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Justanotherbuck2 10-02-2008 09:34 PM

Pine coulee
Hey sounds like it might be a great place to try, I was going to chain lakes this weekend but perhaps we should try Pine coulee is the boat launch decent, directions from Stavely would help, any info would be helpful as I have never been there. thanks for your help folks.

slingshotz 10-02-2008 09:53 PM

As soon as you hit Stavely, turn west onto highway 427. Follow the boat launch signs, its very easy. You have to make a left (south) from highway 427 in about a km (maybe less) after you go over the bridge at Pine Coulee. The boat launch signs are well marked and it's all paved until you get to the road to Pine Coulee.

Boat launch looks decent enough but I don't have a boat so can't help you on that.

Justanotherbuck2 10-02-2008 10:34 PM

I think I'll give it a try this weekend, always up for somewhere new.

dodger 10-03-2008 04:08 AM

I'll be on the water at 7 on Sat. This also will be my first time there. Then hopefuly it's Keho on Sun.

Justanotherbuck2 10-03-2008 07:03 AM

see you there
I'll be in a white 16ft Allumacraft, maybe I'll run into you on the water,

dodger 10-03-2008 09:54 AM

:lol: 14' Alumacraft :lol:

calgarygringo 10-03-2008 02:35 PM

Pine Coulee
Just got back from 3 days camping and fishing at Pine Coulee an hour ago. Fishing was good but were not biting as well as usual. Only good for 40-50/day not the usual in the hundreds. Water is down a bit but with the hot weather it was like going out in the middle of August. Going to go out and winterize the trailer and pack her up for winter. Great way to end the last summer camping trip. Camp ground dude tells me they are going to leave it open for winter camping this year. Power will be on etc. Might be a good place for the ice fishing camp out type weekend or 2.

dodger 10-03-2008 06:05 PM

Thanks for the update calgarygringo :wave: were you fishing straight out from the boat launch or did you head North a little?

calgarygringo 10-03-2008 06:11 PM

We usually filsh the shoreline trenches out in front of the campground. The fishing seemed to be light there even the fishfinder wasn't going too crazy. We tried some of our other spots and seemed to have good luck in the south east corner on the mid lake hump. We found if we went into the corner the just drifted over the hump we would catch half dozen every time we were in the hump area. Seemed to work so we stayed with the program. We did get some in the campground area in the trenches in front but not the usual where we have one on our line every minute or two. The other thing is I think we have got spoiled at this place now have high expectations.
Good luck.......

dodger 10-03-2008 06:16 PM


jesse34567 10-04-2008 01:21 PM

i am probably going to head out there next weekened if the weather holds

any way what techniques would u guys suggest using for the walleye this time of year and what depth would u say they would be

dodger 10-04-2008 07:13 PM

I went out there today for the first time and I caught 50 Walleye in 3/4 of a day, and I have never seriously fished for Walleye until a couple of weeks back with Winch101. I'm sure glad I used the "Gulp" minnows instead of real ones!! I would have spent more time baiting instead of fishing. For every one you catch you miss 1 or 2. All I did was let the wind blow the boat along and I was catching them in 7' to 25' of water just jigging. I'm not sure if the fish are stunted in size due to the population and lack of food or they may have been stocked at the same time?? It seems like way to many fish to all be one size.

jesse34567 10-04-2008 07:40 PM

great job dodger..... what area of the lake where u in??? and do u think the snow, rain and cold that next week holds well affect the fish cause i am pumped to get out next weekend and i don't want to get skunked this being my first trip for walleye ... and dodger how was the wind there

dodger 10-05-2008 05:33 AM

I fished the shoreline to the right of the boat launch ( on shore facing the lake ). I am the worst at catching Walleye but this place is full of them and I'm not sure if weather or a nuclear fallout would stop them from biting. The wind was lite so it made for a good drift while I was jigging plus if it is windy from the West you are tight enough to the bank so its of little relevance.

