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Brandonkop 10-18-2020 11:15 AM

Giant Fraser Sturgeon 400 to 500 pounds
A little over a week ago a fishing buddy of mine Fishing with Rod was able to line a trip up with Chopstick Travel fishing for sturgeon on the Fraser River. They caught an absolute giant sturgeon. Rod tells me it is the biggest one he has seen caught.

The next day Rod had me set up on a spot fishing the Vedder River for salmon. Turned out to be a great day hooking three hatchery coho, one wild coho and two chum. They joined me at the spot a little later and at the end of their video I actually show up in the video catching my final hatchery coho for a limit.

We even got some bobber downs for the guests and a couple hook ups. Good times were had by all. It was nice meeting Luke and Sabrina out there and wish them the best on their ongoing Youtube Travel adventures amongst the ever changing COVID world.

Anyways check out the video on their channel and give them a like, comment, SUB! Thanks for watching.

Drewski Canuck 10-18-2020 08:50 PM

Did the Sturgeon have any tags from prior catch - tag releases?

It would be interesting to see if this is a truly virgin catch of something that has to be at least 100 years old!


walking buffalo 10-19-2020 12:08 PM

Years ago I was fishing sturgeon with my old university roommate.

For years he ran the fishcounting equipment in Abbotsford.

He talked of seeing several times a sturgeon breach that he estimated at 2000 pounds.

We were hanging out in a large eddy on another buddie's restored 1920's 60' tugboat, catching piles of 3-6 footers....

A nearby 1070s 20' open fiberglass boat hooked up something Big!
First the fish pulled the boat upcurrent in the eddy,
then out to the main river, and continued UPSTREAM!
Despite the heavy fishing tackle, the fish soon broke off....
That boat had to weigh two+ tons with the 4 people on board. :scared0015:

While huge, 4-500 pounds is just a baby compared to a few of the real old-age beasts that are still in that river.

HuyFishin 10-19-2020 02:05 PM

I cant imagine the thrill I would have if I hooked up with a sturgeon at 10 feet long!

Hopefully I can book a trip sometime in the future.

58thecat 10-19-2020 02:17 PM

It is totally epic to hook onto a fish like that and land them for the "wedding pic" I call it....if you have not done this ya gotta try it....thx for getting the blood flowing again!

Stump thumper 10-19-2020 02:33 PM

I have gone every fall to the Fraser sturgeon fishing. This would have been year 7 for me. I would have been leaving this Friday, fish 4 days. Thanks Covid and the work downturn for not making it happen this year.. Seeing these videos makes it hurt just a little more. :angry3:

And yes, anyone that hasn’t felt the power of a big white sturgeon on the end of a rod needs to treat themselves and go!!

Smoky buck 10-19-2020 06:53 PM

Another vote for if you have never caught a white sturgeon do it

EZM 10-19-2020 07:24 PM

I loved your Cameo appearance - you shamed poor Rod in front of his clients ....... I guess it wasn't his day ....

Seems like a very nice guy .....

Outbound 10-19-2020 08:28 PM

Hell a fish!

I've caught a few out of that exact same hole, but nothing of that size. :D

Spudnut 10-20-2020 12:44 PM

Dream fish to be sure. Would love to get a Sturgeon one day - haven't caught one yet. Thanks for the post.

Brandonkop 10-26-2020 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by EZM (Post 4251349)
I loved your Cameo appearance - you shamed poor Rod in front of his clients ....... I guess it wasn't his day ....

Seems like a very nice guy .....

Haha, yeah poor Rod this year has been struggling with the hatchery coho on the Vedder. I was the friend who donated the coho a day earlier for their BBQ on the boat as well. He has helped me out a lot when it comes to fast tracking me to a proficient river salmon fisherman, so I owe him! I think he had it all planned out with me being involved that day. He is a really nice guy, I enjoy fishing with him. We have a good time out there and enjoy eachothers company. Not everyone appreciates us though since many people think he helps too many people learn how to fish without the years of effort to learn on their own.

does it ALL outdoors 10-27-2020 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Spudnut (Post 4251715)
Dream fish to be sure. Would love to get a Sturgeon one day - haven't caught one yet. Thanks for the post.

You don't have to go all the way to the coast, Alberta has no shortage of Dino's.

Great video, thanks for posting.

Red Bullets 10-28-2020 12:07 AM

Great video. Nice fish. Gotta love fish that make your elbows hurt for three days.

