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grinr 01-14-2013 12:13 AM

Bow River Streamer Swap
Being as there seems to be plenty of interest in the fly swaps lately(for various reasons I sat on the fence and watched last weeks swap fill up in a few short hours).....and being as I love swinging wets and streamers('lantic salmon roots showing thru?)I'm thinkn wutdahell,I'd like to host a streamer themed swap with a generous 7 full week/March 1st deadline.Doesn't necessarily have to be Bow specific,it just happens that I live 2 minutes from Bow and that's where I fish most often.Any and all styles of streamers welcome,bucktails,bunny leach,zonkers,matukas,BR Buggers,classic featherwings(Carrie Stevens style?),muddlers,clousers......wutever,so long as it's one of your proven favorites and meant to be swung on a tight flyline like God intended flyfishing to be executed,hehehe. :D

Usual swap rules apply:
-first 12 "I'm ins" are in
-DO NOT miss deadline,March 1st,7 weeks,no excuse
-choose pattern at signup or TBA within 7 days?
-include S.A.S.E.
-toe tags optional,include if you want,but I'll be posting group pic of completed flies with member names,and/or,participants often post pics as they complete their flies?
-Flies will be sent from hub early if they are all received prior to deadline?

That's about it I guess?I'll PM my mailing info to participants ASAP after signing up.

Hope to see some killer patterns!

Thx for lookn',Dave

grinr 01-14-2013 12:25 AM

Oops,almost forgot....I'm in,haha. ;)
I don't have a name for my fly,but it'll be an olive conehead/muddler head/zonker style fly,loosely (and shamelessly)copied from one that I picked up at Southbow last spring and hooked alot of nice fish with until a bad backcast to the rocks broke it at the hookbend.....and then still had a couple solid grabs on successive casts until I noticed it was broken...DOH!!:sign0161:

Pikecrazed 01-14-2013 10:09 PM

peacock leach

kritofr 01-14-2013 10:35 PM

I'm in.

Dungeon articulated streamer

grinr 01-15-2013 09:47 AM

1)Grinr-Muddler head zonker
2)Pikecrazed-Peacock leach
3)kritofr-articulated Dungeon

grinr 01-16-2013 06:52 AM

2 sign ups outta 200 views?Too soon for yet another swap?Nobody likes streamers?No other Spey casters here?Are the 24 tiers that filled the other 2 swaps,literally within minutes,the ONLY tiers that visit this forum,or is it some exclusive clique that I'm not aware or part of??WTF?? :confused:

millartech 01-16-2013 08:30 AM

I would join, but I just started tieing this year and honestly you guys would not be impressed with anything I can put out there, yet. As I get more experience tieing my skills will improve and I would then be able to join something like this. Everytime I see one I want to be part of it, but I am not quite ready yet. The only streamer I can tie is a good old olive woolly bugger. To add to that, I have never even caught a fish on one that I have tied. I will be practicing all year and hopefully next winter I will be ready to participate in a fly swap.



jeprli 01-16-2013 08:58 AM

I'll join in. Popsicle leech, fur and feather.

I fish mostly streamers, not that great at tying, but few streamers that i use and catch with work for me and i hope will work for you as well.

grinr 01-16-2013 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by millartech (Post 1803726)
The only streamer I can tie is a good old olive woolly bugger. To add to that, I have never even caught a fish on one that I have tied.......



Keep on swimn' those WBs Millar....they ARE da bomb.Id say without a doubt in 25 years of FF,I've caught more trout on WBs than ALL other flies combined,in no small part because WBs are my go-to fly so often.....but still?
FWIW,olive is my #1 bugger color. ;)

Off in the Bushes 01-16-2013 09:04 AM

I would like to be in on this one also, but I am in two already and I don't have much streamer tying skill, also my supplies are getting short. If you need some one I will find a way and make it work.

kritofr 01-16-2013 09:51 AM


Where are you located? If you are close we could get together and I can assist you with your tying.



Originally Posted by millartech (Post 1803726)
I would join, but I just started tieing this year and honestly you guys would not be impressed with anything I can put out there, yet. As I get more experience tieing my skills will improve and I would then be able to join something like this. Everytime I see one I want to be part of it, but I am not quite ready yet. The only streamer I can tie is a good old olive woolly bugger. To add to that, I have never even caught a fish on one that I have tied. I will be practicing all year and hopefully next winter I will be ready to participate in a fly swap.



millartech 01-16-2013 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by kritofr (Post 1803875)

Where are you located? If you are close we could get together and I can assist you with your tying.


