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dodger 09-29-2008 07:08 AM

Tradegy at Newell
It's sad that a child has passed on what should have been a great family day in the boat. My prayers to the family and I'm sure the whole board will be saddened by this tragic event.

The story sounds like they hit a rock or sandbar and were stuck till someone came to rescue them. With the family rescued the waves of Newell were not forgiving to the brave people who tried to get them back to shore safely. I have heard of the dangerous parts of Newell and finally was able to get a feel of how bad Crawling Valley can be. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I understand many provinces set out markers on the popular lakes that have potentially dangerous places. What would it take the Government responsible for our lakes to do that here in Alberta?? With so few lakes based on our population you know that this same tragedy will happen again. All of us on this board have a passion for the outdoors so it may be up to us to get the message out that we want to have some of these safety measures in place. This will at least give people that are out with there families a better chance of coming home together happy and safe.

Again my prayers to the family.
Dodger / Steve.

merk1 09-29-2008 07:49 AM

My prayers go out to the family of this tragedy. I t is a sad day for all of us, when I heard of this it really scared me and makes you think. My wife and I are new to boating along with our 5yr old doughter and accidents like this really scare me for my own daughters safety. I cant imagine how hard something like this would be, I feel for the family and again my families prayers go out to this family.

Scott N 09-29-2008 09:14 AM

It is a very sad tragedy and it sounds like it was lucky that there weren't more people dead. 5 years old is far too young to leave this world, I can't imagine what her family is going through now.

fishing_flower 09-29-2008 10:30 AM

Yes, it is very sad. My prayers go out to the family and the rescuers.

Walleyes 09-29-2008 10:39 AM

Yes it sent shivers down my spine hearing of this this morning my heart go's out to this family..

I know this may be out of place but I would like to know what anyone was doing out on the southern lakes on Saturday,, the wind was blowing like crazy the gusts were over 60 km/hr !!!! When will people learn that you can't mess with water you seldom get a second chance..


What would it take the Government responsible for our lakes to do that here in Alberta??
Again with all do respect but,, you can't fix stupid....

FallAirFever 09-29-2008 11:15 AM

This hits extremly close to home. The child attended the same school as my children in Langdon and the mother is a teacher there.
Of course my families thoughts and prayer are with the family involved in this.
I can not imagine lossing a child nor can I begin to imagine the grief the parents are feeling, what a horrible loss.

Winch101 09-29-2008 12:55 PM

Newell on Saturday
This is an awful situation ,

There is something puzzling to me about southern alberta waters ,
I have boated in Manitoba and NW Ont nearly all my life and all well used
waters have markers on all dangerous reefs and shoals ...

Southern alberta none , I would classify Crawling valley
as one of the most dangerous lakes I have ever been on ...
I cant believe people arent done in there more often ...

Saturday Advent from the board here , was at newell and said
the lake was so rough they had trouble fishing in his 18.5
boat , they stayed close to the launch and finally gave up ...
6 ft swells ...

We should start a petition to the Govt to put marker buoys out on these reservoirs .... This is a true tragedy .....

caddisman 09-29-2008 01:11 PM

Tragic for sure. It is hard so stay aware of sand bars or rocky area with lake fluctuations. I would like to see markers also.
If someone to start a petition, I would sign it.

Leverboy 09-29-2008 01:12 PM


Yes it sent shivers down my spine hearing of this this morning my heart go's out to this family..

I know this may be out of place but I would like to know what anyone was doing out on the southern lakes on Saturday,, the wind was blowing like crazy the gusts were over 60 km/hr !!!! When will people learn that you can't mess with water you seldom get a second chance..

..............i was wondering when somebody would cloud this tragedy with armchair quarterbacking.:rolleye2:

Walleyes 09-29-2008 01:26 PM

No was going to respond to the comment but this is not the thread,,

Nice try Lever..


I heard this very sad story. This is now the 4th or 5th story we have heard this summer about people dieing while fishing. Its due to the fact these people don't have an idea what there doing. they are folks who probably dont have there boater's operator card, Its a shame. The government , Conservsation officers , RCMP, etc are out on the water patrolling , inspecting etc whatever it is they do. Its truely sad but until people pull there heads outta there arses these horrible things will happen.

