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Springerman 02-20-2018 12:50 PM

dental Root Canal recent Prices in Calgary
It appears that I need a Root Canal done on one of my Molars. My regular dentist referred me to a specialist. I was shocked when the quote came in at $ 2,400 . I was just wondering if that is the going rate in Calgary or if there are more reasonable dentists. I would appreciate your comments. Thanks

CanadianPsycho 02-20-2018 12:57 PM

AB dental prices are insane. Mainly due to having dental benifits being common the dentists have discovered they can jack up their prices to whatever they want. I would encourage you to check into dental care in British Columbia. I recently had some care done and prices were less than half of what AB is charging.
I had a cleaning done with x-rays. Paid 260. AB was charging 485
For 3 fillings. Paid 550. AB dentist wanted 1560 for same.
I calculated it would be cheaper for me to drive to BC, stay in a hotel for two nights, get all the dental care done, and it would still significantly cheaper than AB.

Roderek 02-20-2018 01:42 PM

Canadian Phsyco is correct B.C. prices are extremely cheaper, there wasa n article done in the herald a while back.

since then the Alberta government has posted fee guide for Alberta, the dentists do not have to follow it, so you should review.

Alsowitha root Canal you will also need a crown, so check to see if the price includes the crown. my last one in Alberta before the guide was posted was 1300 for the root Canal and 1300 for the crown.

Big Sky 02-20-2018 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Springerman (Post 3735773)
My regular dentist referred me to a specialist.

Your dentist must feel there is good reason to send you to a specialist ( probably endodontist ).

If you call around to compare pricing, be sure you are comparing to the same type of dental specialist.

I was sent to an endodontist about 10 years ago. It was a pretty big jump from what my family dentist charged for a root canal.

Sundancefisher 02-20-2018 02:35 PM

are you ending up with a Crown?

straight 02-20-2018 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Springerman (Post 3735773)
It appears that I need a Root Canal done on one of my Molars. My regular dentist referred me to a specialist. I was shocked when the quote came in at $ 2,400 . I was just wondering if that is the going rate in Calgary or if there are more reasonable dentists. I would appreciate your comments. Thanks

Looks like right price for overpriced Calgary market. I paid $2000 three month ago.

MK2750 02-20-2018 03:56 PM

There have been some studies that suggest that root canals can affect one's health in many ways. Apparently the theory suggests that root canals can cause bad bacteria in the mouth that can lead to anything from minor digestive problems to heart and respiratory disease.

I have no interest in wandering into that debate except to share my story.

I have been suffering with a peptic ulcer, shortness of breath, almost constant nasal congestion and some other phantom health issues for many years.

I went to several different doctors but we were only able to control the symptoms, not very well and not for very long.

Of course I hit the internet and after reading everything that matched my problems, I kept coming back to root canals. Everything I read made sense and lined up directly with nearly every issue I was experiencing.

Sooo, after being told I was crazy by a couple of different dentists, I found one willing (against his better judgement) to pull my two eye teeth, one supporting a bridge.

What he found surprised him (not me) as both teeth were completely fused and as the pieces came out (2 1/2 hours) infection was evident. I believe the original root canals were too deep, but in reading I would never have another one done in any manner. The dentist said there was no doubt these should have been removed.

My nasal congestion and what I thought was allergies to nearly everything is gone. My peptic ulcer pain is gone and my digestive system is working 100 times better. My breathing is much better although not perfect (it's only been a few weeks) I am still concerned the poison might have damaged my heart but we will see how the recovery continues. I know I can sleep through the night again and am very glad to get that dead stuff out of my body.

Anyway, I am not suggesting you do or don't but I can tell you without doubt that there was hidden infection in my tooth roots and bone that was affecting my health. There was absolutely no evidence of this in tooth ache, blood test or xray except some very minor anomalies in the blood that no one could figure out the cause. Antibiotics prescribed, symptoms go away, finish the pills, symptoms return.

Nearly every dentist will deny the studies but there is lots of data on line. An interesting debate to read about if nothing else.

mmhmmmm 02-20-2018 05:48 PM

Haha as an Edmontonian who JUST got a refferal to a specialist for a root canal this whole thread is very concerning. Should be fun. Guess I will ask for a quote.

I was sent to a specialist because of an S shaped root. Too difficult for dentist to do confidently.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

warriorboy10 02-20-2018 06:14 PM

Buddy recently had 9 crowns, 3 root canals, cleaning and whitening all done in Mexico. $2400 usd. all in. Work completed over three days.
Drove down from Palm Springs to just inside Mexico. Said the facility was nice and very happy with the dentists.

dgl1948 02-20-2018 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by warriorboy10 (Post 3735994)
Buddy recently had 9 crowns, 3 root canals, cleaning and whitening all done in Mexico. $2400 usd. all in. Work completed over three days.
Drove down from Palm Springs to just inside Mexico. Said the facility was nice and very happy with the dentists.