I live in the SW area of Calgary. I also work on the road (north of Fort Mac at CNRL Horizon). Thanks for the offer, that is greatly appreciated. Maybe one of these days we will be able to get together. It can be difficult for me with working on the road and still trying to get in enough quality time with the wife and the fly rod, lol.

Hopefully the picture worked. This is one of the better WBs that I have tied. I figure with more practice I will get better. I have been working on these, pheasant tail nymphs, gold ribbed hares ears, elk hair caddis, adams dry, and an ant. I have also put together a couple red san juan worms and red wire worms. Been tieing now for about 6 months, well when I get opportunities (not working and such)

I could try to put together 12 of these for this swap if you need people. Maybe someone with a little more streamer swinging skills would hit something on them. Let me know what you guys think. If you get enough people and do not need me, I in no way will be offended. I would feel bad for everyone else though as mine would be no where near the quality that everyone else would be sharing.

quick edit: I can't remember off the top of head, but I believe these are a size 6 hook.

cranky 01-16-2013 12:59 PM

Its been said on a lot of sites i read, that the 5 youve mentioned along with San Juan Worm and the Wolleybugger are all the flies you will ever need to catch something almost anywhere if one is limited to just a few flies.

Sorry for sidetracking OP. Just interesting Millar picked those to learn first.

Nice looking Buggar by the way.

grinr 01-16-2013 02:13 PM

Nothin wrong with that bugger Millar,Bow R. bows will smack that without prejudice. ;)
Your welcome to join swap if you wish?

grinr 01-16-2013 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by grinr (Post 1802213)
1)Grinr-Muddler head zonker
2)Pikecrazed-Peacock Leech
3)kritofr-articulated Dungeon
4)Jeprli-Popsicle Leech


grinr 01-16-2013 03:08 PM

Well I started to edit my last post(reply to Millartech)but time expired,sooooo...and not meant to be directed specifically towards Millar only,but anybody that's "thought about" joining swaps but perhaps lacks the confidence....??

Fwiw,I've found swaps to be a great way to hone tying skills.I've joined several swaps in the past where I felt intimidated by the skill level of others and I'd choose a new-to-me pattern or style of fly to comply with the theme.When I've sat down to tie a dozen flies of the same pattern that I've never tied before,at least for myself,I've found that each successive fly is an improvement over the previous one until I'm happy with the final end results.Depending on how complex the pattern or how far out of my comfort zone the style is,I might tie anywhere from 2 to 6,8,10(?) before I'm crankn out clones that I'm really happy with?Ill normally end up keeping those first attempts and fishing them normally arent that critical?So I might end up tying 20 to get a dozen that are "swapworthy",but I learned some skills and built some confidence along the way.Then,once I'm confident in tying a particular style of fly,with the correct proportions,techniques,positioning of materials etc.,it's a simple matter of swapping out materials and colors to tie an infinite number of similar styled flies.
I'm not claiming to be any kind of master tier or even very good at it.....far from it....I'm just half decent at tying the styles of flies that I use and fish with most often,and joining swaps has often times forced me to challenged myself into learning new skills through repitition,whereas if I hadn't committed to a swap,with pride forcing me to turn out something that I wouldn't be embarrassed to put my name on,I might of just made a halfassed attempt at a new pattern that turned out butt ugly the first few tries and gave up?

millartech 01-16-2013 04:08 PM

grinr - I agree with everything you say. The only way to get better at something is to challenge yourself to get better.

cranky - when I started out fly fishing and fly tieing (all within the last year, started tieing flies as hobby for in the evenings in my camp room up north) I did a lot of research on which patterns work the best for the rivers I would be going to and those were the ones that I found.

With all that said me and my olive WB are in for the swap.

Thanks guys for the compliments on the WB. If you have a tips or advise for the ones I will tie for this swap just let me know. I am excited to be part of this. Kinda nervous, but hey nothing wrong with that, I know it will all turn out good. Also, is there a specific size that everyone would prefer? I believe the one in the picture is a size 6, but I can easily change that.

