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ntsougri 07-16-2020 10:41 AM

Help stop the closing 20 park sites and delisting 164 others
Help make a difference and check out the I Use Alberta Parks website to make your voice heard and help stop the Alberta Government from it's plans to close 20 park sites and delist 164 others.

Website link:

Background information:

The Alberta government plans to close 20 park sites and delist 164 others, citing low visitor numbers and savings of $5 million (which equate to $1.14 per Albertan). Once these parks are delisted they no longer have any protection and can be converted into Crown Land, which does not have the same environmental and recreational protections as parks. Once we lose our parks, they're gone forever.

​The I Use Alberta Parks campaign was launched to help stop the loss of these parks. We are a group of concerned Albertans who love the wilderness and outdoor opportunities that our beautiful province has to offer. We want to demonstrate to the Alberta government that people love and use these parks - there is no good reason to shut them down.

How can you help? You can make a difference by simply showing that you visited a provincial park in Alberta. Whether you live in Alberta or not, if you have recently used one of the sites proposed for defunding let the Alberta government know that you use Alberta Parks.

Check out the website and make your voice heard!

walking buffalo 07-16-2020 10:50 AM

But Coal mining can't expand if some of these parks are not abolished....

Rvsask 07-16-2020 11:31 AM

I feel like this an “out of sight out of mind” topic on this site. I’d be nervous if residing in AB.

Dewey Cox 07-16-2020 11:59 AM

I like parks as much, if not more than the next guy, but the government needs to cut back everywhere.
I can think of a lot of other places I'd prefer cutbacks, but sacrifices have to be made. We can't just spend forever.

Mulehahn 07-16-2020 02:40 PM

From what I gather though a large number of the 164 parks are just areas of land that is just designated parks. No services, for the most part no roads. Just places for people to go and enjoy nature.

I don't understand how delisting these is going to save any money. What money is being spent on them? I am all for cutting spending, the debt is out of control, but if no money is being spent then that raises serious questions.

ruffy71 07-16-2020 03:36 PM

And if money is being spent on them, stop spending, but leave them designated as parks.

bsmitty27 07-16-2020 04:55 PM

The UPC has no problem spending money, that's for sure. It's just how the money being spent is prioritized.

Map Maker 07-16-2020 07:11 PM

Audit Audit Audit

MrDave 07-17-2020 09:31 PM

$32 a night for a tent and these idiots can't figure out why the parks are under used....

Outbound 07-17-2020 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by MrDave (Post 4204616)
$32 a night for a tent and these idiots can't figure out why the parks are under used....

We don't use parks for anything other than day use because of this cost. We camp on crown land. While we love our parks, if the cost to use them was more reasonable (maybe $10 - $15/night for tents), we'd spend much more time in them.

heretohunt 07-18-2020 06:17 AM

I would be more interested in povincial parks if hunting was allowed.

Don Andersen 07-18-2020 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by heretohunt (Post 4204669)
I would be more interested in povincial parks if hunting was allowed.

Most of the campgrounds on the list occupy less than 5 acres.


Bergerboy 07-18-2020 08:11 AM

I have more use for crown land than I do for parks. As per the comment of "once gone, they are gone forever" is untrue. There was 5 quarters that was Miquelon Park, got designated to crown land for 15 years for resource development and once complete, went back to park land. During that 15 years it was designated as crown land and was a nice place to hunt moose and upland. Now its gone again to the park system so it can go virtually unused.

Smoky buck 07-18-2020 08:36 AM

If these parks are just converting back to crown land it’s a positive in my books. The only facilities I really use at prov parks is the boat launches and parking. I just can’t bring myself to pay to camp in a parking lot with a bunch of other people. It’s just not for me

calgarychef 07-18-2020 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by MrDave (Post 4204616)
$32 a night for a tent and these idiots can't figure out why the parks are under used....

