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Bigfeet 04-29-2024 12:49 PM

Sheep horn growth
Was out looking for a bear recently and have come across a few groups of Sheep. A few of the rams in those groups look close (within a few inches or so) to legal. I'm not a Sheep hunter and didn't study them real close, but there were none that were definitively legal. It did make me curious about how much a ram's horns might grow over a summer. Anyone know how much a typical summer of growth would be?

3blade 04-29-2024 03:04 PM

It’s not linear, length grows fastest in the first 3 years and slows every year after.

It also depends on whether you are talking about 4/5 or full curl, and a young one with lamb tips or a mature broomed ram. A bighorn can hit 4/5 legal at 4.5 years (at the earliest, like in cadomin) but it’s gonna be a banana head squeaker. Most of them take 6-7 years, that’s when they start serious fights and they broom, and lose a lot of length. Mature broomed 4/5 curl is probably 9-10 mature full curl is 10-12 but many never make it to full, due to tight curls and continual brooming. Natural life span here in AB is 13-14 years max.

Grizzly Adams1 04-29-2024 09:11 PM

I've seen rams too old to age accurately and with horns so broomed off they're not legal.

6.5 shooter 04-29-2024 11:02 PM

Always thought that the full curl idea was pretty flawed, with brooming off and such. You know it is a fully mature ram (roman nose and tips the size of my wrist) but you can't harvest it because the horn is not perfect, like in the story books.

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