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Silverado_knight 11-12-2018 12:10 PM

I made a very bad mistake
I made a big rookie mistake I didn’t think I was at first but after wards realized the gravity of what I was doing.

Recently got my bow bow license bird license been practicing shooting and wanted a nice day out in the bush. My buddy has his bird and a general WT tag. We been hunting out in white court together and felt maybe a closer day trip to cooking lake. He picked up a bow license and we headed out. As first season out I wasn’t expecting to get a deer and if i sightings where good is pick one up at lunch for afternoon hunt or let my buddy with the general deer tag take the shot.

We see nothing and head back to the truck to be greater by fish and wild life. Unfortunately I guess that area you need a special deer license for strath and a general WT isn’t good enough. She was nice educated we apologized and explained our thinking and where nothing short of apologetic and cooperative.

We both ended up getting slapped with hunting with out a license ticket and a court date. She didn’t seize the bow or anything due to our co operation with her. But how screwed am I. I realize I made a big mistake afterwards by checking I hunter witch says sept 1-nov 30 is WT general archery. But it’s a private app and I should of went back to reading the regs better.

How much of a fine am I looking at says up to 50,000 I really can’t afford that I feel super bad for what I did I hate to be lumped in as a poacher when i had 0 intent of poaching just made a stupid error in judgment.

JeanCretien 11-12-2018 12:52 PM

Sorry to hear that man. The legal system isn’t always just. Good luck to ya and thanks for the reminder.

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Birchcraft 11-12-2018 12:58 PM

Seems a little ridiculous considering you didn't actually get anything, a warning would more than suffice. Can people get charges laid for looking at deer without a licence. You didn't even do something that you werent aware was illegal. Last time I checked not doing illegal stuff was A-Ok.

EZM 11-12-2018 01:10 PM

There is no excuse for ignorance of the law, however, the fact that you did not actually arrow a deer will likely result in your court appearance (and subsequent punishment) to be drastically reduced to a lower offence or possibly a lesser charge/conviction.

At this point that;'s the best you can hope for I guess.

Rackmastr 11-12-2018 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Birchcraft (Post 3870352)
Seems a little ridiculous considering you didn't actually get anything, a warning would more than suffice. Can people get charges laid for looking at deer without a licence. You didn't even do something that you werent aware was illegal. Last time I checked not doing illegal stuff was A-Ok.

:scared: :scared: :scared:

Silverado_knight 11-12-2018 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Rackmastr (Post 3870362)
:scared: :scared: :scared:

What she told us is the definition of hunting so so broad that if your walking with a bow your hunting.

I messed up I get what I did now after the fact. I honestly hope maybe having to redo the hunting education course and loss of hunting privileges. That’s was ignorance to the law due to an un educated decision.

Yycadm 11-12-2018 01:16 PM

The amount will be the Judges call, based on evidence presented (they don’t pass judgement based on intent, or how bad you feel about it; most everyone feels bad about getting a bone that could cost a lot)

That said, I don’t think your situation qualifies as the crime of the century, so I think 50K is pretty unlikely unless there is a lot you’re not telling us. I’d be sticking a couple grand aside though....entirely possible as a fine. Best case you get a lecture, and you’ll be able to ease your hurt by using the money to get a new gun.

Good luck. I’m betting it’s a mistake you won’t repeat

Positrac 11-12-2018 01:18 PM

Well, I don’t know if I would classify your honest mistake as “very bad”. It pays to read the regs and know what is needed for the area you hunt. While getting off with a warning would have sufficed in my mind the CO obviously didn’t think so. I have no idea what the fine will be but I wouldn’t expect it to be much given the circumstances and law that was broken.

Lefty-Canuck 11-12-2018 01:23 PM

I am confused...pretty sure a general WT license is valid in 248 until the last day of November?

If you were hunting deer without a license that’s one thing, but your buddy should not have received a ticket if he had a general tag?


cdales 11-12-2018 01:24 PM

Sounds like FW understood you made an honest mistake and biggest failure was not learning the regs. It’s good they are not giving warnings because we have to
ensure the unhonest people do not get away with it. At court be honest and upfront likely the charge will not be very big and it will be a good lesson learned. It doesn’t take very long to go through the regs and highlight important parts. If you still have questions afterwards give F&W a call or go into an office to get questions answered.

Scruffee 11-12-2018 01:28 PM

I feel like some Provinces and States go out of their way to make things complicated for hunters...

Sucks you messed up, as a general rule though, if you're walking around the woods with a rifle, bow, etc, and no tag, you can get dinged for poaching. It's easy for a poacher to say "well I didn't shoot anything officer, I wasn't hunting".

Always read and re-read the regs, never trust an app with something that could get you in trouble and the most important thing of all, don't trust anyone else for information on hunting and seasons. Open the regs and read them yourself.

MooseRiverTrapper 11-12-2018 01:30 PM

You can bowhunt with your general tag in strathcona 248 from first day of September to last day of November.

1bowhunter12 11-12-2018 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 3870373)
I am confused...pretty sure a general WT license is valid in 248 until the last day of November?

If you were hunting deer without a license that’s one thing, but your buddy should not have received a ticket if he had a general tag?


I’m confused as well .. you have a bow permit and a gam bird licence .. no deer where harvested ..what’s the problem ??? I don’t see any illegal activities

cdales 11-12-2018 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 3870373)
I am confused...pretty sure a general WT license is valid in 248 until the last day of November?

