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sns2 08-02-2015 11:32 AM

Which party would Canada be worse off under: Liberal or NDP?
Now that we are in full blown election mode, with no clear sign of who will form the next gov't, I have been thinking about which party Canada would be worse off under: a JT led Liberal Party or a Mulcair led NDP. This morning I was talking to a restaurant owner whose wife is the personal assistant to an MP. He is connected politically and hears from Joe Public everyday in his restaurant. From his conversations with patrons, he is worried that Trudeau-Mania may strike a second time, and that we would be worse off under JT because of his inexperience, and naiveté, contributing to ill-informed policy and decisions.

I would like to start a civil discussion about which party we would be worse off under, and why. IMO, the General Discussion forum has been taken over by vitriolic mudslinging over the provincial election. I would hope this thread could be a thought provoking discussion of what the future may hold should Harper fail to maintain a hold on power.

I would also ask the mods that if people start this thread in a downward spiral that they be cut off quickly.

I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts...

elkhunter11 08-02-2015 11:38 AM

I honestly believe that we would be worse off with the NDP. Their solution to every problem seems to be spending more on social programs, the problem is that someone has to pay for that spending. Oil prices are down, as are profits for the oil companies, so if they are forced to pay for the spending, they will have to cut their own expenses, which will result in more layoffs, and more unemployed people.

CaberTosser 08-02-2015 11:45 AM

In my estimation the NDP would spell our doom, taxes would skyrocket and job losses would be unprecedented. At least the Liberals (while I don't like Trudeau at all) will have some more astute, experienced and level headed advisors and a less extreme political dogma. The NDP would kill jobs, dissuade foreign investment, absolutely sodomize the military and drive people insane with money wasting pursuits of misguided feel-good ideologies.

Dick284 08-02-2015 11:54 AM

Both are bad.
Both Angry Tom and Shiny Pony will run our country into ruin. Although I do think Angry Tom and his Orange parade will do it far quicker.

dawei88 08-02-2015 12:04 PM

NDP is the worse of two evil. They don't know how to manage economy and spend more than make.

pdog15 08-02-2015 12:14 PM

When pretty much all the ranking bureaucrats, politicians, cabinet misters, etc., etc. basically have to come from at most 30-35% of the population (bilingual French/English with preference for Francophones) - does it really matter which party has the power?

Whichever party panders the most to QC & Ont is going to get the vote. Harper has given away about all he can give to QC and for thanks, he got basically zilch in terms of the vote. QC has probably got about as much as they can get under the Cs and it is looking like they just might support the NDP. Ont will be the determiner, and once against the West will just live with whatever happens. QC continues to hide behind Law 101.

I don't see the West going en masse to either the Liberals or NDP but given the AB scene, it is a crap shoot.

Bushrat 08-02-2015 12:16 PM

Which party would Canada be worse off under, Liberal or NDP?


sakogreywolf 08-02-2015 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Dick284 (Post 2914513)
Both are bad.
Both Angry Tom and Shiny Pony will run our country into ruin. Although I do think Angry Tom and his Orange parade will do it far quicker.

I am going to go with Dick on this one. I shudder at the thought of either of them running this country.....and also agree that Tommy would bugger it up more quickly.

stefk 08-02-2015 12:19 PM

I would sincerely hope that the after effects of an NDP majority in Alberta has scared everyone $h!tless to smarten up and vote accordingly this October…..:snapoutofit:

PGH 08-02-2015 12:21 PM

If you would like to start a civil discussion about which party we would be worse off under, you could start by including the conservatives...

rugatika 08-02-2015 12:38 PM


huntinstuff 08-02-2015 12:47 PM

You have a choice of getting stabbed to death or shot to death

Whats the diff?

Both are bad and the end result is the same.

I think Mulcair is crazy. Trudeau is a puke.

Puke you can clean up. Crazy is forever.

