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2 Tollers 03-27-2024 11:38 AM

City of Edmonton -- Provincial Audit
Interesting article.

If this is even being whispered in the back corridors the problem with the Edmonton Council and administration is bigger than the public is generally aware of.

From project failures with non disclosure agreements on settlements, to the electric bus fiasco, bike lanes are more important than day shelter space for the homeless, no focus on municipal issues -- more interested in climate change, civic debt and a significant increase in taxes yet keeping climate change money spread across city departments, not budgeting for the union agreements, now the bus fleet needing replacement, pet projects --- the laundry list of issues is long with no end in sight.

sns2 03-27-2024 11:46 AM

City is likely effectively insolvent as we speak. Lotsa people jumping ship. Catastrophically messed up council. Woke sunny ways people in charge will tend to have that outcome.

Drewski Canuck 03-27-2024 11:57 AM

In both Edmonton and Calgary, NDP leaning or card carrying NDP are the City Counsellors or Mayor.

Not a problem if they remember that the core services are streets, sewer, water, parks, etc.

There is a petition to recall the Calgary Mayor, and at this point there is about 200,000 signatures. However, her position is that she will not step down even if the Organizers get the required number of signatures.

Democracy means nothing to these people. THEY HAVE AN AGENDA!!!

Glad to see that the Province is finally remembering that Municipalities are the Creature of the Province (No Constitutional basis) and it is the Province who has to control its creature, even if that means kicking out City Council.


elkhunter11 03-27-2024 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by sns2 (Post 4712362)
City is likely effectively insolvent as we speak. Lotsa people jumping ship. Catastrophically messed up council. Woke sunny ways people in charge will tend to have that outcome.

Exactly, as is typical with socialists, they spend until they run out of other people's money, then they leave a mess for the next government.

58thecat 03-27-2024 12:18 PM

Kinda like the Medicine Hat crap that’s taking place.

Crazy but expected being politics and all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Albertadiver 03-27-2024 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by 58thecat (Post 4712370)
Kinda like the Medicine Hat crap that’s taking place.

Crazy but expected being politics and all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Similar with Chestermere

lmtada 03-27-2024 12:54 PM

UCP and Ms. Smith it’s a win, nothing to lose. None of those Provincial union, Municipal City of Edmonton, or Federal (CFB Namao, Penitentiary Canada) would vote conservative. Calgary Conservatives didn’t come out support UCP. However it’s turning around. UCP isn’t the crazed party, the media wants us to believe. Nenshi will be lost soul. He won’t be able to stuff the Olympic bid on Albertans. The bill always comes due. City of Vancouver finish paying off there 2010 Olympics debts? Took Montreal 30+ years. Debt is slavery, to the indebted (usually the Banksters). I do believe Alberta may have been one of the governments to actually pay off provincial debt during Klein era. Pain was required in public sector. Public sector has never forgiven Klein government. The choice was correct for majority of Albertans.

2 Tollers 03-27-2024 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck (Post 4712365)
In both Edmonton and Calgary, NDP leaning or card carrying NDP are the City Counsellors or Mayor

Initially I was not supportive of declared parties or slates of candidates declaring the same intention -- I have switched over and support a change to allow this to occur.

We had the NDP - MLA in our area openly campaigning for a candidate in our ward. We had the NDP trying to get candidates to not run against each other.

Now we have a block of councillors that vote with Sohi -- "Data shows six councillors form dominant Edmonton City Council voting block Mayor Amarjeet Sohi, along with Couns. Keren Tang, Andrew Knack, Aaron Paquette, Jo-Anne Wright, and Ashley Salvador all voted the same way more than three-quarters of the time and were each on the winning side of those votes more than 84 per cent of the time."

At no time in the last election was it known that this group was forming a voting block.

Our councillor is in this block and she is less than responsive to people in the ward on concerns. I know this from discussions with multiple people who have tried to reach her.

It was the same with Iveson. He had his core team and you either were on it and supported him. If not you were on the outside.

So lets just put all the charade away and have the blocks out in the open for people to be more aware of. Get blocks of candidates that are focused on municipal issues.

Cement Bench 03-27-2024 02:38 PM

would love to investigate and write a scathing report

unlike the govt clown who used to investigate municipalities decades ago, what was his name

Cement Bench 03-27-2024 05:30 PM

George Cuff and ass-ociates

never ever fired any municipal officials but did gymnastics saying,they have learned from,their mistakes and going forward we are confident they can,now,manage the affairs of the municipality

he was a woke before it was cooooool to be woke

I’d rather be outdoors 03-27-2024 07:51 PM

They should really just double taxes in Edmonton. That’ll fix it right? Vote woke, go broke. They did it to themselves, no sympathy.

