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valve god 01-17-2010 08:11 AM

Barbless Hooks
Was fishing on Isle lake Fish and Wildlife come over and check us out. When he asked to see my hooks he found one that in his OPINON was still barbed. I have followed the barbless law since it was implemented years ago. According the the regs the barb must pressed against the shaft.Quote from regs:Barbless Hook – includes a hook the barbs of which are pressed against the shaft of the hook so that the barbs are not functional.
He informed me that I have to file the barbs off the hook but no where in the regs it says this. He said if you run your line across the barb and it gets caught, it is still barbed. To make a long story short $200.00 later and a seized hook. So beware out there he had given out many of these tickets on that lake that day!!!!!:mad3::tongue2:

DarkAisling 01-17-2010 08:15 AM

You are allowed to have barbed hooks in your tackle box. You are not allowed to have them on your line. I've heard about the "line test" before, so I try to make sure anything I'm using will pass. I can't comment on if the barb was functional or not.

Was this a hook that was pulled out of your tackle box? That's what I think I'm reading between the lines.

valve god 01-17-2010 08:29 AM

It was taken out of the tackle box but it was squeezed closed but not good enough. I have a file in my box now so every hook gets filed now before it goes in the water. Any new hooks will get the same treatment as soon as I buy them.

ceedub 01-17-2010 08:34 AM

There is no law in Alberta that I know of where you can't possess barbed hooks in your tackle box, in fact, most of the hooks in mine still have the barbs intact. I don't think the Fish and Wildlife officers have any business looking into your tackle box in the first place, unless their looking for caught fish.


valve god 01-17-2010 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by ceedub (Post 483878)
There is no law in Alberta that I know of where you can't possess barbed hooks in your tackle box, in fact, most of the hooks in mine still have the barbs intact. I don't think the Fish and Wildlife officers have any business looking into your tackle box in the first place, unless their looking for caught fish.


It was not in the box it was on my line that was pulled up by the F&W

sharrozap 01-17-2010 08:41 AM

Last winter I was checked at Isle Lake, only hooks in the water. He never ask me to see the hooks in my tackle box where I have many barbed hooks. I pinch the barb when I'm using the hook. I think the officer can check only the hooks in the water.

DarkAisling 01-17-2010 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by valve god (Post 483890)
It was not in the box it was on my line that was pulled up by the F&W

Good to know.

There have been many discussions over what's "good enough" to pass. While the "line test" may not be the official way of determining if something is pinched down enough, it is certainly employed by a number of fish cops. As a result it really is best to ensure that your hooks will pass that test.

I'm not saying it is right or wrong, I'm just relaying what the experience of others seems to indicate.

I have a battery operated Dremel that I purchased for dealing with barbs. In theory, I charge it up before I leave, take it with me, and then quickly remove the barb before I put something new on my line.

I say "in theory" as I stopped bringing it along back in September. I think I should revive the practice based on your experience.

I don't remove my barbs as soon as I purchase something, as I don't know where I'll be using the item. In areas where it is legal, I will use barbed hooks.

DarkAisling 01-17-2010 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by sharrozap (Post 483891)
Last winter I was checked at Isle Lake, only hooks in the water. He never ask me to see the hooks in my tackle box where I have many barbed hooks. I pinch the barb when I'm using the hook. I think the officer can check only the hooks in the water.

Well, I think the officer can check pretty much anything he wants. However, he may only write a citation for hooks that are in the water.

Officers have busted people for having barbed hooks on their lines that were not in the water and hadn't yet been used for fishing. It is best to deal with your barbs before the hook goes on the line, not after, to avoid this.

My next-door-neighbours had a huge hassle with a fish cop who found barbed hooks in their tackle boxes. It took a series of phone calls, and a few months, to get the tickets voided. I've heard of others having problems with tackle box contents too.

deanmc 01-17-2010 09:11 AM

I was checked a couple weeks back and the park officer (carson lake) was not so picky but he did say it was an officers discretion. At least the line test is something we can all try so we know if we are legal or not. I know it is strict but there has to be a line some were unless we are going to be satisfied with "discretion" I for one am not.

AlbertaAngler 01-17-2010 09:24 AM

Let a judge decide. If you feel you have followed the regulations to the best of your ability and to the same exent any other reasonable person would then you have a due diligence defence. The only thing you have to lose is time (I know it is probably more valuable then $200).

Justflyfish4eva 01-17-2010 10:03 AM

so what kind of line are you to use. a 7x tippet would get caught on any thing. 20 lb mono would slide over anything.
Anyway befor the hook hits the vise I crush the barb down first. or just buy barbless.

valve god 01-17-2010 10:12 AM

There is no place in this town I can find barbless hooks. I am going to doctor up some barbed hooks and go talk to a F&W officer to see which ones i can use. Time to break out the Dremel tool

Drano 01-17-2010 10:18 AM

Yes to bad he wrote you a ticket, but I think there should be something better than just discretion involved.

Good luck with this. Let us know what happens in the end.:wave:

fishstix 01-17-2010 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by valve god (Post 483948)
There is no place in this town I can find barbless hooks. I am going to doctor up some barbed hooks and go talk to a F&W officer to see which ones i can use. Time to break out the Dremel tool

Try the fishing hole. I saw barbless on the website.


fisher Gord 01-17-2010 10:27 AM

I buy barbless hooks when I can, you can find more and more these days, and as AlbertaAngler said if you made an obvious attemp to pinch the barb, you have a defence, and no you do not Need to file your bard off, but thank you for posting your adventure on here and I hope it saves others from your troubles.

randster 01-17-2010 11:05 AM

I once asked a C.O. about de-barbing hooks, and he told us as long as you use due diligence to disable the barb, pinch or remove.
I've never heard of the file and line test thing before. That C.O. may have been in a bad mood that day.