My wishes and prayers to the family threw this horrible time.

merk1 09-29-2008 01:44 PM

WALLEYES I do think it is out of place!!!!!!! Not a time to be calling someone stupid, they just lost a loved one, have some respect bud. Just my opinion!

Leverboy 09-29-2008 01:51 PM


WALLEYES I do think it is out of place!!!!!!! Not a time to be calling someone stupid, they just lost a loved one, have some respect bud. Just my opinion!

..................precisely. Its been a bad weekend all around for folks with children in Alberta. Why debate when folks are in mourning??? Show some class partner.

Walleyes 09-29-2008 02:14 PM

That comment was not directed at this family no way ,, it was directed to the comment made about government involement some how preventing these tragedies from occurring in the future and my response was intended to mean that you can have all the regulation and signage you want some people will do what they want..

Again in no way was this directed to this family,, I do not know the particulars of what happened and its none of my buisness these people have enough to deal with.. I want this family to know my heart go's out to them. I am raising a family myself and this hit very close to home for me.. I am not a calus man I feel for these people deeply..

We can and should debate government involement on another thread and leave this one alone...

merk1 09-29-2008 02:21 PM

Apology accepted walleyes. Thanks

Leverboy 09-29-2008 02:33 PM

Well said Walleyes well said. Being the father of a 5 year old daughter and 2 year old son as well having just moved from Edson, i am a little on edge and emotional these days i guess. Life is precious.

FUGARWE 09-29-2008 09:04 PM

My deepest sympathy goes out to this family. I cant imagine the loss. As the General Manager of a local boat dealership this story really hits home. There are a great deal of new boaters on Alberta lakes thanks to the economy. I for one would support any ideas anyone has on a setting up a "on the water training course" for all new boaters regardless of where they buy their boat. With any and all proceeds going to a trust fund set up in the name of the young girl lost this weekend. Anyone interested can contact me directly at Rayburn's Marine.



Originally Posted by FUGARWE (Post 190499)
My deepest sympathy goes out to this family. I cant imagine the loss. As the General Manager of a local boat dealership this story really hits home. There are a great deal of new boaters on Alberta lakes thanks to the economy. I for one would support any ideas anyone has on a setting up a "on the water training course" for all new boaters regardless of where they buy their boat. With any and all proceeds going to a trust fund set up in the name of the young girl lost this weekend. Anyone interested can contact me directly at Rayburn's Marine.

I dont think the funds could go directly to that little girl , there has been ,many young folks killed in the past 2 or 3 years . I can think of at least 6 diffent tragity accidents happening . Its sad , or think about the father and daughter killed at pigeon lake last year , very very very sad situation killed by lightining . That was a year ago last week .

Jorg 09-29-2008 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by FUGARWE (Post 190499)
My deepest sympathy goes out to this family. I cant imagine the loss. As the General Manager of a local boat dealership this story really hits home. There are a great deal of new boaters on Alberta lakes thanks to the economy. I for one would support any ideas anyone has on a setting up a "on the water training course" for all new boaters regardless of where they buy their boat. With any and all proceeds going to a trust fund set up in the name of the young girl lost this weekend. Anyone interested can contact me directly at Rayburn's Marine.

I will start by donating 100.00 dollars

FUGARWE 09-29-2008 09:34 PM

good point
Good point John. But it has to start somewhere. All I am saying is if anyone has any ideas, I'll put our name and rep behind it.

Kyle 09-29-2008 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by BIGBADJOHN (Post 190255)
I heard this very sad story. This is now the 4th or 5th story we have heard this summer about people dieing while fishing. Its due to the fact these people don't have an idea what there doing. they are folks who probably dont have there boater's operator card, Its a shame. The government , Conservsation officers , RCMP, etc are out on the water patrolling , inspecting etc whatever it is they do. Its truely sad but until people pull there heads outta there arses these horrible things will happen.