I don't know if it is still there but years ago there was a mounted white sturgeon hanging at the Stanley Park Aquarium. It was caught in a fisherman's net in the Fraser. It was about 1500 lbs. and maybe 13 to 15 feet long. Would have been quite the tug on a line.

58thecat 10-28-2020 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by does it ALL outdoors (Post 4256095)
You don't have to go all the way to the coast, Alberta has no shortage of Dino's.

Great video, thanks for posting.

Not these type.....badland dino's are bigger than the Fraser Dino's.....and the wee ones in the N/S rivers are a bit small but still fun:)

Positrac 10-28-2020 08:12 AM

I’ve been quite a few times and have fished for Sturgeon from the boundary at the Mission Bridge all the way up to right below Hell’s Gate. It’s a cool fishery for sure. Farther up river you need a high-powered jet boat but down by Mission I’ve had my best fishing for big fish and a guy could do it with your average prop-driven boat and nothing more than halibut gear.

To me Sturgeon fishing is the only good thing about living in the Lower Wasteland. Well, river fishing for salmon can be fun too but most times it was a bit too busy with people for my liking.

Thanks for posting up the video BK.

Brandonkop 10-28-2020 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Positrac (Post 4256838)
I’ve been quite a few times and have fished for Sturgeon from the boundary at the Mission Bridge all the way up to right below Hell’s Gate. It’s a cool fishery for sure. Farther up river you need a high-powered jet boat but down by Mission I’ve had my best fishing for big fish and a guy could do it with your average prop-driven boat and nothing more than halibut gear.

To me Sturgeon fishing is the only good thing about living in the Lower Wasteland. Well, river fishing for salmon can be fun too but most times it was a bit too busy with people for my liking.

Thanks for posting up the video BK.

I've never heard that one, "lower wasteland". Wonder why they farm all the high priced crops here if it's wasteland and property values have shot through to the sky? Someone must disagree with your sentiment. I love living here now, dream paradise for me with mountains, ocean, lakes, rivers and the island all in one place. Outdoor paradise. I get to go salmon fishing on the ocean after work in the summer and hit the local rivers all fall for chinook, coho, chum and steelhead in the winter. Fraser sturgeon which i haven't fished for yet. Bass all over the place. Interior lakes a couple hours away. It's a fishing paradise if you like salmonids. Here are some pics from last couple weeks.

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Positrac 10-28-2020 09:05 PM

The Lower Wasteland is a name given to it by pretty much everyone in BC who doesn’t live there. The area is despised mostly because that is where the majority of people in BC live so provincial political parties, like the current NDP, are usually determined on how voting goes in the area, and that is usually the exact opposite to the rest of the province.

I agree there are some good points but $800,000 for a 3 bedroom town house out the valley and wall to wall people/traffic takes away from the good points in most people’s mind. Months of dreary weather doesn’t help either.

Every person I know that lived there couldn’t wait to get out and most have sold out now with the price of housing has skyrocketed due to mass out-of-country immigration to the area. Even if the house you lived in all your life gets passed down to you the property taxes will keep you in the poor house until you sell out and move.

My intention wasn’t to crap on your thread though. Glad you like it there. I’ve spent some time there and some of the fishing can be great. Drive out the valley and within 3 hours there are some great places for an outdoors minded person.

Brandonkop 10-28-2020 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Positrac (Post 4257289)
The Lower Wasteland is a name given to it by pretty much everyone in BC who doesn’t live there. The area is despised mostly because that is where the majority of people in BC live so provincial political parties, like the current NDP, are usually determined on how voting goes in the area, and that is usually the exact opposite to the rest of the province.

I agree there are some good points but $800,000 for a 3 bedroom town house out the valley and wall to wall people/traffic takes away from the good points in most people’s mind. Months of dreary weather doesn’t help either.

Every person I know that lived there couldn’t wait to get out and most have sold out now with the price of housing has skyrocketed due to mass out-of-country immigration to the area. Even if the house you lived in all your life gets passed down to you the property taxes will keep you in the poor house until you sell out and move.

My intention wasn’t to crap on your thread though. Glad you like it there. I’ve spent some time there and some of the fishing can be great. Drive out the valley and within 3 hours there are some great places for an outdoors minded person.

I see your current location says, Fort McMurray. I understand, no need to explain further.

Positrac 10-28-2020 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Brandonkop (Post 4257334)
I see your current location says, Fort McMurray. I understand, no need to explain further.

Lol. That’s pretty weak. True colours showing through.