Dougie55 01-17-2010 12:34 PM

Just last year while out fishing with a buddy, we were checked and the buddy got a ticket for a barbed hook. He had pinched the barb, and it was a stainless hook and the barb broke off. However where it broke left a little nub where it broke. After a lengthy discussion, he gave up and took the ticket. He challenged it in court, and the judge checked the hook out and dismissed the case. He also chastised the officer for what he said was a waste of the court't time for a charge that should not have been brought forward.
As far as time being worth more than the ticket, I am not sure about that. Once you have a charge against you, it sticks with you. I think I would fight it.
Just me though.

lifesaflyin 01-17-2010 12:41 PM

the fishin hole sells barbless. they are in the fly tying section. i did not see barbless trebles, but i was not looking for them.

AxeMan 01-17-2010 12:45 PM

Jeeze, fish cops getting picky over a pinched barb. Ticketing for a small nub or ridge. You would think they should have bigger fish to fry (pardon the pun). I've seen them let guys off with a warning at Carson with totally unpinched barbs. Not very professional or consistent IMHO. No doubt this law is a money maker for SRD.

DarkAisling 01-17-2010 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dougie55 (Post 484049)
He had pinched the barb, and it was a stainless hook and the barb broke off.

I have this happen often. Nice to know there is precedent for this.

valve god 01-17-2010 01:32 PM

To take time off I would lose more money than it is worth to pay the fine. Min. of 3days away from work. If they want barbless hooks it should be stated in the regs that the barb should completely removed.
Just my opinion.........

pecker 01-17-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by valve god (Post 484101)
To take time off I would lose more money than it is worth to pay the fine. Min. of 3days away from work. If they want barbless hooks it should be stated in the regs that the barb should completely removed.
Just my opinion.........

they can see if an attempt has been made to remove the barb . certainly a dremmel will do the trick-- but don't get carried away with 2 lb test catching a nick on your hook . ever try bending a barb back on a #12 or #14 hook without loosing the hook. :D just my opinion. :) :wave: TIGHT LINES & BARBS PINCHED BACK or whatever.:rolleyes: :wave:

ice 01-17-2010 03:27 PM

I Could See a loose obviously used hook with barbs remaining,
But would they go as far as Going at the hooks still in there original Packaging?
That would be rediculous,
i have seen F&W go through peoples tackle boxes before,

DustDee 01-17-2010 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by ice (Post 484168)
i have seen F&W go through peoples tackle boxes before,

CO's or any other law enforcement officer has NO RIGHT to be looking through your tack box. That is your personal property and they can only open it up if they have a significant reason to believe that a crime is being committed in the tackle box. It is not against the law to have barbed hooks in the tackle box. If a CO asked to see inside my tackle box, I would ask him to provide a warrant and my lawyer before he could look inside.

As for your "barbed hook" I would take it to court. The last thing we need is law enforcement officers that think they have the right to determine what the law states. They do not. The courts do. There is no place where it states that the hook needs to pass the "line test" or the "doesn't snag my sweater test." Yes, your time is probably worth more than the ticket, but it is about more than a ticket. It is about your rights as a citizen.

the local angler 01-17-2010 03:56 PM

i have also encountered this type of situation and so far i have been lucky. one officer only told my to pinch one of the barbs down just a touch more and actually gave me advice on it. some other fisherman have told me some that are not as friendly and use the Q-tip test and runs it across the barb and if some of the fluf gets caught they have been issueing tickets. so far i have been having troubles with some of my smaller hooks because when i go to pinch the barb down the hook snaps. personally i would fight that kinda ticket cause i would feel mistreated.

TangoKilo 01-17-2010 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by valve god (Post 484101)
To take time off I would lose more money than it is worth to pay the fine. Min. of 3days away from work. If they want barbless hooks it should be stated in the regs that the barb should completely removed.
Just my opinion.........

How do you figure 3 Days away from work?

There is an option on the back of the ticket to plead not guilty by mail. Mail it in and the crown will send you a letter with a trial date. Attend the trial date and plead your case. Should only take one day by my math... am I missing something?

MountainTi 01-17-2010 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by TangoKilo (Post 484189)
How do you figure 3 Days away from work?

There is an option on the back of the ticket to plead not guilty by mail. Mail it in and the crown will send you a letter with a trial date. Attend the trial date and plead your case. Should only take one day by my math... am I missing something?

I am working up north right now. I would have to travel south ( 1 day), time in court (1 day), travel back up north (1 day). By my math that is 3 days, perhaps that is what was meant. :)

Nerdapres' 01-17-2010 04:59 PM

You have two options then, pay or fight it.

If you fight the ticket in court and the officer doesn't show up with the confiscated hook, you'll get off.

go-big-or-go-home 01-17-2010 05:17 PM

i would almost say that guy was being a dink. clearly a guy with a full tackle box of barbless hooks and by he chance finds one, outa the whole deal, still having a barb on the hook. buddy coulda (and shulda) jus said "oh, hey there fella, u still got one with a barb, here, ill even bend it for you, carry on gents have a good day". i dont know, but thats my idea of someone being a dink. sorry to here about ur rotten ticket man

Wulfespirit 01-17-2010 09:42 PM

Sounds like the officer might've had a chip on his shoulder. I'd like to see the hook before passing judgement completely but I might be inclined to face down the dip is court. As Axeman said - you'd think they'd have bigger fish to fry than hunting down a guy who's barbs weren't pinched quite as much as the officer wanted.

Got checked in Calling today .. super nice guy.. hooks were all pinched with pliers and no - he didn't check them with a magnifying glass to ensure there wasn't a micron of space between barb and hook.

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