CBintheNorth 03-27-2024 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by I’d rather be outdoors (Post 4712452)
They should really just double taxes in Edmonton. That’ll fix it right? Vote woke, go broke. They did it to themselves, no sympathy.

It seems like people need to go broke before they vote with their heads instead of their, well, I don't really know what they were voting with.

KGB 03-27-2024 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by I’d rather be outdoors (Post 4712452)
They should really just double taxes in Edmonton. That’ll fix it right? Vote woke, go broke. They did it to themselves, no sympathy.

Can it be done only for those who vote orange or red? You know, some of us are still deep blue….

Dewey Cox 03-28-2024 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by KGB (Post 4712495)
Can it be done only for those who vote orange or red? You know, some of us are still deep blue….

You'll need to vote harder.

elkhunter11 03-28-2024 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by KGB (Post 4712495)
Can it be done only for those who vote orange or red? You know, some of us are still deep blue….

Unfortunately ,we all pay for the fools that vote for socialist governments.

britman101 03-28-2024 08:36 AM

Having the province provide an independent auditor makes a lot of sense, as that person could offer their opinion on where the money pits are in the Edmonton city budget. As for Medicine Hat, that is more a personality conflict between two people that should not have escalated to the point it did.

Engels 03-28-2024 08:42 AM

i hope they audit them down to the penny. Sohi is as crooked as they come. Google what he did on Reginas ring road project when he was Trudys minister of infrastructure.. :bad_boys_20:

2 Tollers 03-28-2024 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by elkhunter11 (Post 4712538)
Unfortunately ,we all pay for the fools that vote for socialist governments.

This is so true and yet the orange supporters do not learn.

Acquaintances that really dislike what is happening in the city and will not support either their councillor or the mayor would easily cast their vote for a new candidate that was a declared NDP.

I have told them that is what there existing councillor is -- a card carrying NDP member and all I get is a shrug.

Not sure what it takes to wake people up that these folks love spending other people’s money.

I still think having municipal parties with platforms may turn this around. Get the hidden agendas and alliances out in the open prior to voting.

Dean2 03-28-2024 10:45 AM

The Province absolutely should NOT step in unless Council publicly asks for help, and even then there should be a lot of limitations and full public disclosure of findings.

Staff are quitting in droves, all the way up to the most senior levels, EPS is 30% understaffed and can't attract candidates, the City has spent billions on mass transit no one will ride because it isn't safe and there aren't enough Police to patrol it. The hundreds of millions spent on bike lanes is a complete failure as is the Billion spend on electric busses and the infrastructure to support them. No one wants to go downtown to work, shop or recreate because it looks like the Zombie Apocalypse. Even attendance at Rogers Place is suffering as is the Windspear, Library and museum, not to mention private businesses closing left right and centre.

Edmonton voters are getting EXACTLY what they have voted for, Municipally, Provincially and Federally for the last 25 years. No way should the Province bail them out and clean up the mess. Let the Edmonton voters pay their own way out and maybe they will make better decisions, though not really likely.

Drewski Canuck 03-28-2024 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by I’d rather be outdoors (Post 4712452)
They should really just double taxes in Edmonton. That’ll fix it right? Vote woke, go broke. They did it to US, no sympathy.

There. Fixed it for you.


2 Tollers 03-28-2024 12:01 PM

Dean2 --- while it would be nice for the Province to step in and audit, I agree that they should not bail the COE out (contrary to what Notley was suggesting on the news this morning).

The mess that is City Hall and the administration was created under Iveson and is becoming worse under Sohi. Edmonton voters have to experieince enough pain to want / demand a change.

Interesting look at the mentality that is the City Council - A new interim city manager is needed.

What does council do?

In their collective wisdom has appointed the head of Transit as the interim City Manager. Guy who cannot keep stations secure, has the fleet aging out and the electric bus issue is now the City Manager.

