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pikergolf 07-29-2012 11:48 AM

Boils on trout
Was out yesterday, and about a third of the trout I caught, had what looked like boils on their bodies. Not open sores but dime size lumps. With the heat I did not want to handle and take time for pics, didn't even net just grab hook and quick jerk and off. Fish were feeding heavy in the heavy weeds where you could not get at them, was blue green in the weed tops. Anybody know what that was and if it's related to the blue green?

Dust1n 07-29-2012 11:54 AM

was it in a lake or river?

pikergolf 07-29-2012 11:58 AM

Bullshead lake.

Fordman 07-29-2012 05:06 PM

Found the same thing in a resevoir about 5 years ago. Took one into Fish & Wildlife and he said it was from the sun and the fish in shallower water. Nothing wrong with them and still tasted good.

Guitarplayingfish 07-29-2012 05:10 PM

Could be a parasite too.. happened to lake a used to frequent years ago, they advised cooking well so you wouldn't get sick.. Lasted that year, tons of trout and tons of boils... Worked itself out by the following year.

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