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CBintheNorth 03-20-2024 12:32 PM

Pierre threatens non-confidence motion
I like this guy more and more.
He smells blood in the water.

Announcement @ 10:24

pikergolf 03-20-2024 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by CBintheNorth (Post 4710566)
I like this guy more and more.
He smells blood in the water.

Announcement @ 10:24

Not going to happen, but it will force the NDP to support the liberals on this very issue. I would guess most of their voters are in support of it anyways, stick it to the white colonialists. At least the fence sitters will get to see who supports taxes that are chocking the life out of them.

lmtada 03-20-2024 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 4710567)
Not going to happen, but it will force the NDP to support the liberals on this very issue. I would guess most of their voters are in support of it anyways, stick it to the white colonialists. At least the fence sitters will get to see who supports taxes that are chocking the life out of them.

Yup. The line is drawn. Tax vs no tax.

Bushleague 03-20-2024 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 4710567)
Not going to happen, but it will force the NDP to support the liberals on this very issue. I would guess most of their voters are in support of it anyways, stick it to the white colonialists. At least the fence sitters will get to see who supports taxes that are chocking the life out of them.

Exactly, non confidence vote wont fly, but undermining the NDP's attempts to distance themselves from Trudeau needs to remain ongoing.

CBintheNorth 03-20-2024 01:10 PM

Of course it won't fly, but it's a brilliant move at a perfect time.
He's really stuck the Liberals and the dippers in a spot;
Look even worse to Canadians, or cut your own throat.

jungleboy 03-20-2024 01:22 PM

Might be the NDPs only chance to go into an election looking like they care about the voters

Drewski Canuck 03-20-2024 01:48 PM

The NDP rank and file AND their MPS are still mad about the turn coat behaviour of the Liberals on the GAZA File.

Jagmeet has had the taste of power, and likes it.

He knows that if there is an election, alot of Liberal Votes will translate into NDP votes. All the NDP has to do is stand up to Trudeau.

The NDP knows that if the Liberals get a chance to re group under a new leader, the NDP will lose alot of seats and any chance of influence.

As for Quebec, the Carbon Tax exemption to Atlantic Canada is an insulting handout that Quebec did not share in (Quebec home heating is only 4 % on heating oil and 78 % on electricity). Quebecers hate when someone else gets favours and they do not.

Don't expect the Bloc to bail out Trudeau when their people will get hammered at the gas pumps on April 2. The Bloc does not want Liberal or NDP inroads on their support base.

There is a way that both the Block Quebecois and the NDP can save face, and not take any blowback from the membership on the Carbon Tax increase: Both parties allow a "free vote" for their MP's. The MP's will not suffer any individual criticism. No one will know who voted for or against it.

7 Premiers leading 7 Provinces will have alot of influence on the MP's in a "free vote" scenario.

Now lets hope that we are not all made into "APRIL FOOLS" by the NDP and the Bloc.

Their support of Trudeau would be the cruelest April Fools prank of all.


HyperMOA 03-20-2024 01:54 PM

To add to Drewski’s post above; there is a rift in the Liberal caucus and this might be the thing that knocks the house of cards over. People calling for leadership reviews, the carbon tax is rising on the east coast for gas come april 1st too. Also the entire Israel/Palestine BS has some smoking mad members too. This could, I repeat, could, be bring Justin down. Pierre really needs to send a message quick though. He needs to make the Liberal and NDP caucus hit turmoil and have a few members act on emotion.

glen moa 03-20-2024 02:02 PM

Beautiful isn’t it. Burn baby burn.

KGB 03-20-2024 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by glen moa (Post 4710595)
beautiful isn’t it. Burn baby burn.


7magtime 03-20-2024 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by glen moa (Post 4710595)
Beautiful isn’t it. Burn baby burn.

x3, the wolves are it!!
Great move by PP forcing the NDP to take a stand on whether they'll stay on the sinking ship or sail for greener pastures. Turning point IMO....

6.5 shooter 03-20-2024 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 4710567)
Not going to happen, but it will force the NDP to support the liberals on this very issue. I would guess most of their voters are in support of it anyways, stick it to the white colonialists. At least the fence sitters will get to see who supports taxes that are chocking the life out of them.