It’s not actually cheap to maintain parks. I’m fine with the cost...I don’t “love” paying that much but I understand.

walking buffalo 07-18-2020 01:07 PM

This move by the government is Not about saving dollars by eliminating parks maintenance costs.

It is about making money, Mostly through expanding resource extraction in areas where SOME of these parks are currently in the way.

It is not a co-incidence that the '76 coal development policy is rescinded just after the parks elimination is announced.

This will be a huge net loss for outdoors people, and especially for many wildlife species. Some people will gain prosperity.

It has been on the books for decades that wmu 402 upper Oldman/Livingstone is to be a resource extraction area with minimal environmental protection. This is why the timber has been allowed to be cut at such a fast rate. Now on to mining coal.

Don Andersen 07-18-2020 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 4204816)
This move by the government is Not about saving dollars by eliminating parks maintenance costs.

It is about making money, Mostly through expanding resource extraction in areas where SOME of these parks are currently in the way.

It is not a co-incidence that the '76 coal development policy is rescinded just after the parks elimination is announced.

This will be a huge net loss for outdoors people, and especially for many wildlife species. Some people will gain prosperity.

It has been on the books for decades that wmu 402 upper Oldman/Livingstone is to be a resource extraction area with minimal environmental protection. This is why the timber has been allowed to be cut at such a fast rate. Now on to mining coal.

Strip the timber and gut the coal.
Both in the upper Oldman and the area between the Ram Rivers.


Fisherdan 07-18-2020 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by walking buffalo (Post 4204816)
This move by the government is Not about saving dollars by eliminating parks maintenance costs.

It is about making money, Mostly through expanding resource extraction in areas where SOME of these parks are currently in the way.

It is not a co-incidence that the '76 coal development policy is rescinded just after the parks elimination is announced.

This will be a huge net loss for outdoors people, and especially for many wildlife species. Some people will gain prosperity.

It has been on the books for decades that wmu 402 upper Oldman/Livingstone is to be a resource extraction area with minimal environmental protection. This is why the timber has been allowed to be cut at such a fast rate. Now on to mining coal.

Wow. That is starting to make sense now. United Conservative party of Adelaide...

wannabe 07-19-2020 07:12 PM

This is a good thing. Do some research before you get angry and shed some tears.

hilt134 07-19-2020 08:51 PM

I mean we have a crown land shortage in some areas. Not to mention the calls to close pleny of areas we use for hunting and shooting. this is the sort of thing im not sure there is a good answer

CNP 07-19-2020 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by wannabe (Post 4205358)
This is a good thing. Do some research before you get angry and shed some tears.


lionel 07-21-2020 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dewey Cox (Post 4203840)
I like parks as much, if not more than the next guy, but the government needs to cut back everywhere.
I can think of a lot of other places I'd prefer cutbacks, but sacrifices have to be made. We can't just spend forever.

$5 mil saving per year or $1.14 per Albertan.

Probably nothing shady though.....

UCP’s pre covid deficit is larger than that of the NDP’s.

Conservative fiscal responsibility is the biggest BS myth around.

HyperMOA 07-21-2020 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by lionel (Post 4206218)
$5 mil saving per year or $1.14 per Albertan.

Probably nothing shady though.....

UCP’s pre covid deficit is larger than that of the NDP’s.

Conservative fiscal responsibility is the biggest BS myth around.

A deficit is based on income available. Who’s spending was higher; NDP or UCP? I’m actually curious. Since incomes are way down Pre-Covid they could cut spending and still have a higher deficit. Plus when the NDP came in and opened the spending floodgates it’s hard to immediately just shut it off.

HyperMOA 07-21-2020 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by lionel (Post 4206218)
$5 mil saving per year or $1.14 per Albertan.

Probably nothing shady though.....

UCP’s pre covid deficit is larger than that of the NDP’s.

Conservative fiscal responsibility is the biggest BS myth around.

A deficit is based on income available. Who’s spending was higher; NDP or UCP? I’m actually curious. Since incomes are way down Pre-Covid they could cut spending and still have a higher deficit. Plus when the NDP came in and opened the spending floodgates it’s hard to immediately just shut it off.