Dean2 03-28-2024 12:16 PM

2 Tollers - I agree, the City is a massive mess from one end to the other, however, an audit won't tell us anything that isn't already abundantly clear. An audit could allocate responsibility and blame but you and I both know there will be zero repercussions, even for the most egregious screw ups and not even for outright theft. What it would do is document and publish all those details and that might force the Province to act, which is not in the best interests of the rest of Alberta. I say, let them wallow in their own excrement. Implosion does not appear to be far off.

pinelakeperch 03-28-2024 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by 58thecat (Post 4712370)
Kinda like the Medicine Hat crap that’s taking place.

Crazy but expected being politics and all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The issue in Medicine Hat is simply head-butting between the City Manager and the Mayor; a situation in which the rest of Council supports the City Manager.

The situation in Edmonton shows a far greater degree of dysfunction.

2 Tollers 03-28-2024 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dean2 (Post 4712656)
Implosion does not appear to be far off.


Here is a portion of the Gunter article from today that outlines some of the reasons for the Manager leaving. Sohi's voting bloc is creating a lot of issues.

Article excerpt:

"Apparently, the breaking point between Corbould, Mayor Amarjeet Sohi and council’s leftist majority came over New Year’s, with the dismantling of homeless encampments.

Breaking up the tent cities and moving the residents to shelters and treatment programs has been largely successful. At the very least, the camps have not reappeared, nor the drugs, crime and death that happens in them.

But the move on the camps was, according to city and provincial insiders, a plan devised largely by Edmonton Police Chief Dale McFee, with input from and the blessing of Corbould.

Sources say that many on council were upset the “rights” of encampment residents were not respected, and the mayor is said to have been enraged that his Hawaii vacation was interrupted by images back home of police officers, paramedics and social workers dismantling camps and shepherding residents onto buses to take them to shelters.

That’s why Sohi, immediately after he returned home, encouraged council’s majority to declare a homelessness emergency.

Corbould, the mayor and council are also said to have been offside on an end-of-pandemic strategy, budget cuts (council favours more tax increases rather than deeper cuts), the camps and the closure of city hall for two months — two months! — after the amateurish terror attack in January."

traderal 03-28-2024 03:51 PM

I see in today's CBC disinformation rant that Edmonton's fiscal problems are all about the UCP cutting back on handing money over the last few years. They also engaged all the University political scientists they have on constant speed dial to support this. No mention of the cities boondogle spending habits. As usual the reader comments were on side with the CBC which just shows how many bubble heads there are that do no critical thinking aside from garbage news.

I’d rather be outdoors 03-28-2024 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by KGB (Post 4712495)
Can it be done only for those who vote orange or red? You know, some of us are still deep blue….

Fair, & I wish. hopefully you can move away from that mess before it gets even worse.

I’d rather be outdoors 03-28-2024 08:36 PM

Redmonton should really just be its own province. Problem solved.

KGB 03-29-2024 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by I’d rather be outdoors (Post 4712796)
Redmonton should really just be its own province. Problem solved.

Just a reminder that Calgary wasn’t far behind in the last election…. And it definitely shifting left just like the majority of the big cities…. Years of leftist propaganda and brain washing is paying off ……

HVA7mm 03-29-2024 01:43 PM

This is why I'm feverishly applying for every job that I can with the City of Edmonton. I figure after paying property tax for nearly 25 years and getting the worst possible return on investment, if I can get a job there and do absolutely nothing until I'm ready to retire, I might just break even. Lol.

In regards to audits, pretty much every municipality squanders tax money equally. They're as bad if not worse than the province/feds.

gunluvr 03-29-2024 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dean2 (Post 4712618)
The Province absolutely should NOT step in unless Council publicly asks for help, and even then there should be a lot of limitations and full public disclosure of findings.

Staff are quitting in droves, all the way up to the most senior levels, EPS is 30% understaffed and can't attract candidates, the City has spent billions on mass transit no one will ride because it isn't safe and there aren't enough Police to patrol it. The hundreds of millions spent on bike lanes is a complete failure as is the Billion spend on electric busses and the infrastructure to support them. No one wants to go downtown to work, shop or recreate because it looks like the Zombie Apocalypse. Even attendance at Rogers Place is suffering as is the Windspear, Library and museum, not to mention private businesses closing left right and centre.

Edmonton voters are getting EXACTLY what they have voted for, Municipally, Provincially and Federally for the last 25 years. No way should the Province bail them out and clean up the mess. Let the Edmonton voters pay their own way out and maybe they will make better decisions, though not really likely.

Agreed. Edmonton voters need to suffer the mess they voted for just like the rest of us are suffering under the Trudeau reign of stupidity. It has to get worse before it gets better.

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