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dbcooper 03-20-2024 04:37 PM

Barry Michell's alberta fishing guide?
Used to buy this every year about15 years ago, but stopped because it's pretty much the same every year. Thinking about buying again. Any current readers on here. Thoughts?


Pierre 03-20-2024 07:46 PM

I read it for the articles, and maybe I might find some new information about my fav lakes that I was not aware of.

in the 2003 issue of the AFG, Barry explains:

"One of the most often asked questions is, "Where do you get your information?" The answer's simple. We work damn hard at it. In the 23 years since Ann and I bought Dad's share of the business and went our own way with the magazine, we've not only acquired more than 1000 maps for research, but we've made friends with the provincial fisheries biologists and call them each year to pick their brains about conditions of specific waters in their area.

It doesn't end there. Friends, fishing partners and readers feed us new info and give us leads all the time. Then there's the 60,000 km I put on my truck every year as I do my own research or confirm something a reader has pointed out."

fish99 03-20-2024 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by dbcooper (Post 4710631)
Used to buy this every year about15 years ago, but stopped because it's pretty much the same every year. Thinking about buying again. Any current readers on here. Thoughts?


You going to spend some of that old money

pinelakeperch 03-23-2024 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by dbcooper (Post 4710631)
Used to buy this every year about15 years ago, but stopped because it's pretty much the same every year. Thinking about buying again. Any current readers on here. Thoughts?


The lake/pond/river information is virtually the same every year; I buy it for the articles.

Bushleague 03-23-2024 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by pinelakeperch (Post 4711415)
The lake/pond/river information is virtually the same every year; I buy it for the articles.

Does it still suggest there are big brown trout in Sawn Lake?

flyrodfisher 03-23-2024 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 4710685)
I read it for the articles, and maybe I might find some new information about my fav lakes that I was not aware of.

in the 2003 issue of the AFG, Barry explains:

"One of the most often asked questions is, "Where do you get your information?" The answer's simple. We work damn hard at it. In the 23 years since Ann and I bought Dad's share of the business and went our own way with the magazine, we've not only acquired more than 1000 maps for research, but we've made friends with the provincial fisheries biologists and call them each year to pick their brains about conditions of specific waters in their area.

It doesn't end there. Friends, fishing partners and readers feed us new info and give us leads all the time. Then there's the 60,000 km I put on my truck every year as I do my own research or confirm something a reader has pointed out."

Barry passed away 9 years ago...the publication has changed hands several times since then....

wbaj 03-24-2024 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by dbcooper (Post 4710631)
Used to buy this every year about15 years ago, but stopped because it's pretty much the same every year. Thinking about buying again. Any current readers on here. Thoughts?


I have purchased this magazine for over 20 years now and must admit there seems to be little additional information added. But yes it does change on a few lakes. I mostly buy it for the articles. There are always some excellent learning opportunities written by experts in their field with local knowledge in mind.
I’m not reading about how to find or catch bass in an Ontario Lake. Will keep buying It suspect.

-JR- 03-24-2024 12:23 PM

I do agree ,if the magazine comes out every year , then every lake should be updated at least every 5 years on what the biggest fish was with in 5 years . Most of the info they are giving you is from 20-40 years ago ,where they are saying pike are up to 20 or 30 lbs.
If they can't do that , then they should be taking that out and just say there are pike in that water body .

deschambault 03-24-2024 05:25 PM

Ah c'mon, what's wrong with a little nostalgia such as saying there may still be 2o lb rainbows in Crawling Valley? I buy the magazine every year, read the articles and laugh a bit at some of the lake descriptions.

FlyTheory 03-24-2024 05:48 PM

The Jensens are too lazy and pretentious to update it to anything more than their little precious brown trout streams LOL

ron anderson 03-24-2024 06:14 PM

Yep ... buy it yearly, the waterbody info rarely changes ... like the articles ... I thought Alberta Outdoorsmen was publishing it now ... published by Rob Miskoski ...

flyrodfisher 03-24-2024 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by FlyTheory (Post 4711700)
The Jensens are too lazy and pretentious to update it to anything more than their little precious brown trout streams LOL

The Jensens haven't owned it since 2018....

FlyTheory 03-25-2024 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by flyrodfisher (Post 4711758)
The Jensens haven't owned it since 2018....

I stand corrected! Whoever currently owns it needs to get out and do more research, whether that’s talking to locals or get out fishing

smitty9 03-27-2024 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by FlyTheory (Post 4711936)
I stand corrected! Whoever currently owns it needs to get out and do more research, whether that’s talking to locals or get out fishing

Indeed, you stand corrected. Dave did more updating in the few seasons he owned than Barry did the previous 5-7, or the current publisher does now...doesn't AO (or the same publisher as AO) own it now?


FlyTheory 03-28-2024 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by smitty9 (Post 4712430)
Indeed, you stand corrected. Dave did more updating in the few seasons he owned than Barry did the previous 5-7, or the current publisher does now...doesn't AO (or the same publisher as AO) own it now?


Nothing wrong with being corrected, dude! World might be a better place if people don’t care about burying an internet ego.
Having said that, seriously the stagnation is pretty sad. That’s why I find FWMIT to be the most helpful tool. Jensen did initially update the mag significantly from Barry, but he obfuscated watercourses that he deemed too secret. I get it, he was the publisher and can do what he wants, but lots of data was held back- even if it were merely presence/absence of fish species.

Mr Flyguy 03-28-2024 04:49 PM

Haven't bought it for a while now, seems like the "info" never changes. As for the articles, meh, I used to buy Playboy for the articles but...

Who Da Fisherman 03-28-2024 06:21 PM

Admin says it is updated……for what it’s worth :scared0018:

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