Dewey Cox 07-21-2020 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by hilt134 (Post 4205406)
I mean we have a crown land shortage in some areas. Not to mention the calls to close pleny of areas we use for hunting and shooting. this is the sort of thing im not sure there is a good answer

We have a crown land shortage?
How exactly do you figure that?

300-510 07-21-2020 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by ntsougri (Post 4203805)
Help make a difference and check out the I Use Alberta Parks website to make your voice heard and help stop the Alberta Government from it's plans to close 20 park sites and delist 164 others.

Website link:

Background information:

The Alberta government plans to close 20 park sites and delist 164 others, citing low visitor numbers and savings of $5 million (which equate to $1.14 per Albertan). Once these parks are delisted they no longer have any protection and can be converted into Crown Land, which does not have the same environmental and recreational protections as parks. Once we lose our parks, they're gone forever.

​The I Use Alberta Parks campaign was launched to help stop the loss of these parks. We are a group of concerned Albertans who love the wilderness and outdoor opportunities that our beautiful province has to offer. We want to demonstrate to the Alberta government that people love and use these parks - there is no good reason to shut them down.

How can you help? You can make a difference by simply showing that you visited a provincial park in Alberta. Whether you live in Alberta or not, if you have recently used one of the sites proposed for defunding let the Alberta government know that you use Alberta Parks.

Check out the website and make your voice heard!

Would you rather unesco take care of ab campsites.

Iron Brew 07-24-2020 07:28 PM

MrDave 07-26-2020 09:40 AM

Where's the outrage?
Remember when these pretend outdoors people were so upset at the lack of consultation on the Bighorn Park? Boo hoo all over the place. We weren't consulted, we never had a chance on input. Almost 2 decades of research and effort had been done at that point, yet they teared up and got pouty.

Thousands of kilometers of hiking for electroshocking creeks for stats. Over a decade of work done under the PC government that was ignored; all the efforts of the biologists, the accountants, the admin staff, the volunteers, the wildlife officers, and countless others weren't listened to.
That wasn't good enough. Instead the people cried like little kids told no you may not have that candy.
Now the area in question is lined up for future destruction.

The silence is deafening. All the plans to protect land for future generations are being tossed. Hidden plans and emails revealed that they are planning to sell these parks if possible. Slowly the UCP snuck in changes that allow delisting and selling of these properties. A little a year ago, a bit more this spring.

Many complain about the foreign ownership of Canada, yet silence as our MLAs set about letting foreign ownership start to happen to our parks.

They've watched the video telling them that we(UCP) weren't planning on selling crown land. Our Ag Minister bluntly lied about it 2 weeks before it happened The Environment Minister won't answer questions about his lies. There is no response from them except for a "We told you so."

Will you wait for your camping spot to be closed? Are you ready for restrictions on bush camping in order to make Alberta Parks profitable? I hope so, I want you to cry some more.

You who are ignoring these changes, deserve to be made fun of. Not in my backyard attitudes are going to bite you hard. From logging, cattle grazing, to now coal mines.... Do you see the progression?

1899b 07-26-2020 09:42 AM

I don’t enjoy parks. Too many city folks bringing their city to the parks.

It’s always been crown land for this guy....

Brian Bildson 07-26-2020 10:40 AM

According to UCP interal documents released this week Nixon was told by his advisors he could face backlash for lack of public consultation. One of the problems with a "one party" legislature is BS like this.

Parks aren't just for today, they are a means to ensure as the province continues to grow we have places to recreate and connect. I have never even slept in an AB formal campground over the last 25 years but I've brought a lot of kids over the years for day trips and picnics.

I offered to take on the Sheep Creek campground on the Smoky River and was even provided with a web site to register my interest. I can make it earn and churn if they can't but I haven't heard anything as of yet. I'd rather they stayed in the hands of the province.

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