Nah, they will just do, whatever the ruling little potato, CBC and it's MSM boot licker sister stations tell them what to do. Much to hard to analyze and make decisions based on facts, much much easier to let the talking heads tell you what to do.

The Cook 03-20-2024 03:15 PM

But, but, but jagged meathead isn't vetted for his pension yet.

AxeMan 03-20-2024 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by HyperMOA (Post 4710592)
To add to Drewski’s post above; there is a rift in the Liberal caucus and this might be the thing that knocks the house of cards over. People calling for leadership reviews, the carbon tax is rising on the east coast for gas come april 1st too. Also the entire Israel/Palestine BS has some smoking mad members too. This could, I repeat, could, be bring Justin down. Pierre really needs to send a message quick though. He needs to make the Liberal and NDP caucus hit turmoil and have a few members act on emotion.

Exactly! This is great strategy by Pierre to keep pouring gas on the dumpster fire that is the Liberal-NDP coalition. The immediate outward result tomorrow will be the Libs-NDP and Bloc defeating the confidence motion, but damage will be done internally to MP's that are getting worried that the Justin-Jagmeet show will cost them their jobs.

Grizzly Adams1 03-20-2024 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by glen moa (Post 4710595)
Beautiful isn’t it. Burn baby burn.

I love it.

pikergolf 03-20-2024 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by glen moa (Post 4710595)
Beautiful isn’t it. Burn baby burn.

It might at that. RCMP is worried.

Smoky buck 03-20-2024 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 4710636)

Might be a good idea to remind politicians who they work for and create some accountability for the corruption

Drewski Canuck 03-20-2024 05:27 PM

If the UCP has any skill at Strategy, the answer is BLATENTLY SIMPLE.

Before proceeding to introducing the Motion, INVITE Liberal, NDP, and BLOC members to cross the floor and join the UCP.

Make sure there are invitations sent TONIGHT to all opposing MP's to cross the floor.

It will seed such distrust in all the other Parties that their members may flee that it alone will start the conversation among individual Members.

Then the NDP, BLOC and Liberals have to allow a free vote to avoid the embarrassment of a mass evacuation to the UCP by individual Members.

Either way it turns out, it is a win win for the UCP.


2 Tollers 03-20-2024 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 4710636)

Thanks for the link

That is an interesting article. In discussions with close friends we have agreed that things have to get much worse financially for the average Canadian before they would start to push back against the government. It looks like the much worse is just about here.

I do not agree with the RCMP theme --- "Another major theme of the report is that Canadians are set to become increasingly disillusioned with their government, which authors mostly chalk up to “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories” and “paranoia.”

What is happening in Canada right now is the fault of the current government and in many ways the RCMP as well. If the RCMP had truly investigated SNC or handled Nova Scotia shootings differently instead of trying an underhanded approach to support the firearms legislation or if they had stepped in on any one of Trudeau ethics violations or handled the foreign police stations on Canadian soil then perhaps trust in the RCMP and the government would not be so eroded.

Perhaps there is some self examination by the authors of the report in the redacted sections but somehow I doubt this.

elkhunter11 03-20-2024 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck (Post 4710644)
If the UCP has any skill at Strategy, the answer is BLATENTLY SIMPLE.

Before proceeding to introducing the Motion, INVITE Liberal, NDP, and BLOC members to cross the floor and join the UCP.

Make sure there are invitations sent TONIGHT to all opposing MP's to cross the floor.
It will seed such distrust in all the other Parties that their members may flee that it alone will start the conversation among individual Members.
Then the NDP, BLOC and Liberals have to allow a free vote to avoid the embarrassment of a mass evacuation
to the UCP by individual Members.

Either way it turns out, it is a win win for the UCP.


