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sailor 04-09-2017 07:44 PM

I am absolutely negative for tatoo-for me it's like "I am gang member".And I was in jail.Plus it's distinguished mark for you ID.
But my son who is almost 20 wants to get some.
Help me to talk him off.
He is football player with WildCats and it's not because of low selfconfidence

FlyTheory 04-09-2017 07:46 PM

Harder you push, the more he'll want to get one. Educate him on the consequences.

pikergolf 04-09-2017 07:46 PM

Tell him to get a hoodie and wear it over his head no matter what the temp. he can be all gangster that way.

sailor 04-09-2017 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by pikergolf (Post 3513637)
Tell him to get a hoodie and wear it over his head no matter what the temp. he can be all gangster that way.

He doesn't need to pretend-you saw football players,right and he is for last 9 years?And he spends most time in UofA anyway or football field.
I just don't get why he wants it,other then his friends have some

sailor 04-09-2017 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by FlyTheory (Post 3513636)
Harder you push, the more he'll want to get one. Educate him on the consequences.

Told him if he wants be like...Never he will get in special ....
And his answer -who cares... Good thing I have another son who cares

pikergolf 04-09-2017 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by sailor (Post 3513638)
He doesn't need to pretend-you saw football players,right and he is for last 9 years?And he spends most time in UofA anyway or football field.
I just don't get why he wants it,other then his friends have some

No offense meant, I was trying for humor.

sailor 04-09-2017 07:56 PM

On contrary I like it

vinny 04-09-2017 07:59 PM

These are some funny comments. Tattooed people and hoody wearers are gangsters. Haha. He's old enough to make his own decisions. I have lots of tattoos. So does my wife. Two kids, both great jobs. (Not gangster related work)
Just funny the perceptions when tattoos are so prevalent these days. I could care less the way people perceive me. If you want tattoos, get some. If not, that's cool too. They don't make a person any different. Just like not having them doesn't make you a good person. It's funny. That's all. If he does get one, please educate him on the subject. Spend the money for a good clean reputable place. If it's cheap, there's a reason. $160/hr is prob average for a good artist. Check them out thoroughly first before you commit. Good tattoos ain't cheap, and cheap tattoos ain't good. Or something like that.

HunterDave 04-09-2017 08:01 PM

What? A Sailor that doesn't like tattoos! :)

Tattoos are a big deal with the younger generation. Even the girls are getting them now. There is no longer the gang/prison stigma that there once was. Besides, he's his own man at 20 years old.

silverdoctor 04-09-2017 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by sailor (Post 3513633)
I am absolutely negative for tatoo-for me it's like "I am gang member".And I was in jail.Plus it's distinguished mark for you ID.

That has to be the funniest thing i've read on here in a long time. :D

So you're trying to push your stigma - very silly ideal - on your 20 year old... Might want to spend some time looking through tattoos, they've come a long way since jailhouse ink.

sailor 04-09-2017 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by FlyTheory (Post 3513636)
Harder you push, the more he'll want to get one. Educate him on the consequences.

Unfortunately all arguments about health are broken at so fistics logic wall-"it will help to improve my immune system"
I would put those idiots to Cort for such sofists logic

airbornedeerhunter 04-09-2017 08:04 PM

Send him to Urge, some of the best artists in the city. Ask for Johnny or Mark, he won't disappointed!

Nothing wrong with tats.

260 Rem 04-09-2017 08:10 PM

Understand your feeling, but what the put on their body is doesn't count for much...what they put in their body does. When our youngest son was about that age he sat us down and said "I have something I need to tell you". For a second, both my wife and I though he was going to announce that he was gay. We were so relieved and supportive when he told us he got a tattoo:) Our son has had a very successful career.
After discussing how you feel and why, I'd let him know that I will be OK whatever he decides.

sailor 04-09-2017 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by airbornedeerhunter (Post 3513653)
Send him to Urge, some of the best artists in the city. Ask for Johnny or Mark, he won't disappointed!

Nothing wrong with tats.

