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pickeral VS walleye the difference between
Ok folks I wanna make a point here I keep hearing people refering Walleye as Pickeral they are tottaly diffrent fish .

Here is the difference a Pickeral is very closely related to the Pike or even more closer to the musky .




The Northern Pike

The Musky

bearbait 04-25-2008 05:17 PM

lol....your walleye looks like a sauger...and yes your right very differant fish..


NO !!!!
Ok now I got it all covered next yall will say it looks like a Bass or something.

tbosch 04-25-2008 05:22 PM

Thank you! I've won so many bets and been in so many arguments over this one. No one believes me until I actually go online and prove it.

BlueNorther 04-25-2008 05:31 PM

Another one I hear often is people calling rocky mtn whitefish grayling.

I have a pard from down east who is insistant that walleye are truely pickeral.Even after showing him the difference,he says he's right.It's always good for a campfire conversation over a few drinks.

Big Red 250 04-25-2008 05:42 PM

Here in Mb, a lot of us call walleye pickeral or even yellows. We know the correct name is walleye but we learnt the other names from our older generation and we are comfortable with whatever we call them.

KyleM 04-25-2008 05:55 PM

Incase you didnt realize, we arent all morons.
Most of us who say that realize that they are reffered to as Walleye.

I call them pickeral because it reminds me of back home.

Walleye is to American for me:tongue2:

If you wanna get picky, we could say "walleye" is wrong because the real name is Sander Vitreus.

Walleye is a name for Sand Vitreus, is it wrong? Nope, is Pickeral wrong? Nope.

JohninAB 04-25-2008 06:46 PM

Hate to disagree but it is not Sander Vitreus, it is Sander vitreum if that new name was adopted. Used to be called Stizostedion vitreum.

mud slug 04-25-2008 07:02 PM

i don't know about that seems to be a few morons on here as well as a few jack*****es. were can you catch sauger around edmonton?

pecker 04-25-2008 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by BIGBADJOHN (Post 140839)
NO !!!!
Ok now I got it all covered next yall will say it looks like a Bass or something.

chain pikerel -- only found in eastern canada --- also known by a dozen latin & local & aboriginal & grandpas names .:rolleyes: :rolleyes: who cares-- as long as they fight like hell and make your fishing adventure FUN -- whoooo cares . :huh: keep your lines tight . :wave: :wave:

Grains 04-25-2008 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by JohninAB (Post 140873)
Hate to disagree but it is not Sander Vitreus, it is Sander vitreum if that new name was adopted. Used to be called Stizostedion vitreum.

Sorry John: it actually used to be Stizostedion vitreum, but now is Sander vitreus.

When it comes to common name (ie. pickerel), no one can really be wrong - lots of fish go by different names in different regions. Many people call Sander vitreus a pickerel, but lots of people out east call Esox americanus a pickerel.

Deano 04-25-2008 07:41 PM

I know most lakes have a zero limit for Walleye. But what is limit for Pickeral?:huh:

pecker 04-25-2008 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Deano (Post 140895)
I know most lakes have a zero limit for Walleye. But what is limit for Pickeral?:huh:

headbanger--- consult your local f&w office . :confused: ::confused:



Originally Posted by KyleM (Post 140851)
Incase you didnt realize, we arent all morons.
Most of us who say that realize that they are reffered to as Walleye.

I call them pickeral because it reminds me of back home.

Walleye is to American for me:tongue2:

If you wanna get picky, we could say "walleye" is wrong because the real name is Sander Vitreus.

Walleye is a name for Sand Vitreus, is it wrong? Nope, is Pickeral wrong? Nope.

Well Id rather sound like I know what im talking about and sound like an american rather then someone who calls one species of fish something that it isnt .

My Grandpa still calls Walleye Pickeral too and it purely anoys me hints why I posted this.

SO CALL THEM WALLEYE NOT PICKERAL !!!!!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Originally Posted by mud slug (Post 140878)
i don't know about that seems to be a few morons on here as well as a few jack*****es. were can you catch sauger around edmonton?

The NSR has them in it , uh as well as some places around Red Deer.



Originally Posted by Deano (Post 140895)
I know most lakes have a zero limit for Walleye. But what is limit for Pickeral?:huh:

LIKE Pecker says call up the yocal fish and wildlife office , They will probably give ya some story but might be funny to find out .:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I wish I had a tape recorder id tape it and post the conversation

pecker 04-25-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by KyleM (Post 140851)
Incase you didnt realize, we arent all morons.
Most of us who say that realize that they are reffered to as Walleye.

I call them pickeral because it reminds me of back home.

Walleye is to American for me:tongue2:

If you wanna get picky, we could say "walleye" is wrong because the real name is Sander Vitreus.

Walleye is a name for Sand Vitreus, is it wrong? Nope, is Pickeral wrong? Nope.

sander or sand vitreus is too hard to say, i'll just call them walleyes a.k.a. eyes or pickerel . in saskatchewan they've always been pickerel . thats my roots . i'll stick with PICKEREL.:wave: :wave:

tbosch 04-25-2008 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by mud slug (Post 140878)
i don't know about that seems to be a few morons on here as well as a few jack*****es. were can you catch sauger around edmonton?

There are some sauger holes in the red deer river to the east of red deer. Not as many as there were considering the"WALLEYE" have taken over the river, because the "WALLEYE" can't be kept.:lol:

wake 04-25-2008 09:04 PM

A few spots on the NSR around Edmonton I fish were you will likely catch Sauger long before a Walleye shows itself.

