to be true.

F&W has made it clear that an increased harvest of Mule deer in the archery season will result in the species going to Draw. The result will be a REDUCED opportunity for hunters.

Good, that is exactely why I will vote YES

walking buffalo 12-15-2010 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 765347)
The concept that Crossbows in Mule deer archery season will expand hunter opportunity may not prove to be true.

F&W has made it clear that an increased harvest of Mule deer in the archery season will result in the species going to Draw. The result will be a REDUCED opportunity for hunters.


Originally Posted by 209x50 (Post 765350)
Good, that is exactely why I will vote YES

Good? :confused:

The EXACT reason why you want crossbows in the Mule deer season is to REDUCE hunter opportunity? :confused:

HunterDave 12-15-2010 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 765360)
The EXACT reason why you want crossbows in the Mule deer season is to REDUCE hunter opportunity? :confused:

Archery becomes draw so more tags are available for rifle season? Is that the thinking?

209x50 12-15-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 765360)
Good? :confused:

The EXACT reason why you want crossbows in the Mule deer season is to REDUCE hunter opportunity? :confused:

That is your spin on it WB. I want the moose and mule deer archery tags on draw.

buckfever6 12-15-2010 01:51 PM

Vote NO! Unless you want more species going to "draw only" in the future. I for one do not. I like being able to hunt moose in my zone with my compound on a general license, while rifle hunters need to put in for the draw. Add crossbows to the mix, and you will see some possible changes in that regard.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!

packhuntr 12-15-2010 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by 209x50 (Post 765366)
That is your spin on it WB. I want the moose and mule deer archery tags on draw.

Why do you desire that 209?? Is it because management initiatives are not being met by ARCHERS in the ARCHERY hunt??? Is that a reality? If not that, what is the problem?

dennisb 12-15-2010 02:10 PM


209x50 Quote:

Good, that is exactely why I will vote YES
Very disapointing... Just curious as to what your thoughts are...are the bowhunters really thinning out the gritters in your area?
Don't like Bowhunters? Whats up?

Anyone who is a die-hard bowhunter...i cant imagine would vote yes.

kirbstomps 12-15-2010 02:17 PM

this would effect more than just the mule deer and moose draw, it would also hugely affect the elk draw which would rather annoy me. VOTE NO. the animals will take a heck of a kicking before the draws are put into place, and by the time they are put in place the damage will already be done.... we all know the gov't is always about 5 years too late! i personally like the quiet times in september and october as well.... leave'er as she lies. if you want to hunt early, learn how to shoot a bow!

my 2 cents


AbAngler 12-15-2010 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by dennisb (Post 765383)
Anyone who is a die-hard bowhunter...i cant imagine would vote yes.

Because god forbid, they might have to share!

I have both so will be voting yes.

Deer Hunter 12-15-2010 02:35 PM

Can the crossbows have optics? What is the effective range of a crossbow? To me they are closer to a muzzleloader than a bow. Throw them into a "primative weapons" season and leave the bow hunters alone. my two cents.

Vote no.

buckfever6 12-15-2010 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by kirbstomps (Post 765384)
this would effect more than just the mule deer and moose draw, it would also hugely affect the elk draw which would rather annoy me. VOTE NO. the animals will take a heck of a kicking before the draws are put into place, and by the time they are put in place the damage will already be done.... we all know the gov't is always about 5 years too late! i personally like the quiet times in september and october as well.... leave'er as she lies. if you want to hunt early, learn how to shoot a bow!

my 2 cents


Wow you hit the nail right on the head!!
Couldn't have said it better myself.


LongDraw 12-15-2010 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 765347)
The concept that Crossbows in Mule deer archery season will expand hunter opportunity may not prove to be true.

F&W has made it clear that an increased harvest of Mule deer in the archery season will result in the species going to Draw. The result will be a REDUCED opportunity for hunters.

Excellent post WB.

This is exactly what it all boils down to. Once another weapon is introduced into the Archery season, harvest numbers will go up, and it will reduce opportunity for those that choose to hunt with a bow.

elkhunter11 12-15-2010 03:34 PM

I will be voting no.

packhuntr 12-15-2010 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by 209x50 (Post 765228)
Hunter success surveys from SRD will start being emailed out today. In the survey there is a question on whether you agree or disagree with crossbows in archery season. Your vote will decide the future, so here is a chance to make your voice heard.

I have to wonder if EVERY Ab. hunter will recieve this mail out? Or will it be like the migratory surveys where only afew recieve them?

Stinky Coyote 12-15-2010 03:40 PM

yes from me, all logic says its the best big picture for Alberta hunting going forward, i'm ready to swallow any changes managment has to make in order to fix this obvious mistake

Stipa comata 12-15-2010 03:47 PM

I would have give this the nod likely.

Thanks WB and 209 for clearing it up

I will be voting NO.

If I want to buy a cross bow I can still hunt in the rifle season.

Pathfinder76 12-15-2010 04:24 PM

I will be voting NO!

Better opportunity trumps more opportunity by miles. And then some.

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