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Ryan.M.Anderson 11-23-2018 05:52 PM

So they deleted the thread...

It was just getting good.

Don_Parsons 11-23-2018 06:01 PM

I agree, I was just getting into the 308 Creedmoor category with some 125gr boolitz I was testing this weekend at 1 km.

It's a tack driver.

Positrac 11-23-2018 06:22 PM

And what was Einstein’s definition of insanity...?

mattthegorby 11-23-2018 07:12 PM

Nothing on this forum draws a line in the sand like 6.5 CM... sure hope everyone who posts is laughing in front of their screens. :argue2:

pikergolf 11-23-2018 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by mattthegorby (Post 3877825)
Nothing on this forum draws a line in the sand like 6.5 CM... sure hope everyone who posts is laughing in front of their screens. :argue2:

I just read em, and I get a good laugh.

mattthegorby 11-23-2018 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 3877835)
I just read em, and I get a good laugh.

No doubt, I have favorite posters on both sides of the debate.

Norwest Alta 11-23-2018 08:14 PM

Anyways as chuck pointed out I got no experience with a creedmore but I do have one experience with a creedmore owner. Sorry I never got the chance to relay it but I was in agreement with nykstra comment about it broadening my social network.

This is a true story.

I'm up the road from my house watching a spike elk and 2 cow moose in my friends hay field. More or less minding my own business. Another pick up pulls alongside and we start bs'ing.

The conversation went much like this.

Me: How's it going?
Other guy: not so bad. Did you hear about the 7 gens pigging crew that were caught on security camera having gay sex?
Me: first I heard of it. Gives new meaning to pigging I guess.
Other guy: sure does. What are you shooting?
Me: 26 nosler.
Other guy: I sure like those 6.5's. I've got a 6.5 creedmore. It is everything that they say it is.
Me: bull ****
Other guy: the math don't lie man. I shot a coyote at 615 m off my front porch.
Me: well that's pretty good.
Other guy : ya I love it.
Me: well I hear my wife calling that supper is ready.
Other guy: you bet.

This all transpired within 10 mins.

Trochu 11-23-2018 08:20 PM

sns2 11-23-2018 08:25 PM

This BS is so thick a blind man could cut it with a knife. I am actually going to buy one to see how useless and/or amazing it can simultaneously be.

Any fool should be able to figure out that it will do the exact same thing a 308, 7-08, 260, 6.5x55 or 7x57 will do, which is kill whatever you point it at.

Norwest Alta 11-23-2018 08:30 PM

Sns I owe you a apology for a pot shot that I took at you in the other thread. It was not meant as shot at you. More so directed at another person.

My apologies.

sns2 11-23-2018 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Norwest Alta (Post 3877888)
Sns I owe you a apology for a pot shot that I took at you in the other thread. It was not meant as shot at you. More so directed at another person.

My apologies.


Mavrick 11-23-2018 09:04 PM

I bought a Ruger M77 full stock in a 6.5 CM last year. I wanted a full stock gun and I’m a bit of a Ruger fan. The 6.5 is a caliber I didn’t have so though what the heck. Took a deer at about 140 yards last year with it, it died, I ate it. I came late to this thread so not sure what’s up but I can say it did kill that deer.

sns2 11-23-2018 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mavrick (Post 3877918)
I bought a Ruger M77 full stock in a 6.5 CM last year. I wanted a full stock gun and I’m a bit of a Ruger fan. The 6.5 is a caliber I didn’t have so though what the heck. Took a deer at about 140 yards last year with it, it died, I ate it. I came late to this thread so not sure what’s up but I can say it did kill that deer.

That sir, is a classy gun. Good on you.

catnthehat 11-23-2018 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 3877885)
This BS is so thick a blind man could cut it with a knife. I am actually going to buy one to see how useless and/or amazing it can simultaneously be.

Any fool should be able to figure out that it will do the exact same thing a 308, 7-08, 260, 6.5x55 or 7x57 will do, which is kill whatever you point it at.

I am a realist when it comes too cartridges be they for hunting or match shooting.
If people are using the Creed because it works well in the action they are using , or they simply want something different , great.
Be that as it may, it's just another 6.5, period.
It does no more or no less than any other 6.5 cartridge as far as accuracy goes, and it is not some magical killing machine as some would have others believe.
From a hunting perspective I am convinced that it can kill stuff cleanly but no better than dozen of other cartridges no matter what the numbers say.

As far as a match cartridge goes, it is decent , but no better than a lot of others.