I know of a few who flew to Mexico to have some major work done, had a holiday and saved some money. Dentists were American trained.

Grizzly Adams 02-20-2018 07:03 PM

Buy a ticket to Mexico and have a holiday as well, for the same price. :lol:


Sundancefisher 02-20-2018 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by warriorboy10 (Post 3735994)
Buddy recently had 9 crowns, 3 root canals, cleaning and whitening all done in Mexico. $2400 usd. all in. Work completed over three days.
Drove down from Palm Springs to just inside Mexico. Said the facility was nice and very happy with the dentists.

Friend just had work done...teeth implants. Way far work seems fine as she has no problems with her two new teeth.

That being said...they said they took credit card...which by Mexican law over a certain amount they must as part of anti money laundering laws. They however...after the work was done refused to take credit cards...demanded money...then demanded more than the agreed upon amount.

Fortunately she had a Mexican friend there to help and got the original amount in cash...paid them and was set free. She said she was scared. Her friend brought other friends to stay in the room with her until she was freed. Never left alone and unattended.

It was in Mexico City.

D4l3k 02-20-2018 07:06 PM

After the 2400$ root canal there will be another 1500$ crown afterwards

Dentists are thieves in alberta

covey ridge 02-20-2018 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by MK2750 (Post 3735885)
There have been some studies that suggest that root canals can affect one's health in many ways. Apparently the theory suggests that root canals can cause bad bacteria in the mouth that can lead to anything from minor digestive problems to heart and respiratory disease.

I have no interest in wandering into that debate except to share my story.

I have been suffering with a peptic ulcer, shortness of breath, almost constant nasal congestion and some other phantom health issues for many years.

I went to several different doctors but we were only able to control the symptoms, not very well and not for very long.

Of course I hit the internet and after reading everything that matched my problems, I kept coming back to root canals. Everything I read made sense and lined up directly with nearly every issue I was experiencing.

Sooo, after being told I was crazy by a couple of different dentists, I found one willing (against his better judgement) to pull my two eye teeth, one supporting a bridge.

What he found surprised him (not me) as both teeth were completely fused and as the pieces came out (2 1/2 hours) infection was evident. I believe the original root canals were too deep, but in reading I would never have another one done in any manner. The dentist said there was no doubt these should have been removed.

My nasal congestion and what I thought was allergies to nearly everything is gone. My peptic ulcer pain is gone and my digestive system is working 100 times better. My breathing is much better although not perfect (it's only been a few weeks) I am still concerned the poison might have damaged my heart but we will see how the recovery continues. I know I can sleep through the night again and am very glad to get that dead stuff out of my body.

Anyway, I am not suggesting you do or don't but I can tell you without doubt that there was hidden infection in my tooth roots and bone that was affecting my health. There was absolutely no evidence of this in tooth ache, blood test or xray except some very minor anomalies in the blood that no one could figure out the cause. Antibiotics prescribed, symptoms go away, finish the pills, symptoms return.

Nearly every dentist will deny the studies but there is lots of data on line. An interesting debate to read about if nothing else.

Thanks for posting this. I can relate to just about everything you wrote. I am set for an extraction of a molar where the root has broken on a 30 year old root canal. The infection seems minor as well as a bit of soreness. My dentist said that even a minor infection like this can effect every system of the body, I have all of the same symptom you mentioned. A small dose of antibiotic relieves the symptom but comes back as soon as I quit. One thing know from my own experience is that use of antibiotics kills bad bacteria as well as good bacteria. The gut needs good bacteria to function and if too much of the good bugs are destroyed, digestion problems will happen.

The good news is that once the infection is gone and the good bacteria is restored the body wants to a probably will heal itself.

The cost of dentistry in Alberta is ridiculous. I am only going to pay about $300.00 for the extraction, but I will loose a gold bridge and replacing the molar will probably be a minimum of $7000.00, That is not going to happen and I will live without two lower back teeth.

D4l3k 02-20-2018 07:30 PM

I worked with a guy that had 5 implants done in thailand to save money

Came back and got sick very quickly from infection and passed away about 2 months returning from Canada

Some times you pay for what you get, teeth and mouth work can kill you if not done correctly

aardvaark 02-20-2018 08:41 PM

Very pleased with results in Mexico
I got quoted round figures $15k for 4 crowns, 1 surgical extraction, cleaning and xrays. This was after paying over $400 for a quote which did include some xrays.

Got the whole thing done in Algodones Mex for $1280 US.