Brandonkop 10-28-2020 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Positrac (Post 4257344)
Lol. That’s pretty weak. True colours showing through.

Please, you're like some bully in a playground coming to rain on someones parade because you're jealous. Did you not read your posts??? Totally off topic and uncalled for what you have posted.

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Positrac 10-28-2020 10:47 PM

You took some offence and got butt-hurt by me calling it the Lower Wasteland in my first post. I just tried to explain why it is called that in my second post. Then you decide to discredit any experience I have with the place by pointing out I live in Fort McMurray, which is weak and an insult to anyone living there on an Alberta based forum.

Glad you like it there. Spend more than a summer there and you might understand where I’m coming from.

As for your fishing experiences there this past year, I was in no way belittling it or your catch. Thanks for posting up your experiences and adding some pics.


Brandonkop 10-28-2020 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Positrac (Post 4257362)
You took some offence and got butt-hurt by me calling it the Lower Wasteland in my first post. I just tried to explain why it is called that in my second post. Then you decide to discredit any experience I have with the place by pointing out I live in Fort McMurray, which is weak and an insult to anyone living there on an Alberta based forum.

Glad you like it there. Spend more than a summer there and you might understand where I’m coming from.

As for your fishing experiences there this past year, I was in no way belittling it or your catch. Thanks for posting up your experiences and adding some pics.


You can dish it but you can't take it. Typical.

??? Spend a little more than a summer here??? Give your head a shake man. The lower mainland has been my home since 2014. I own a house here, i live here, i work here, i am raising my family here.

Have you lived here? Doesn't sound like it.

You don't have a clue what youre talking about.

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Positrac 10-28-2020 11:37 PM

I’m not sure if your on the sauce tonight but you should probably re-read this thread tomorrow because it was not my intention to get you all worked up or trash what was a good thread.

As for now, I’m done tongue-punching each other’s fart boxes so I’m going to step away.

You won.


Smoky buck 10-29-2020 07:05 AM

I was born and raised in the “lower wasteland” and I am surprised this is the first time you have heard that name before. Spent half my life there and experienced the good and bad

I am actually very confident we have met and you brought your kids to my old business brandonkop. If I am correct we talked fishing a few times and crappie fishing being something you enjoyed. If so you were a good guy if not the person I am thinking of was lol

There is positives to the lower mainland but I would never live there again. Most of those I know left the area for many reasons. Too many people and too much traveling to enjoy my lifestyle. Remember one mans paradise is another mans hell

To each there own

Brandonkop 10-29-2020 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Smoky buck (Post 4257454)
I was born and raised in the “lower wasteland” and I am surprised this is the first time you have heard that name before. Spent half my life there and experienced the good and bad

I am actually very confident we have met and you brought your kids to my old business brandonkop. If I am correct we talked fishing a few times and crappie fishing being something you enjoyed. If so you were a good guy if not the person I am thinking of was lol

There is positives to the lower mainland but I would never live there again. Most of those I know left the area for many reasons. Too many people and too much traveling to enjoy my lifestyle. Remember one mans paradise is another mans hell

To each there own

I don't recall. You would have to tell me the business. I've never heard the term. Everyone i know who lives here seems to be very happy. The only people i know who moved away are trying to sell their home and move back. You realize using the definition the other gave, "the name everyone else who doesn't live there uses" makes it a prejudiced stereotype.

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Smoky buck 10-29-2020 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Brandonkop (Post 4257519)
I don't recall. You would have to tell me the business. I've never heard the term. Everyone i know who lives here seems to be very happy. The only people i know who moved away are trying to sell their home and move back. You realize using the definition the other gave, "the name everyone else who doesn't live there uses" makes it a prejudiced stereotype.

Sent from my SM-G960W using Tapatalk

I am surprised you have never heard it before. I think I first heard it over 20+years ago. I have heard it from people who live or lived in the lower mainland most. Very common amongst hunters because of the amount of trash found in the bush and most try to get out of the area to hunt and fish as much as possible

There is no doubt people who love the area but no lack of people who hate it too. Like I said most of my friends/family moved away and 50% of those I know plan to move within 5years. Only know one person who moved back but that was to be near family and they still don’t like the area. It all depends on the circles you hang around with I guess

I will send you a PM

58thecat 10-29-2020 09:50 AM

dam gents...haters going to hate and luvers going to luv.....I tell ya I will take the wasteland anytime and the fort area too...all great places to enjoy the outdoors...I bet if I organized a fishing get together you would be best buds in no minded I sense.....

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