At the end of the day, if a person buys ANY cartridge because they think it will kill a big critter at crazy distances better than something similar, or because it is the flavor of the month at the range that it will win the big match for them, they had better be prepared to be owned by someone shooting the exact same cartridges they have dismissed.

I own a Creedmore barreled match rifle for reasons other than factory ammo availability or magic numbers, I had the barrel built because I had quick access to dies , and brass, it is no more or less accurate than any of my other various 6.5 barrels that I have shot, and at 1,000 "the numbers" don't give it any great advantage if I am not reading the wind properly
A person needs to put their faith and invest in their ability far more than their equipment, but I have been told that is wrong before and will be told that again.
I will now leave this thread to the Creedmore enthusiasts and detractors.:)


DiabeticKripple 11-23-2018 09:45 PM

I got a 6.5 creedmoor because I already had a 308 win AR10 and I was building my second so I went with the 6.5.

bubba300 11-24-2018 04:40 AM

Its a 6.5 ,whats there not to like about it.I used to swear by 270 but got the 6.5 bug quite a few years ago.I have bin shooting a creedmoor for about 5 years now,nothing spectacular about it,but it works.I have found I leave my 7mm Rem Mag at home this season as it is starting to bother my shoulder and the 129 lrab are easier on coyotes.

Don_Parsons 11-24-2018 05:09 AM

I agree with Cat and lots of others.

The deciding factor in the mix is the tool that makes it go Bang,,, of course this rule applies to all firearms.

Pick 1 of the 1000 flavours and get at it, some of the least likely calibers were not designed to set world record firsts,,, again,,, a combination of right time,,, right place,,, right handler,,, and one who got schooled to get there. Ha... I'm still in class and will continue to do so.

Nothing like getting my own words feed back to me on a silver plate. I continue to learn this you know.

The day will come when I scale back to a cartrage with less recoil,,, not that I can't do this for the rifles I own.

And example is shooting the 125gr 30 caliber boolitz coming up,,, the worst SD & crappy BC. Ha... Nothing like trying something that's not suppose to work.

Off to the Harvesting fields this morning with my 308 Granola,,, big lead for for good times when the sun comes up. LOL

pikergolf 11-24-2018 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Trochu (Post 3877882)

I gotta clean the coffee off my screen. To funny!

Mb-MBR 11-24-2018 07:04 AM

I love my Browning Hell's Canyon 6.5 Creedmore………….is that a no-no :confused0024:

marxman 11-24-2018 07:20 AM

the creed is the greatest im going to get one one day! i bought a ffp scope two years ago,had to have it,also the greatest but i havent got around to moving one of my other scopes over to mount it . when i get my creed im putting my ffp scope on it. it will be sublime.

catnthehat 11-24-2018 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mb-MBR (Post 3878021)
I love my Browning Hell's Canyon 6.5 Creedmore………….is that a no-no :confused0024:

Absolutely not that’s great that you like your rig!:sHa_shakeshout:
I like my favorite hunting rifle as well , it is when a person gets so wound up about a rifle or cartridge they they think nothing else is s good and krt’s Everyone know about it that it becomes VERY wrong because it is not so .
That is why all the peeing in cornflakes happens.
Just because someone thinks something is the next best thing diesn’t mean It’s all that and a bag of fries where everything else is concerned .

I think the 6.5 bullet is the best solution for a long range bullet but those guys winning with 6XC’s and other 6mm’s or anything else would disagree with me , and if someone like David Tubbs or The late great Mick McPhee with one of his .30’s ever got on
The line next to me they would prove it!:budo:

gunluvr 11-24-2018 07:48 AM

I gotta admit I'm not the greatest shot. I'm also not getting any younger and my eye sight is slowly diminishing. But apparently there's a miracle cure. If I buy me a 6.5 Creedmoor, I'll be a super shot. Just saying that name...Creedmoor...mmm. I feel younger already.

Diesel_wiesel 11-24-2018 07:59 AM

so I have a question about that 6.5 creedmoore
what is the recoil like out of one with out a muzzle brake ???
what would it be comparable to?? 308?? 26-06??? more or less
I've never seen one let alone shot one
only ever heard people bragging about them
I've got to go for a complete shoulder replacement surgery
thinking that will totally end my hunting days , with gun or bow but not with a camera

catnthehat 11-24-2018 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by gunluvr (Post 3878043)
I gotta admit I'm not the greatest shot. I'm also not getting any younger and my eye sight is slowly diminishing. But apparently there's a miracle cure. If I buy me a 6.5 Creedmoor, I'll be a super shot. Just saying that name...Creedmoor...mmm. I feel younger already.

