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whitetailman 05-17-2010 07:32 PM

i was just

whitetailman 05-17-2010 07:37 PM

delete i know ythe answer its illegal my bad sorry

4thredneck 05-17-2010 08:17 PM

Where is it illegal to shoot crows?

IR_mike 05-17-2010 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by whitetailman (Post 589822)
delete i know ythe answer its illegal my bad sorry

Maybe if your doing it in town limits...........joke.

Crows are considered a pest like gophers. No season, no bag limit.
Just a heck of a lot of fun.

whitetailman 05-17-2010 08:35 PM

serious i am getting told its illegal......

IR_mike 05-17-2010 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by whitetailman (Post 589870)
serious i am getting told its illegal......

Totaly legal in good old Alberta....u are in province?

S.A.S 05-17-2010 08:40 PM

By who? The regs say you can use an Electric call for them. Shoot away.

Erik 05-17-2010 08:42 PM

Crows are not illegal from the best of my knowledge. In some jurisdictions it is illegal to shoot ravens (I know this is true in B.C. not sure about Alberta). Ravens are a native species and crows are introduced, so make sure you know which is which. Crows are considered a pest, so I believe there is no problem province-wide, barring any other restrictions. You could always phone a fish and wildlife office for absolute clarification.

IR_mike 05-17-2010 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Erik (Post 589879)
and crows are introduced,

I think your wrong, Crows are native to the Americas.

Ruger1022 05-17-2010 09:00 PM

Crows and Ravens
Crows account for an entire family of birds, Corvidae, that includes the raven species. That is, all ravens are crows, but crows can be ravens, jays, or magpies. In the United States, most people are referring to the American Crow when they use the term. While this blackbird and the raven have many similarities, there are differences in their appearance, behavior, and habitat.

Erik 05-17-2010 09:19 PM

I stand corrected. Crows are native too. I guess in my upbringing in the land of British Columbia, where tree huggers infect your brain with misinformation and half-truths, I heard wrong. Somewhere long ago I was told crows are OK and ravens are not to be shot; now I will have to go on a fact finding mission in the B.C. hunting regs.

All in all, its irrelevant as that is B.C and this is Alberta; shoot all the crows you want!

foothillsman 05-17-2010 09:23 PM

My understanding is that you can blast away at crows or magpies but not ravens. Ravens are native to this land, magpies are not. I'm not sure whether the crow is native or not. I have watched them disapear into a cloud of feathers for raiding our chicken pen when I was younger. The do make quite the racket when their buddies vanish!

elkhunter11 05-17-2010 09:30 PM

Crows are not protected and hunting them is not regulated in Alberta.Ravens can be killed on private land.

IR_mike 05-17-2010 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by foothillsman (Post 589927)
My understanding is that you can blast away at crows or magpies but not ravens. Ravens are native to this land, magpies are not. I'm not sure whether the crow is native or not. I have watched them disapear into a cloud of feathers for raiding our chicken pen when I was younger. The do make quite the racket when their buddies vanish!

You can shoot ravens on private land in AB, and magpies like the crow are native to the Americas.

The only birds introduced here that will be found in Alberta are the rock dove (pigeon), english sparrow, starling, hungarian partrige, and ring necked pheasant to my knowledge.

whitetailman 05-17-2010 09:35 PM

so my laast question.. can u shoot crows? ahah

lone wolf 05-17-2010 09:37 PM

Crows and magpies, only illegal within city limits ..... unfortunately ....... although some do mysteriously fall out of trees & off roofs :) :):) Guess that's maybe why pellet guns were invented :shark:

Erik 05-17-2010 09:50 PM

I stand further corrected on my knowledge of hunting crows and ravens in B.C. But as I suspected, there is a special provision for ravens. I guess I had it backwards. The raven is open season and the crows you need a hunting license for them(but this is only B.C. only you don't need a hunting license for unregulated game in Alberta). I copied and pasted the regulations in B.C. that deal with crows and ravens.

From the B.C. hunting regulations:

Schedule "C" animals can be captured
or killed anywhere and at any time in BC.
Schedule “C” birds may be hunted using elec-
tronic calls. You do not need a hunting licence
to hunt or kill the following
Schedule “C” wildlife:

You do need a hunting licence to hunt the
following Schedule “C” wildlife UNLESS you
are hunting them on your property or they are
damaging your property:
(a) all species of the genus Corvus - crows,
except Corvus corax - common raven
(b) Pica pica - black-billed magpie

It is unlawful

3. to possess or wantonly take, injure or
destroy a bird, egg, or the nest of a bird
except those designated by regulations,
(ie: crows, house sparrows, cowbirds,
magpies, rock doves or European star-
lings or their egg or nest).

mudbug 05-18-2010 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by lone wolf (Post 589940)
Crows and magpies, only illegal within city limits ..... unfortunately ....... although some do mysteriously fall out of trees & off roofs :) :):) Guess that's maybe why pellet guns were invented :shark:

I always thought they had a special moment and it was the fall that killed them when they fell out of the tree and forgot they could fly in the city :thinking-006:

FishBrain 05-18-2010 01:27 PM

It is illegal to SHOOT crows/magpies in the CITY LIMITS.
But if the babies get close enough while I have a rake or shovel in my hand, well....accidents do happen

Okotokian 05-18-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by FishBrain (Post 590247)
It is illegal to SHOOT crows/magpies in the CITY LIMITS.
But if the babies get close enough while I have a rake or shovel in my hand, well....accidents do happen

So I'll expose my ignorance and ask.... what exactly is the problem posed by crows? I would expect that if they are native and around that they serve some ecological purpose.