My wishes and prayers to the family threw this horrible time.

A boaters card dosent teach you how to navigate in 5-6 foot waves(which is what was out there), that comes with experience of being out in big waves.
I think the unfortunate part here is that the rescue boat was being driven by someone who couldnt even handle the boat in big waves, that in my opinion is pathetic and a major (life costing) mistake.
Truly sad :(


I understand that aswell .They just showed the rcmp officer who nearly drouned aswell. Sounds like the situation was really bad. Also sounds like to many people in the second boat that would of killed everyone if not for life jackets. But basic knowelede is needed to pass the boaters exam. But yes with time going threw 5 or 6 ft waves not easy. But agian common sence you should get off the water before that point. But Yes things happen , im speaking generally.

merk1 09-30-2008 09:02 AM

John you are correct when you say (know when to get off), that is where we need more training offered, for the boat you own as they can all handle different conditions. But it does not sound like it was rough water until after the first accident. My concern is the rcmp officer in the hospital did not know how to swim, and by the sounds of it fish and wildlife officers might need more training or have bigger boats for those lakes, why else did it capsize and cause this tragedy. I did experience some 5-6ft waves this summer down south for the first time its scarey even in a 18ft boat. I did as much research on the computer as I could about safe boating and I think it helped me more than the boaters exam. The boaters exam should be a test on the water like your driving test not at home on the computer. Again my deepest thoughts to the family.

Waxy 09-30-2008 09:56 AM

I can't even begin to understand how devastating that loss would be, and the impact it will have on everyone involved.

I see some real glaring problems in just about every aspect of this story, but I'm not sure this is the place to discuss them.

My heart goes out to all involved...:cry:


Steamer08 09-30-2008 01:50 PM

I'm from the Brooks area. I have for the better part of 20 years been using Lake Newell as our recreation place. My heart truly goes out to this family and the loss of their daughter. I have a 7 yr old daughter and 5 yr old son of my own and a tradegy of this magnitude would be devastating.

I do know that there are a few bad spots on the lake. For the most part, when the water is low, there are bouys in place so people know. I have stood in the middle of the lake just getting my ankles wet. Unfortunatley, in this south country, the lakes are used for irrigation storages and the lake levels can fluctuate very rapidly. They go down alot quicker than they go up. In the last couple of weeks the level had dropped about 4-5 feet. Not exact on the figures but it is close. I guess no was able to get all of these markers in place.

And then there is the WIND. Lake Newell does not have 1 tree on the west banks to speak of. The swells get HUGE. Everyone who boats is 100% responsible for their actions on the water. Big swells and little boats do not mix and it is a truly unnerving feeling being trapped on an open lake when our famous winds decide to pick up.

Point is: Regardless of who is responsible for putting out low water markers, they are not always going to find all of the spots. Secondly, those of us who chose to use our lakes for recreation must always do so with the utmost caution and act responsibly. Unfortunately when tradegies like this happen, everyone is fast to place blame. It usually ends up being a chain of events that could have all been prevented at some point by someone.

floppychicken 10-01-2008 11:32 AM

Man, this surely is
a massive tragedy and unthinkable loss. My profound sympathy goes out to the family.

As far as blame is concerned,... there is no one to blame for their unfortunate situation of being stuck in the middle of the lake. It happens to 'many' people in 'many' different ways. I've seen and heard of people hitting underwater islands and sandbars that 'weren't supposed to be there' or were not marked (Crawling Valley anyone ?). No one can POSSIBLY know where every dangerous structure or hazzard is, on a body of water.....
Some boaters accidentaly run out of gas, lose a prop or even have an engine malfunction. Once one of those things happens, you are COMPLETELY at the MERCY of the wind or inclement weather and we know this to be ESPECIALLY true here in Alberta.

It looks like a series of events occured 'after they were picked up' and it was a TRAGIC ending to an unfortunate 'accident' and there's certainly no denying that.. The thing is, none of 'us' were there so casting blame or insinuating fault is not only unreasonable but most likely moot.....


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