Why to have one?
I won't shoot better with or without, I will be as good with girls with or withot,
I will blend with crowd without,bUT I will be identified easy with tatoo (it's my military point)

Jeff336 04-09-2017 08:12 PM

Your completely right! The tattoo I got of a crucifix and the dates my best friend and brother passed away sure makes me look like a hardened criminal. And the hunting/fishing themed sleeve I have is very "gangster". Tell your son to pick something that he will
Always like and to get it in a discreet place, so he can cover it up for job interviews. he's his own man and you can disagree but still support him. Anyways that's my unsolicited two cents

bat119 04-09-2017 08:13 PM

Take him to an old folks home and show him what that tattoo will look like in 40 years, a faded blotch of greenish colour and who is howdy doody. I have an Uncle that has a Montreal Expo's tattoo on his forearm he's was thinking of having it removed until he found out how much it would cost.

Think about the long term.

double gun 04-09-2017 08:14 PM

Show him some old people who got them when they were young.

Bat beat me to it....

sailor 04-09-2017 08:14 PM

Good point!

chasingtail 04-09-2017 08:15 PM

Tattoos or so 2005, every lame person out there has one now, they are no longer cool. It's kind of going the way like guys with ear rings or white guys wearing their hats backwards.

sns2 04-09-2017 08:15 PM

Encourage him to not get anything a future wife may feel uncomfortable with, and to get it in a location where it can be covered in a job interview. That is what I have always told any students who have told me they are getting inked.

artie 04-09-2017 08:16 PM

I know a few high school and college football players that got one on their ankle. That I can go for.

Bourbon Outdoorsman 04-09-2017 08:24 PM

My parents were fine with my 16+ tattoo's i got. I think people should be more open to them. Its not like 15 years ago when people with tattoos werr considered criminals or bad guys. Almost everyone has one now a days. My philosophy is, your body your decisions. Best you can do is get something that's not stupid.

Im a supervisor in the oil and gas industry, used to work carpentry. My arms and hands/fingers are heavily tattooed, and nobody looks or talks to me differently. Im treated like everyone else with no tattoos

omega50 04-09-2017 08:32 PM

Get a tattoo of a squashed cockroach on the bottom of his foot.

The ultimate statement for a young man and likely never seen unless he wants a good laugh

sailor 04-09-2017 08:32 PM

But why you did that?
Why you want to be different?
What message you want to send all around with your tatoo?
And you want!Otherwise you wouldnt alternate body the God gave you.

WillyOneStyle 04-09-2017 08:33 PM

I have a tattoo on my shoulder with profanity on it. I was sitting in a hot tub with my wife at a public pool and was feeling more than a little self conscious about it. Then a guy showed up with a large swastika on his chest. He took a lot of the heat off me.

My father was robbed at gun point (in Calgary) by a guy with a neck tattoo.

Sailor, if you give your son any advice at all, let him know that while a rainbow is one of the most brilliant and beautiful spectacles of nature, it is not always the best choice for a first tattoo.

sailor 04-09-2017 08:37 PM

Lol.showed him your post about rainbow
For me all gus with tattoo are that sort if not criminal.Not egsactly-many guys liked to put cool tattoo of our unit when I was in Navy.But I think more important to become professional not tatoo-so I myself got non.

Sask Bearman 04-09-2017 08:46 PM

My youngest son is getting a tattoo in a couple of weeks. It's going to be a bear and part of a spruce tree. I saw the picture, looks kind of cool. I told him maybe I'd get one to match, he did not care for that idea.

CanuckShooter 04-09-2017 08:53 PM

IF the idea of your child getting a tattoo bothers you just tell them that, and why, and then leave the decision up to them. Support them whatever the decision is, after all it's their body and their decision to make. Both of my kids have tats, and I paid for their first ones....they were going to get them anyway so I made them even more special for them. My two bits worth.

colroggal 04-09-2017 08:54 PM

No offense, but it might be time to lose the chinos answer sweater vest.


Trochu 04-09-2017 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jeff336 (Post 3513662)
Your completely right! The tattoo I got of a crucifix and the dates my best friend and brother passed away sure makes me look like a hardened criminal. And the hunting/fishing themed sleeve I have is very "gangster". Tell your son to pick something that he will
Always like and to get it in a discreet place, so he can cover it up for job interviews. he's his own man and you can disagree but still support him. Anyways that's my unsolicited two cents

Defends the tattoo, encourages him to get it in a place that can be covered up. :thinking-006:

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