Dakota369 05-18-2010 01:57 PM

Yes once again you did

Originally Posted by Okotokian (Post 590258)
So I'll expose my ignorance and ask.... what exactly is the problem posed by crows? I would expect that if they are native and around that they serve some ecological purpose.

So are mice have you ever considered them a pest and eliminated them? They rip into my garbage all the time and spread it around the alley, as well they harass and kill the songbirds. Good enough reason for me!

Scotty P. 05-18-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Okotokian (Post 590258)
So I'll expose my ignorance and ask.... what exactly is the problem posed by crows? I would expect that if they are native and around that they serve some ecological purpose.

I have never witnessed it myself but I have been told by a cattle rancher that crows and ravens can and will kill new born calfs just after they're born. Apparently they go after the eyes and the O ring. If it's true, it's a terrible way to go.

Okotokian 05-18-2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Scotty P. (Post 590271)
I have never witnessed it myself but I have been told by a cattle rancher that crows and ravens can and will kill new born calfs just after they're born. Apparently they go after the eyes and the O ring. If it's true, it's a terrible way to go.

if true, have to agree.

plinker 05-18-2010 02:29 PM

Hey Okotokian, I live in Claresholm and we have a heck of a time with them here. They set up in your trees (sometimes up to and over 25-30 of them) at 0400 hrs in the AM and start screamimg at each other. Not chirping, but OMG screeching and and brutal squawking. They kill the baby songbirds by pushing the eggs and the young ones out of the nests. They are an aggressive bird and not well liked here.:fighting0021:

drake 05-18-2010 02:35 PM

I hunted with a farmer last year who dumped his gun shooting at a couple of crows that were tailing some big canadas. When i asked him why, he cursed for 2 minutes straight then spat on the ground....i explained the calf situation, the god awful noise they make, and their taste for song birds.

thumper 05-18-2010 02:55 PM

Maybe crows, but I draw the line at ravens- my absolute favorite bird. They can live to be 20, show significant intelligence, and exhibit play behaviour - I can sit on a mountainside and watch them goof around in the thermals for hours. Also - they have often led me to where the moose are bedded:sHa_shakeshout:

Ravens and coyotes have an interesting relationship - and a schmucked coyote will draw in ravens from miles around. The big birds hop around and are super excited over a coyote carcass - preferring it to deer carcasses or anything else. Coyote meat seems like catnip to ravens - don't know why.

To a lesser degree, I find the same thing with magpies and deer. If I come across a big opening and there's magpies playing around in one corner - that's where I'll look for deer first.

flyguyd 05-18-2010 05:09 PM

[QUOTE=thumper;590306] They can live to be 20, show significant intelligence, and exhibit play behaviour - - QUOTE]

I believe they can live to be twice that and they look quite stunning mounted

Erik 05-18-2010 07:23 PM

I've seen them harass bald eagles. Two or three crows will dive bomb/tail an eagle to either steal fish or just for the 'fun' of it. They can be extremely cruel birds when they desire. They are also incredibly intelligent and very plucky. They use to outsmart (not incredibly hard to do with the characters I worked with) a team of deckhands at the fishing lodge I worked at and would often be found gorging themselves on salmon eyes/scaps.

Should you witness the injury or death of a crow in the company of other crows you will be treated to the most awful blood-curdling shrieks ever heard. No sound has ever disturbed me more than 100 crows calling out to their brethren in distress. A truly haunting experience, something very Hitchcock-esque.

plinker 05-18-2010 07:34 PM

When I was in Inuvik, I used to watch the same three Ravens get filled on dog food every day. Two of the Ravens would distract the Husky, who's dogfood dish it was, while the third one had his fill. Then they would switch positions, and the next one would eat while the other two distracted the dog. This continued until all three had had their fill. They would stay just out of reach of the dog, who was chained, and drive him insane. I used this as cheap entertainment every day and lmao. One of the birds gave me a heart attack almost every morning because he would walk down the roof of my mobile home (tin roof) and drag his claws. I swear to God it sounded like Freddie Kruger was coming to get you.:sign0068:

Erik 05-18-2010 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by plinker (Post 590465)
When I was in Inuvik, I used to watch the same three Ravens get filled on dog food every day. Two of the Ravens would distract the Husky, who's dogfood dish it was, while the third one had his fill. Then they would switch positions, and the next one would eat while the other two distracted the dog. This continued until all three had had their fill. They would stay just out of reach of the dog, who was chained, and drive him insane. I used this as cheap entertainment every day and lmao.

Now imagine this scenario, but replace the dog with two deckhands working at a fishing lodge. :budo: I would watch them from the second story and laugh.

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