jesse34567 10-05-2008 12:23 PM

are there pike in pine coulee to

Justanotherbuck2 10-05-2008 12:37 PM

pine and chain
Picked up my fishing partner in Calgary on Sat. at 10AM drove out to chain in less than two hours we had caught and released about 25 10-14" rainbows trolling Kamloopers. and len thompson red and whites. We then decided that we would catch our limit and pack up due to the weather getting a little foul and I have been pretty ill lately.We had the chain filled with 12-14"rainbows in about 45 minutes. Packed up the boat and I suggested we go try to find pine coulee as neither of us had ever been there. From Chain to Nanton and south to Stavely a quick turn west and we were there. Heck the weather had improved so at 3:30 we put the boat in pine coulee, there were a few fellows and some kids at the floating dock right at the launch that must have hooked up with about 7 or 8 walleyes while we were putting the boat in. We trolled around the SE shore and really had no luck at all for the first hour. But then we got to the SW corner of the lake and over the next couple of hours we picked up about 20 walleye all about the same size 14-16" and a pile of hammer handle pike and then one 32" pike. We stayed till just before dark and then headed off even though the fishing was still hot. Great day Pan fry rainbows to start and wally's and pike to finish. The two lakes are close enough together that we will likely make this a normal routine! Thanks for the tips guys.

2big4u 10-05-2008 09:22 PM

I was there this afternoon at the boat launch for an hour or so. Real windy. But the Walleye were hungry. There were 2 guys atthe other end of the dock from me that had double headers most of the time I was there, A few triples as well. Bite was on Black Shad Gulp minnows, Powerbait smelt tubes and smelt (whole for the first cast, head and pec fins for the second and usually a head left for the third cast).

RedHeadedFisherman 07-22-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by slingshotz (Post 192183)
As soon as you hit Stavely, turn west onto highway 427. Follow the boat launch signs, its very easy. You have to make a left (south) from highway 427 in about a km (maybe less) after you go over the bridge at Pine Coulee. The boat launch signs are well marked and it's all paved until you get to the road to Pine Coulee.

Boat launch looks decent enough but I don't have a boat so can't help you on that.

:wave:Hi All Fellow FisherPeoples.. I am new to this forum.. i have been reading this forum for some time and finallly decided to log on.
I live in Nanton AB so am close to Stavely, moved here last year from Edmonton due to i had a stroke and a quad-bypass, ( family here).
i have been to Chain Lakes a few times, always caught my limit and then some L). useing #12 single hooks and Berkly Power Bait FL Red corn works wel to, worms,.. not so hot...
i have heard of pine Coule some.. and altho i have moved here, i have yet to go to pine Coulie.. i am going at end of this month.. i saw the post by BIGBADJOHN,.. and i will prob be at that dock in his pic's.. ( i only shore fish, no boat:cry:).. i am very friendly and love to talk to other fisherpersons.
hope some one from here will be there :)
I spin cast and i am looking for a fishing partner as it is very lonley fishing alone :))) I am on ASIH, so $ is tight most times,. but, on the other hand, it leaves a lot of time for fishing,... :lol:
PS the ra=oad west at Stavley is 527 not 427 , sorry to slingshotz there:(

So.. with that, i will say by for now..
Tight Lines Yaall :D

kostianych 07-22-2009 03:46 PM

[QUOTE=slingshotz;192183]As soon as you hit Stavely, turn west onto highway 427. Follow the boat launch signs, its very easy. You have to make a left (south) from highway 427 in about a km (maybe less) after you go over the bridge at Pine Coulee. The boat launch signs are well marked and it's all paved until you get to the road to Pine Coulee.


that is 527 not 427 road....

WayneChristie 07-22-2009 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by RedHeadedFisherman (Post 354064)
:wave:Hi All Fellow FisherPeoples.. I am new to this forum.. i have been reading this forum for some time and finallly decided to log on.
I live in Nanton AB so am close to Stavely, moved here last year from Edmonton due to i had a stroke and a quad-bypass, ( family here).
i have been to Chain Lakes a few times, always caught my limit and then some L). useing #12 single hooks and Berkly Power Bait FL Red corn works wel to, worms,.. not so hot...
i have heard of pine Coule some.. and altho i have moved here, i have yet to go to pine Coulie.. i am going at end of this month.. i saw the post by BIGBADJOHN,.. and i will prob be at that dock in his pic's.. ( i only shore fish, no boat:cry:).. i am very friendly and love to talk to other fisherpersons.
hope some one from here will be there :)
I spin cast and i am looking for a fishing partner as it is very lonley fishing alone :))) I am on ASIH, so $ is tight most times,. but, on the other hand, it leaves a lot of time for fishing,... :lol:
PS the ra=oad west at Stavley is 527 not 427 , sorry to slingshotz there:(

So.. with that, i will say by for now..
Tight Lines Yaall :D

welcome to the forum Red, I will be there from Thursday to Sunday, say hello, white hat and sunburn is me. I found any colour jig with a small piece of smelt works awesome, or a minnow.

floppychicken 07-22-2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by jesse34567 (Post 193228)
are there pike in pine coulee to

..yeah, there's not a TON of them but they're VERY healthy fish and put up a really good fight.