Actually very, very common around the Edmonton stretches...

Donny Bear 04-25-2008 09:17 PM

fine you call'em what you want if I am in tourney mode walleye works.

But if I am watching da slave lake ballett den da are la gy'ant picker-al's

and thats my story if you don't believe me I will get crocodile McPike to tell you all about it:tongue2:

pecker 04-25-2008 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by wake (Post 140926)
A few spots on the NSR around Edmonton I fish were you will likely catch Sauger long before a Walleye shows itself.

Actually very, very common around the Edmonton stretches...

sauger -- is that like a pickerlly ? .:lol: :wave:

bearbait 04-25-2008 09:36 PM

lol i was just messin with you....

SNIPER 04-25-2008 09:49 PM

I know the older guys seem yo call them pickerel. Oh well.

Why is it that calling a walleye a pickerel bothers some people. But it's ok to call Lake, Brook and Dolly Varden trout?

Donny Bear 04-25-2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by SNIPER (Post 140942)
I know the older guys seem yo call them pickerel. Oh well.

Why is it that calling a walleye a pickerel bothers some people. But it's ok to call Lake, Brook and Dolly Varden trout?

CHARed to say why they callem trout sounds like BULL:D Kinda like earlier in the post but Grayling are Grayling just not all are Arctic Grayling some are RMWF which aren't grayling but who cares

catnthehat 04-25-2008 10:11 PM

As far as I know, there are two types of pickeral, grass pickeral and chain Pickeral.
The other spiny dorsaled critters related to the perch?
You can call 'em what ya want - I call them TASTY!!:lol:

duffy4 04-25-2008 10:17 PM

As someone mentioned above, "Common Names" are really never right or wrong.

And the use of common names will always have the danger of creating confusion. Like if I am planning a trip to the mountains to hunt "goat" and you tell me that last year you shot a really nice "goat" and I say where abouts and you say Brooks area.

Seems a lot of people say "Rocky Mountain Whitefish" or "Rockies" and I think the common name is usually just "Mountain Whitefish"

New common names get created for some reason. "Yotes" and "Whities" and "booners" and "hogs"

I like to call them "Walleyes" but my favorite meal is "Pickerel cheeks".

Robin in Rocky

Mountain Guy 04-25-2008 10:46 PM

Why are Pike called jacks ,or hammer handles, slough sharks , slimo's ???

I think pretty much most Alberta angler's know walleye aren't pickeral , but speaking for myself , out of respect for my dad and grand dad ... they are indeed pickeral !!

tchow 04-26-2008 12:34 AM

Here's another species for all. SAUGEYE, A cross between a Walleye and a Sauger. Lower White Lobe on tail is "usually" present, same coloration as a Sauger. Dorsal also displays the spots as the Sauger. However Regulations consider this under its "mother" species, the Walleye....
Alot of the rivers that contain both species of Sauger and Walleye are starting to have more of the the cross species being caught....
PS: This one had pic taken before being released:) :)

Alberta Bigbore 04-26-2008 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Big Red 250 (Post 140847)
Here in Mb, a lot of us call walleye pickeral or even yellows. We know the correct name is walleye but we learnt the other names from our older generation and we are comfortable with whatever we call them.

you guys also call the walleye in the red river "Greenbacks" during the fall. Lucky SOB's catch freaking huge walleyes in the fall and winter on the Red. makes me sick. damn i miss MB


Originally Posted by mud slug (Post 140878)
i don't know about that seems to be a few morons on here as well as a few jack*****es. were can you catch sauger around edmonton?

Fort Sask has some wicked holes for saugers. Super mixed bag in an evening can be had. Really, there is places all over from Devon to downstream of redwater, and even into saskatchewan:D

Originally Posted by Deano (Post 140895)
I know most lakes have a zero limit for Walleye. But what is limit for Pickeral?:huh:

This was Great:lol:


Originally Posted by tchow (Post 140993)
Here's another species for all. SAUGEYE, A cross between a Walleye and a Sauger. Lower White Lobe on tail is "usually" present, same coloration as a Sauger. Dorsal also displays the spots as the Sauger. However Regulations consider this under its "mother" species, the Walleye....
Alot of the rivers that contain both species of Sauger and Walleye are starting to have more of the the cross species being caught....
PS: This one had pic taken before being released:) :)

what an awesome slob Tchow!! you can sure tell the mixed breed from the actual size of that fish. Saugers are generally so very small. Nice photo.

duffy4 04-26-2008 01:10 PM

tchow why do you say this? "However Regulations consider this under its "mother" species, the Walleye...."

Most hybirds are not fertile and so they do not reproduce. The big saugeye you caught would have been a good one to eat. It is most likely not going to spawn and add to the population of sauger or walleye. It is just a fish living in the river and eating stuff and occupying a spot that a walleye or sauger could be in. I'm sure that Fisheries Management would have no problem with any harvest of saugeyes.

I doubt if an enfocement officer would charge you for an undersized walleye as he would then have to supply proof it is a walleye (and it isn't).

I used to catch a lot of sauger in the NSR around Edm. but never looked close to see if any were saugeyes.

Nice pic by the way, of a nice fish, a happy angler and a nice section of river valley.

Robin in Rocky

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