Again, thanks for the compliments guys. I will be sure to have my 12 ready and sent in for March 1.

Look forward to seeing everyone else's patterns which will also provide me with ideas to help expand my fly tieing knowledge.


grinr 01-16-2013 04:15 PM

Kool....I could never have TOO MANY olive WBs in my boxes.:)

grinr 01-16-2013 04:19 PM

1)Grinr-Muddler head zonker
2)Pikecrazed-Peacock Leech
3)kritofr-articulated Dungeon
4)jeprli-Popsicle Leech
5)millartech-Olive WB

Pikecrazed 01-16-2013 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by millartech (Post 1804378)
grinr - I agree with everything you say. The only way to get better at something is to challenge yourself to get better.

cranky - when I started out fly fishing and fly tieing (all within the last year, started tieing flies as hobby for in the evenings in my camp room up north) I did a lot of research on which patterns work the best for the rivers I would be going to and those were the ones that I found.

With all that said me and my olive WB are in for the swap.

Thanks guys for the compliments on the WB. If you have a tips or advise for the ones I will tie for this swap just let me know. I am excited to be part of this. Kinda nervous, but hey nothing wrong with that, I know it will all turn out good. Also, is there a specific size that everyone would prefer? I believe the one in the picture is a size 6, but I can easily change that.

Again, thanks for the compliments guys. I will be sure to have my 12 ready and sent in for March 1.

Look forward to seeing everyone else's patterns which will also provide me with ideas to help expand my fly tieing knowledge.


your wb is great the only thing and maybe could just be the pic but you could just bring the chenile back to verticle over the barb gives it better action in my preference im fairly new to taking lessons at fish tails fly shop
you can sign up its only about 80 bucks and they give you a ton of supplies to start.

grinr 01-16-2013 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by kritofr (Post 1801855)
I'm in.

Dungeon articulated streamer

Hooooooollllyyyy $#*¥!!
I just googled that fly outta curiosity,and OMFG....WOW!!:scared0015:
That thing is just SICK!! .....and I don't even make a habit of saying "sick"?
Crazy action in the water....just incredible fly by all accounts,I can see myself falling in love with tying and fishing Dungeons!

Coincidentally,just last night I was going thru my supplies and realized that I'm gonna need some more appropriate sized coneheads for the swap fly I'm tying.In the process,I found several dozen dumbbells that I had forgotten I bought last year,and whipped off a few clousers.Then I got to thinking......hmmm....instead of coneheads,I wonder how I could incorporate dumbbell eyes into a muddler head?I didn't try
it cuz I wasn't sure how it would balance,tie to top or bottom of shank,if the fly would ride upside down,if I could spin hair around dumbbell,etc.,and thought maybe I'd experiment with it some other time?Now thanks to you,I've seen not only that YES it can be done,but also how to do it,and the results are
amazing!I can't hardly wait to tie and fish an entire arsenal of these fish slaying bad boyz!
Sure wish I could tie this fast,LMAO>>>>

that's one of the things I love about swaps,as often as not it seems I discover some incredible new fly that I absolutely have to have more of.

Also kritofr,that's an incredible amount of time and work to put into a swap fly...WOW!!
Really appreciate the effort and look forward to seeing your flies.

kritofr 01-17-2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by grinr (Post 1804554)
Hooooooollllyyyy $#*¥!!
I just googled that fly outta curiosity,and OMFG....WOW!!:scared0015:
That thing is just SICK!! .....and I don't even make a habit of saying "sick"?
Crazy action in the water....just incredible fly by all accounts,I can see myself falling in love with tying and fishing Dungeons!

Coincidentally,just last night I was going thru my supplies and realized that I'm gonna need some more appropriate sized coneheads for the swap fly I'm tying.In the process,I found several dozen dumbbells that I had forgotten I bought last year,and whipped off a few clousers.Then I got to thinking......hmmm....instead of coneheads,I wonder how I could incorporate dumbbell eyes into a muddler head?I didn't try
it cuz I wasn't sure how it would balance,tie to top or bottom of shank,if the fly would ride upside down,if I could spin hair around dumbbell,etc.,and thought maybe I'd experiment with it some other time?Now thanks to you,I've seen not only that YES it can be done,but also how to do it,and the results are
amazing!I can't hardly wait to tie and fish an entire arsenal of these fish slaying bad boyz!
Sure wish I could tie this fast,LMAO>>>>

that's one of the things I love about swaps,as often as not it seems I discover some incredible new fly that I absolutely have to have more of.