You'll find some VERY large Pike in that body of water. A number of members on this board have seen 20lb + Gators in there and the LING also get up to 10lbs.



RedHeadedFisherman 07-23-2009 04:18 PM

Pine Coullee Information (LOTS!!)

Originally Posted by RedHeadedFisherman (Post 354064)
:wave:Hi All Fellow FisherPeoples.. I am new to this forum.. i have been reading this forum for some time and finallly decided to log on.
I live in Nanton AB so am close to Stavely, moved here last year from Edmonton due to i had a stroke and a quad-bypass, ( family here).
i have been to Chain Lakes a few times, always caught my limit and then some L). useing #12 single hooks and Berkly Power Bait FL Red corn works wel to, worms,.. not so hot...
i have heard of pine Coule some.. and altho i have moved here, i have yet to go to pine Coulie.. i am going at end of this month.. i saw the post by BIGBADJOHN,.. and i will prob be at that dock in his pic's.. ( i only shore fish, no boat:cry:).. i am very friendly and love to talk to other fisherpersons.
hope some one from here will be there :)
I spin cast and i am looking for a fishing partner as it is very lonley fishing alone :))) I am on ASIH, so $ is tight most times,. but, on the other hand, it leaves a lot of time for fishing,... :lol:
PS the ra=oad west at Stavley is 527 not 427 , sorry to slingshotz there:(

So.. with that, i will say by for now..
Tight Lines Yaall :D

************************************************** ********
Well I went out to Pine Coulee for the first time and made some notes, so.. here is the lowdown :)

Pine Coulee Reservoir
Pine Coulee is part of the Willow Creek Provincia Park.
Camping Season: May 1st - October 15
Camping Fees: @20.00 per night
Operated by MD of Willow Creek
Information Phone Number: 403 225-6239 or 403 652-3351

Pine Coulee Reservoir
Fee: @20.00 per night/access to Pine Coulee campground

6km west & 4 km south of Stavely Alberta on SH 527 then 1km east on Township Road 140 Follow the boat launch signs on good paved roads ( till you get to Pine Coulee) Good Boat Launch. :D

Total # of Units: 25
Electriccal Hookups: 25

(Boating-Boat Launch-Fishing-Firewood-Potable Water)

Willow Creek
Fees: Contact MD of Willow Creek for information on camping fees.
Total # of Units: 40
(Firewood-Horseshoes-Phone-Playground-Firepits-Potable Water)

So.. with that, i will say by for now..
Tight Lines Yaall :D
************************************************** ************************************************** ****************

RedHeadedFisherman 07-27-2009 11:43 AM

bump :)):wave:

WayneChristie 07-27-2009 05:44 PM

willow creek

Originally Posted by RedHeadedFisherman (Post 354689)
************************************************** ********
Well I went out to Pine Coulee for the first time and made some notes, so.. here is the lowdown :)

Pine Coulee Reservoir
Pine Coulee is part of the Willow Creek Provincia Park.
Camping Season: May 1st - October 15
Camping Fees: @20.00 per night
Operated by MD of Willow Creek
Information Phone Number: 403 225-6239 or 403 652-3351

Pine Coulee Reservoir
Fee: @20.00 per night/access to Pine Coulee campground

6km west & 4 km south of Stavely Alberta on SH 527 then 1km east on Township Road 140 Follow the boat launch signs on good paved roads ( till you get to Pine Coulee) Good Boat Launch. :D

Total # of Units: 25
Electriccal Hookups: 25

(Boating-Boat Launch-Fishing-Firewood-Potable Water)

Willow Creek
Fees: Contact MD of Willow Creek for information on camping fees.
Total # of Units: 40
(Firewood-Horseshoes-Phone-Playground-Firepits-Potable Water)

So.. with that, i will say by for now..
Tight Lines Yaall :D
************************************************** ************************************************** ****************

15 a night, no power nicer campground too

moosemad 07-27-2009 07:03 PM

The walleye fishing is great. Never caught a pike here yet, what is a good lure or bat to use for pike?