CaberTosser 08-02-2015 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by PGH (Post 2914536)
If you would like to start a civil discussion about which party we would be worse off under, you could start by including the conservatives...

The Conservatives are not ideal admittedly, but they're definitely the lesser among the evils we have to select amongst. The majority of the criticism I see of them online is from people who should have to pass an IQ test before being able to vote, they'll click, share & believe the most absurd claims. People need to scrutinize information instead of blindly following what they've been spoon fed, regardless of the source. Just because you're pre-disposed to believe something, doesn't necessarily mean that its true.

Things I don't like that the Conservatives have done include allowing such significant portions of our natural resource companies to be bought by foreign entities (Sinopec, etc); if we're selling our oil, natural gas, coal, lumber, etc to these nations, we should extracting top dollar from them and keeping the profits and jobs here at home. The TFW program should be scrapped in its entirety (emigrate and be a full citizen or nothing, no half-measures). The foreign companies in resource extraction shouldn't be able to bring in armies of foreign nationals to construct extraction plants and such; they should just be buying from us, not undercutting our wages and employment opportunities.

5Lgreenback 08-02-2015 01:37 PM

NDP. Angry Tom has something to prove and he won't let reality cloud his agenda.

KGB 08-02-2015 02:10 PM

First choice: none are good for us.
Second choice: liberals are better than NDP.

AND ON A SIDE NOTE: can we get Donald Trump to come to canada? That would be fun....

JustMe 08-02-2015 02:15 PM

That's really a good point, by the time we out west vote, the election has already been decided by Quebec and Ontario. I guess the real question is, are they going to vote NDP or Liberal. I'm betting it won't be Conservative. Mulclair will take the union vote at the least and the other fellow will take the teeny boppers like his dad did. It'll be an interesting year.


Originally Posted by pdog15 (Post 2914524)
When pretty much all the ranking bureaucrats, politicians, cabinet misters, etc., etc. basically have to come from at most 30-35% of the population (bilingual French/English with preference for Francophones) - does it really matter which party has the power?

Whichever party panders the most to QC & Ont is going to get the vote. Harper has given away about all he can give to QC and for thanks, he got basically zilch in terms of the vote. QC has probably got about as much as they can get under the Cs and it is looking like they just might support the NDP. Ont will be the determiner, and once against the West will just live with whatever happens. QC continues to hide behind Law 101.

I don't see the West going en masse to either the Liberals or NDP but given the AB scene, it is a crap shoot.

CaberTosser 08-02-2015 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by KGB (Post 2914619)
First choice: none are good for us.
Second choice: liberals are better than NDP.

AND ON A SIDE NOTE: can we get Donald Trump to come to canada? That would be fun....

Yeah, then even more temporary foreign workers would be here:

Selkirk 08-02-2015 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 2914485)

Which party would Canada be worse off under: Liberal or NDP? . . .

Say What?!:scared0015: ... Perish the thought of either ^ !!! :angry3:

Now, go wash yer mouth out with soap and water :waiting4:

Mac ;)

pgavey 08-02-2015 02:32 PM

Me thinks we should all vote green. EL MAY is going to send a million rainbow flags to Seria and a box load of cumbauya c d's translated in Arabic.
Along with JT'S winter jackets that should stop ISIS in it's tracks, Don't you think?

Smokey 08-02-2015 02:37 PM

Since we know Harper will spend and likes Big Government, then the question is when are we going to going to get a real Conservative Government. We are in rough shape no matter what. Flip a coin, or vote based on who has the best hair, beard or hottest wife.

KGB 08-02-2015 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by CaberTosser (Post 2914625)
Yeah, then even more temporary foreign workers would be here:

Better then a thousands of "islamic refugees" from the Middle East...

Toller 08-02-2015 03:38 PM

Definitely NDP. Has there ever been a successful, fiscally responsible NDP government anywhere in Canada?

rugatika 08-02-2015 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Smokey (Post 2914639)
Since we know Harper will spend and likes Big Government, then the question is when are we going to going to get a real Conservative Government. We are in rough shape no matter what. Flip a coin, or vote based on who has the best hair, beard or hottest wife.