Crap that’s IT!!:budo:
I gotta send my Ruger back to Bill sleeper and get him to throw my original barrel in the trash and chamber a new on in 6.5 Creedmore or moor or moar - whatever if it will flatten the hills and put every bullet where it is supposed to go!!:sHa_shakeshout:
Seriously though ,It is a nice cartridge , lots of pluses for sure and I think it’s great that so much has been put into marketing it like Remington did with the 25/06 and 7Mag or Winchester did with the 243 as opposed to the 6 Dasher or
many of the various 6mm’s that only have their smaller niche users .:)

catnthehat 11-24-2018 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel_wiesel (Post 3878049)
so I have a question about that 6.5 creedmoore
what is the recoil like out of one with out a muzzle brake ???
what would it be comparable to?? 308?? 26-06??? more or less

In a comparable weight rifle you won’t notice much if anything in a hunting situation but at the range you will for sure .
I can only compare my probe rifle because it was in 308 before I re- barreled it but that is a 12 pound gun .
I have been told by a shooter at the range it is like his 243
Powder wise I think it is close to my 6.5X54 MS so it is milder fir sure

Mb-MBR 11-24-2018 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by catnthehat (Post 3878030)
Absolutely not that’s great that you like your rig!:sHa_shakeshout:
I like my favorite hunting rifle as well , it is when a person gets so wound up about a rifle or cartridge they they think nothing else is s good and krt’s Everyone know about it that it becomes VERY wrong because it is not so .
That is why all the peeing in cornflakes happens.
Just because someone thinks something is the next best thing diesn’t mean It’s all that and a bag of fries where everything else is concerned .

I think the 6.5 bullet is the best solution for a long range bullet but those guys winning with 6XC’s and other 6mm’s or anything else would disagree with me , and if someone like David Tubbs or The late great Mick McPhee with one of his .30’s ever got on
The line next to me they would prove it!:budo:

I only shoot paper to practise and sight in, so am not an expert but I live to hunt. In my opinion the only gun that matters is the one you're carrying on any particular hunt that does its job in anchoring what you're pursuing. I figure my job is to make sure the equipment I'm using is ready to do its job and I've prepared enough to do mine...…….but what do I know :)

Diesel_wiesel 11-24-2018 09:05 AM

I'm still thinking they can have all their fancy schmantsy calibers
I'll just stick to my old stand by
257 Roberts
its never let me down from coyotes to moose
recoil is low , and if I need a shoulder replacement I can always get a muzzle break and a better recoil pad installed on her
its my shotguns ill have to switch over big time or just give up waterfowl hunting,
wondering if a 28 gauge would work for close up decoyed geese

Mb-MBR 11-24-2018 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel_wiesel (Post 3878076)
I'm still thinking they can have all their fancy schmantsy calibers
I'll just stick to my old stand by
257 Roberts
its never let me down from coyotes to moose
recoil is low , and if I need a shoulder replacement I can always get a muzzle break and a better recoil pad installed on her
its my shotguns ill have to switch over big time or just give up waterfowl hunting,
wondering if a 28 gauge would work for close up decoyed geese

From the sounds of it if you can buy a 6.5 Creedmore 28 gauge you should be good to go.....:thinking-006::sHa_shakeshout::sHa_shakeshout:

JD848 11-24-2018 10:22 AM

Well I bought one for my grandson a CM and we headed out to my shooting shack. I brought my 6.5 x55 and we both shot about 50 rounds from each,he shoots the CM well and to me it's not a big difference than my 6.5x55 ,they both shot great,but like most tikka's the non mags are very easy to shoot.

I knew 40 years ago the 6.5 was a great caliber when I took it out the first time on A wolf hunt,taged 2 that day and always had couple 6.5's in my gun safe.Back then if you told most guys you have a 6.5 they never heard of one.

So I did bite the bullet and buy one for the kid,but I already new what I was in for,The CM is a good shooting cartridge and I never really doubted it at all,but ever rifle I own will kill and can kill just as well.

After the day of shooting we went to my home with all 3 of my grandkids and watched a movie ,the great outdoors with John Candy and when that bear chased him down to the house and he was in shock and kept saying ,big bear ,big bear,i look over at my grandson who was laughing away and told him,there's another guy that just ditched his creedmoor when he met his match,he almost split a gut,all in good humor.If you want to get a good laugh that movie is funny.


rembo 11-24-2018 11:19 AM

Cat summed it up best. It's only a rifle round. No need to get all emotional and pizzy about it. I have 2 of them here actually.

One more thing......

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