Am completely pleased with how it went. It was the best dentist experience I've ever had. Done in 3 days.

It's true, there are horror stories that come out of MX, but there's horror stories in Canada too. Stay there for a few days after the work's done, maybe a week, and chances are, you'll be alright. Thing to do is go with a referral. From someone you know and trust. I had 3 different parties all refer this same dentist so I went in very confidently.

I agree with what's been said above about root canals. Get em pulled and get either an implant or a bridge. PM me if you want a referral.

RandyBoBandy 02-20-2018 08:51 PM

SlowHawk 02-21-2018 07:16 AM

I came across this blog.

They seem to have a positive result. I'm getting to the point of needing some work done. Time to go in a trip!

kbobbeck 02-21-2018 08:06 PM

My wife and I have had crowns, root canals, implant done in Puerto Vallarta Mexico over the last 4 years of vacations. My dentist in Lethbridge said all the work done was top notch.

michaelmicallef 02-21-2018 10:03 PM

I just had a root canal last week, second one in the same tooth. The first attempt my dentist missed a tiny nerve and it got infected. Then the specialist had at it, cost $1990.00. What a scam and thank god for benefits. My son is next tommrow morning. He's havind 4 wisdom teeth surgically removed before they cause possible serious health issues. Cost $2500.00. 500 of that is just for facilaty charge. At least he's getting 4 teeth worked on instead of one for that price. And last week I had a dentist crying about who was going to pay her deductible when her vacuum system froze in the parkade of the building her practice is in. I told her heaters fail sorry for your luck maybe close in your equipment in its own insulated incloser and provide your own heat. Ya scammer.

FishOutOfWater 02-22-2018 12:30 AM


TBark 02-22-2018 06:32 AM

Thick as thieves, because the they all use the same schedule, cost per procedure.
There are no deals.
Although, the $2k root canal in CA is $600 - $800 in Australia.


Joe Quiroga 02-22-2018 08:32 AM

Having a gum graft and couple teeth fixed, 2.5-3 hours of work. 6 grand.

2 thousand dollars a freaking hour, insanity. 500 for the consultation appt and insurance covers a thousand. Rest is out of pocket.

FishOutOfWater 02-22-2018 12:45 PM

To any of the members who went toMexico for dental work, did you have dental insurance thru work and was the dental-work covered at all ?

kbobbeck 02-22-2018 06:42 PM

yes my insurance covered my mexico dental work. give your insurer a call so they can tell you exactly what you need to provide from your dentist in mexico. We had to pay the dentist, provide paper work and xrays to prove that certain procedures were required. We were then reimbursed by Sunlife.

Unclebud 02-22-2018 07:02 PM

Had a relative get work done on his teeth in Mexico. Great work and for cheap!
He unfortionately told the customs officer in Edmonton about this great deal, and they made him pay GST!! Yup he is a dumb ass!:sHa_sarcasticlol:

223MB 02-22-2018 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by D4l3k (Post 3736076)
I worked with a guy that had 5 implants done in thailand to save money

Came back and got sick very quickly from infection and passed away about 2 months returning from Canada

Some times you pay for what you get, teeth and mouth work can kill you if not done correctly

My aunt and uncle crosssd the border by Tucson for dental
Work in 2014. My uncle also passed away two months later from a severe blood infection and my aunt ended up with thousands of dollars in re-work that required surgery. If I didn’t have dental coverage I’d be going to another province and staying away from Mexico.

FishOutOfWater 02-22-2018 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by 223MB (Post 3737542)
My aunt and uncle crosssd the border by Tucson for dental work in 2014.
My uncle also passed away two months later from a severe blood infection & my aunt ended up with $1000's in re-work that required surgery.
If I didn’t have dental coverage I’d be going to another province and staying away from Mexico.

Sorry to hear about your uncle, and glad to hear your aunt lived to tell about it.
Unfortunately, even just based off the statistics in this thread the odds of severe complications doesn't seem to be overwhelming.
Also, I imagine your choice of dentist has a lot to do with it... Referals are key.


223MB 02-22-2018 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by FishOutOfWater (Post 3737561)
Sorry to hear about your uncle, and glad to hear your aunt lived to tell about it.
Unfortunately, even just based off the statistics in this thread the odds of severe complications doesn't seem to be overwhelming.
Also, I imagine your choice of dentist has a lot to do with it... Referals are key.


Very well could have been a freak incident but after striking so close to home I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable. I’ll try to dig up some info on where exactly their procedures were done and try and post it in case if anyone was interested.

walker1 02-23-2018 12:45 PM

Two root canals past few months. 1800 each and the crown another 1200

Thank %**&&%^$$% for coverage!

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