WayneChristie 07-27-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by moosemad (Post 356966)
The walleye fishing is great. Never caught a pike here yet, what is a good lure or bat to use for pike?

for lure, they seem to like the smelts, and Ive caught them with the storm wildeye walleye pattern. as for the best bat, Id use an aluminum, the wooden ones tend to swell when they get wet. or borrow Steves fish bonker, that thing could stop an elephant!!! :evilgrin::lol:
Just kidding.

RedHeadedFisherman 08-03-2009 12:36 AM

Went out to Pine Coullie for first time friday last.. 9am to 3 pm got 45 walleye and guy next to me got a 2foot.6" pike.. went again sat.. 60!!! walleye.. sun.. not so good got there about 2 pm.. a hella lota boats/jet skier.. lots! of waves up against the floating dock.. almost got seasick the boater out there sure are UNCONSIDERAT!!! comes to the dock right over your lines, cutting them( if yoiu cant crank out fast enough lol ) lol guy at south end of dock caugt a (estimated 3' pike on a # 10 hook and 1/2" of smelt ( he was fishing for 'eyes.. he got excited and try to lift it outa the water and it broke off right at the edge of the dock.. By By plike L)

temp was boiling.. no shade,, :) good thing i bought a 2 Lt of (frozen when i left home ) water haha will be back out there tus wen thu.. im in a tan foaldable cgair,, always sit right at the T of the dock.. hope some one from formums stops to say hi..:))

So.. with that, i will say by for now..
Tight Lines Yaall

WayneChristie 08-03-2009 08:09 AM

hi Red, glad you had a good time. cant horse in those pike, but they are easy to grab if you play them out. I agree about the boaters. they seem to forget its a shared resource, and most of them think a wake is something at a funeral! wish the RCMP would hang out some weekend and bust a few heads, maybe they would realize . or strap the boaters face down on the dock for a while so they realize what its like when they speed by way too close!!!! was thinking of heading there thursday but it looks like rain all week, so not this time I guess. maybe use 100 pound test braided line, then if they run over it they will be rowing the rest of the day when their prop drops off :evilgrin: too bad boats dont come with brains!!!!

RedHeadedFisherman 08-03-2009 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by WayneChristie (Post 360605)
hi Red, glad you had a good time. cant horse in those pike, but they are easy to grab if you play them out. I agree about the boaters. they seem to forget its a shared resource, and most of them think a wake is something at a funeral! wish the RCMP would hang out some weekend and bust a few heads, maybe they would realize . or strap the boaters face down on the dock for a while so they realize what its like when they speed by way too close!!!! was thinking of heading there thursday but it looks like rain all week, so not this time I guess. maybe use 100 pound test braided line, then if they run over it they will be rowing the rest of the day when their prop drops off :evilgrin: too bad boats dont come with brains!!!!

Thanks RB. yup.. them thar boaters. should fly a Watch out we have lots of money but no curtisy flag!! they just dont gibne a damm.

and that guy said he will use leaders from now on, even when fishing for 'eye's har har. ( he just got overly ecited at the large pike )

speaking of the County Mountys,. i parked ( my first time out there) right at the top of the ( now i know) boat turn-around.. a peace officer came out, saw my car.. asked around who's ^%^ cars are these.. i upped and said this one is mine.. he said well ya got a $ 100 ticket boyo. took some fancy talkin to get him to give me only a warning hehe but the car behind me got towed. cost that gut like $300 at Clarshome.. ( ouch!)
hope the rain stays away would like to meet some forum members out there we'll
have a secret shore lunch of 'eye's lol ( kidding) hehe

So.. with that, i will say by for now..
Tight Lines Yaall

gofast 04-03-2010 09:21 PM

Gotta add my 2 cents worth to this discussion between boaters and fishers on the dock. I do agree that there are an awful lot of boaters out there who have no concept of what "no wake" means. It's damned annoying when you're trying to launch or load and these clowns are trying to throw your boat over the wheel wells of your trailer!!!
On the other hand - when we are trying to come into the dock to let someone off to get the truck and trailer and the same kind of clowns who are fishing on the dock think they own it !! When a boat is coming in and by the way - they are even allowed to tie up to the docks - the people fishing do need to get out of the way. Last year had a kid jump off the dock about 5 ft in front of me - what you think a boat can stop on a freaking dime ???? Just about dragged the kid out of the water and throttled them !!
A lot of times I'm out fishing on the dock too but when a boat comes in it's only considerate to assist them in docking !!

A little consideration on all sides would sure go a long way !!

Good boating and good fishing to all !!

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