Canada will never get a conservative government. Harper is as close as this country will ever get.

sns2 08-02-2015 04:01 PM

Good summary of party policies, so we can be informed of specifics, as opposed to anecdotes.

IMO, this is the most important election of my lifetime.

CaberTosser 08-02-2015 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 2914702)
Good summary of party policies, so we can be informed of specifics, as opposed to anecdotes.

IMO, this is the most important election of my lifetime.

Looks like Angry Tom want to nearly triple foreign aid and do more to help those affected by the war over there. I'm sure none of that increased aid will be filtered back to ISIS :rolleyes:. I'd give it about 2.5 weeks until the 'increased aid' he proposes winds up saving ISIS on their food bill and allows them to buy more weapons.

stuckincity 08-02-2015 05:12 PM

Which disease would be worse for you?
Anthrax or ebola?

bigjohncdn 08-02-2015 05:13 PM

They are both bad. For those of us who enjoy hunting and shooting they are both VERY BAD.

As in the past, this will be a one issue election for many. If you want your guns, you want to hunt, any vote other than Conservative will be a vote for gun control and hunting restrictions.

I may or may not like what the current government has done or is doing, but they are the only choice to avoid severe restrictions on gun ownership and usage.

Sad, but true.

From The Hip 08-02-2015 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by huntinstuff (Post 2914566)
You have a choice of getting stabbed to death or shot to death

Whats the diff?

Both are bad and the end result is the same.

I think Mulcair is crazy. Trudeau is a puke.

Puke you can clean up. Crazy is forever.

I would truly pity Canada if Angry Tom got voted in.Canada would be on the road to ruin with the highway wide open and driving a Ferrari.The nasty thing is the coalition government scenario if the Conservatives get a Minority government.Personally I think it is BS.You cant take 2nd and 3rd place and say "WE won" and literally steal governance of the country.I think though if it is attempted Harper will again pro-rogue parliament and let the media say to Canadians "we may just have another election even there was one because the Lieberals and NDP have attempted to thwart the political will/choice of the electorate".

The hustings are on and very early at that and with a very strategic move by Harper.The Conservative party is allmost drowning in money for the campaigne.They have more money than the Lieberals/NDP/Bloc/Greens combined and they are going to use it big time.

I look forward to another 4 years of Mr.Harper running this country as he is the only sane choice.


reddeerhunter 08-02-2015 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by From The Hip (Post 2914778)
I would truly pity Canada if Angry Tom got voted in.Canada would be on the road to ruin with the highway wide open and driving a Ferrari.The nasty thing is the coalition government scenario if the Conservatives get a Minority government.Personally I think it is BS.You cant take 2nd and 3rd place and say "WE won" and literally steal governance of the country.I think though if it is attempted Harper will again pro-rogue parliament and let the media say to Canadians "we may just have another election even there was one because the Lieberals and NDP have attempted to thwart the political will/choice of the electorate".

The hustings are on and very early at that and with a very strategic move by Harper.The Conservative party is allmost drowning in money for the campaigne.They have more money than the Lieberals/NDP/Bloc/Greens combined and they are going to use it big time.

I look forward to another 4 years of Mr.Harper running this country as he is the only sane choice.


If Harper and the C's don't pull this off, we are gonna be looking at "On The Beach" type she-yat from Nevil Shute(end of days). Liberal rittard Trudeau and Mr Mortgage will run this country to a wreck hole. Farmers, entrepreneurs and everybody will be applying at Timmies for communist pay scale.

JustMe 08-02-2015 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Toller (Post 2914679)
Definitely NDP. Has there ever been a successful, fiscally responsible NDP government anywhere in Canada?

May want to ask the Liberals that question, starting with the previous Trudeau. One as bad as the other !!!

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