The UCP are a provincial party under Smith.:sHa_sarcasticlol:

Smoky buck 03-20-2024 05:51 PM

Sadly I don’t see dumb and dumber splitting up knowing that the election is likely not going to go in their favor

It will just anger the public and cause more people to loose faith in a corrupt system that lacks accountability

I’d rather be outdoors 03-20-2024 05:57 PM

The lieberals are absolute morons. You’d think they would have learned something (anything?) from Kathleen (& thus the lieberal) clobbering onterrible gave them and just pivot before it’s too late. While the status quo is awesome for the CPC’s, it’s gotta be a very tough time to be a lieberal. It’ll be scorched earth for them in the upcoming election.

Drewski Canuck 03-20-2024 06:05 PM

Yes Elkhunter, you are right that the UCP is Alberta's Provincial Conservatives.

They also have alot of Federal memberships for the Provincial Conservative Membership as well.

But you get the point. It is time to make the invite to the Individual MP's to cross the floor, OR get tarred with the same brush by the Voters.

Who knows, if 10 cross the Floor to the Conservatives, think of the chaos.


elkhunter11 03-20-2024 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck (Post 4710656)
Yes Elkhunter, you are right that the UCP is Alberta's Provincial Conservatives.

They also have alot of Federal memberships for the Provincial Conservative Membership as well.

But you get the point. It is time to make the invite to the Individual MP's to cross the floor, OR get tarred with the same brush by the Voters
Who knows, if 10 cross the Floor to the Conservatives, think of the chaos.

I don't see it happening, I see them all clinging together until the bitter end, knowing that the Conservatives will likely get a majority, but hoping that they get elected in their own riding.

Bigwoodsman 03-20-2024 07:44 PM

I see the Bloc backing the liberals. Just like before.

I hope I’m wrong.


Icallwalleyepickerel 03-20-2024 07:46 PM

Like everything else to date, this will be a great big nothing burger.

Unfortunately this current corrupt government will be in power until the next scheduled election. Even then it will be touch and go. Eastern Canada is not as hungry for change as we are in the West.

And we know that Eastern Canada dictates our national identity.

I’m a staunch supporter of Canada, but as every day passes I think Western separation is the only way things will get better.

KGB 03-20-2024 07:47 PM

If this gonna flare up it will start in Ontario…Considering the number of people there who are just looking for the opportunity to riot and steal things- it should be fun to watch! :scared0018:

HyperMOA 03-20-2024 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4710672)
I don't see it happening, I see them all clinging together until the bitter end, knowing that the Conservatives will likely get a majority, but hoping that they get elected in their own riding.

Some of these MPs only have a chance of re-election if they stand against the carbon tax and stand up to Trudeau. This might be the catalyst. Probably not, but one can hope.

elkhunter11 03-20-2024 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by HyperMOA (Post 4710704)
Some of these MPs only have a chance of re-election if they stand against the carbon tax and stand up to Trudeau. This might be the catalyst. Probably not, but one can hope.

Then again, both the liberal and ndp parties supported the carbon tax since it was created, so those MPs were elected while supporting the carbon tax.

Stinky Buffalo 03-20-2024 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by 2 Tollers (Post 4710645)
Thanks for the link

That is an interesting article. In discussions with close friends we have agreed that things have to get much worse financially for the average Canadian before they would start to push back against the government. It looks like the much worse is just about here.

I do not agree with the RCMP theme --- "Another major theme of the report is that Canadians are set to become increasingly disillusioned with their government, which authors mostly chalk up to “misinformation,” “conspiracy theories” and “paranoia.”

What is happening in Canada right now is the fault of the current government and in many ways the RCMP as well. If the RCMP had truly investigated SNC or handled Nova Scotia shootings differently instead of trying an underhanded approach to support the firearms legislation or if they had stepped in on any one of Trudeau ethics violations or handled the foreign police stations on Canadian soil then perhaps trust in the RCMP and the government would not be so eroded.

Perhaps there is some self examination by the authors of the report in the redacted sections but somehow I doubt this.

Interesting article for sure - Am really curious about the redacted portions.

Completely agree about the concerning theme - the buzzwords regarding misinformation, paranoia etc. look like they were pasted in there to pander to their audience.

Parts of it read like a tongue-in-cheek call for the feds to clamp down even harder on firearms ownership. Disarm the revolting peasants, as it were.

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