Also kritofr,that's an incredible amount of time and work to put into a swap fly...WOW!!
Really appreciate the effort and look forward to seeing your flies.

They aren't as hard to tie as it they seem. A few extra steps to them, but a lot of fun to tie.

I just hope we can fill up the remainder of the swap and get some patterns going. For those in the Calgary area, I can arrange for a get together on a Sunday morning or potentially a evening to tie up the streamers for the swap. I should be finished up mine this weekend although what I might do is tie up a variety of colours just in case the swap isn't full, the recipients won't be receiving all of the same variety of the fly. So I might do 6 in the yellow and the other 6 in a olive, or black or brown/tan.

Looking forward to seeing everyone elses streamers,


Daceminnow 01-17-2013 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by grinr (Post 1804554)

JR is in. he said he will tie a BR bugger variation that fishes well on the bow. he is a streamer fanatic and way ahead of me as far as the tying goes. i have a couple different worms down and because of the lake swap can also spin chironomids now. grinr, if you're stuck and having trouble filling the swap i'll fill a spot and either find time to learn to tie a pattern or worst case give the boys at Icky a call and provide their best bow river suggestion for the swap. that is if yourself and the other participants are ok with that.

here's a dungeon that JR burned up today after watching the vid you posted. followed the recipe for the most part, but i guess he added some lead to the fly. thanks for the link. said it was a fun tie and can't wait to fish it.


Bhflyfisher 01-17-2013 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Daceminnow (Post 1806337)
JR is in. he said he will tie a BR bugger variation that fishes well on the bow. he is a streamer fanatic and way ahead of me as far as the tying goes. i have a couple different worms down and because of the lake swap can also spin chironomids now. grinr, if you're stuck and having trouble filling the swap i'll fill a spot and either find time to learn to tie a pattern or worst case give the boys at Icky a call and provide their best bow river suggestion for the swap. that is if yourself and the other participants are ok with that.

here's a dungeon that JR burned up today after watching the vid you posted. followed the recipe for the most part, but i guess he added some lead to the fly. thanks for the link. said it was a fun tie and can't wait to fish it.


Thank dungeon he tied will catch fish on the bow. A lot of em. Great color for when the water is receding and the fish get aggressive.

Jayhad 01-17-2013 10:00 PM

boys, Just a suggestion on the dungeons DON'T TIE THEM WITH LEAD. Kelly Galloup who designed the fly specifically designed it to be fished unwieghted with sink tips. I've tied it with lead and without, if you fish it with Kelly's system there is a major difference in fishability...... but don't take my word for it.

kritofr 01-17-2013 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhad (Post 1806593)
boys, Just a suggestion on the dungeons DON'T TIE THEM WITH LEAD. Kelly Galloup who designed the fly specifically designed it to be fished unwieghted with sink tips. I've tied it with lead and without, if you fish it with Kelly's system there is a major difference in fishability...... but don't take my word for it.

Jay, I totally agree with. I use the lead eyes and that is for any extra weight on the fly. Much better fished with a sink tip than weighing the fly down itself.

oizo 01-17-2013 11:19 PM

I'm in. I'll do Mike Schmidt's meal ticket.

damaltor 01-18-2013 08:08 AM

I'm in...
Quite surprized at the lack of response on this swap, especially given the interesting variety of flies being offered.
I'm going to tie a UV Bunny Leech/Zonker pattern I came up with last year, had a lot of success on the Bow with it late winter/early spring. Caught my largest brown to date (26") on this fly, hope others will have luck with it.

grinr 01-18-2013 12:10 PM

JR....BR Buggers....combination of my two favorite flies,muddlers and'em!!
Bunny leech,meal ticket...sweeeeet..swaps really lookn up,thx guys.:)

grinr 01-18-2013 01:49 PM

1)Grinr-Muddler head zonker
2)Pikecrazed-Peacock Leech
3)kritofr-articulated Dungeon
4)jeprli-Popsicle Leech
5)millartech-Olive WB
6)Dace Jr.-BR Bugger
7)oizo-Meal Ticket
8)damaltor-UV Bunny leech/zonker

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