If you were hunting deer without a license that’s one thing, but your buddy should not have received a ticket if he had a general tag?


Sounds like he had just told FW he was hunting them with his buddy(didn’t have any tag). Then sounds like they got more confused when the special license was brought into discussion.

JimW55 11-12-2018 01:41 PM

Yup, the judge will say don’t know don’t go.

cdales 11-12-2018 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by 1bowhunter12 (Post 3870382)
I’m confused as well .. you have a bow permit and a gam bird licence .. no deer where harvested ..what’s the problem ??? I don’t see any illegal activities

But..confused about his buddy getting one...

hunter123! 11-12-2018 01:43 PM

What WMU were you in? Because the regs say that 936 all you require is a discharge permit and 248 archery is open S1 to N30. Anyone else confused??

CBintheNorth 11-12-2018 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Silverado_knight (Post 3870317)
I made a big rookie mistake I didn’t think I was at first but after wards realized the gravity of what I was doing.

Recently got my bow bow license bird license been practicing shooting and wanted a nice day out in the bush. My buddy has his bird and a general WT tag. We been hunting out in white court together and felt maybe a closer day trip to cooking lake. He picked up a bow license and we headed out. As first season out I wasn’t expecting to get a deer and if i sightings where good is pick one up at lunch for afternoon hunt or let my buddy with the general deer tag take the shot.

We see nothing and head back to the truck to be greater by fish and wild life. Unfortunately I guess that area you need a special deer license for strath and a general WT isn’t good enough. She was nice educated we apologized and explained our thinking and where nothing short of apologetic and cooperative.

We both ended up getting slapped with hunting with out a license ticket and a court date. She didn’t seize the bow or anything due to our co operation with her. But how screwed am I. I realize I made a big mistake afterwards by checking I hunter witch says sept 1-nov 30 is WT general archery. But it’s a private app and I should of went back to reading the regs better.

How much of a fine am I looking at says up to 50,000 I really can’t afford that I feel super bad for what I did I hate to be lumped in as a poacher when i had 0 intent of poaching just made a stupid error in judgment.

If you've got the details correct, she's wrong. You can use your general whitetail in Strathcona with archery equipment only, as it is within WMU 248.
She is referring to the Strathcona tags which are separate and different. They also come with a specified season and requirements and can ONLY be used within Strathcona county and parts of Leduc county. If you guys were using shotguns to try and fill a general tag I can see her line of thinking.

Now, if you told her you were hunting whitetails also, then you are in the wrong. You didn't have a tag. I can't see how your buddy got charged though.
If all you were doing was hunting grouse and coyotes with your bow and looking for a promising deer spot, it'll get thrown out in court.

Lefty-Canuck 11-12-2018 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by CBintheNorth (Post 3870391)
If you've got the details correct, she's wrong. You can use your general whitetail in Strathcona with archery equipment only, as it is within WMU 248.
She is referring to the Strathcona tags which are separate and different. They also come with a specified season and requirements and can ONLY be used within Strathcona county and parts of Leduc county. If you guys were using shotguns to try and fill a general tag I can see her line of thinking.

Now, if you told her you were hunting whitetails also, then you are in the wrong. You didn't have a tag. I can't see how your buddy got charged though.
If all you were doing was hunting grouse and coyotes with your bow and looking for a promising deer spot, it'll get thrown out in court.

Exactly my thoughts. If they both said they were “deer hunting” then I can see the one without a license getting a ticket.


1bowhunter12 11-12-2018 02:01 PM

^so for example ..if I’m out with a buddy who has a moose draw and the CO rolls up and I say we’re hunting moose and deer I can be charged for hunting without a licence ... not likely .. ecentially the same thing

JimW55 11-12-2018 02:11 PM

Plead not guilty, attach the regs as an exhibit and tell the judge Fish & Wildlife don’t know what there talking about and that you want full compensation for the hardship.

DiabeticKripple 11-12-2018 02:46 PM

Since you were both bowhunting in 248 you will get out of that ticket no problem.

She was in the wrong in giving you a ticket for that, but had you had a rifle she would’ve been right. I think she was confused about the different seasons for that WMU

duceman 11-12-2018 03:02 PM

not to be a dick, but the only difference between being classed as hunting or not is whether you harvest or not?..............don't think so.............

sanjuanworm 11-12-2018 03:07 PM

What if I’m out target shooting with my bow? Which I often do. This ticket is bull****.

deercamp 11-12-2018 03:10 PM

you will be fine, study the regulations and write up a statement explaining regs as judge definitely doesn't deal with such offence very often. may get a suspension and fine but definitely wont be that much. Guys hauled sheep out of banff national park last season and only got dinged 10 grand. Ignorance or misunderstanding of a law isn't excusable and you will be penalized for it but to a very small degree.

Lefty-Canuck 11-12-2018 03:16 PM

Would love to see a picture of the ticket and offense...something doesn’t seem with with this one.

What does it say as to what section of the code you violated?


Silverado_knight 11-12-2018 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lefty-Canuck (Post 3870443)
Would love to see a picture of the ticket and offense...something doesn’t seem with with this one.

What does it say as to what section of the code you violated?


We got a 24(1). Hunting no license. Court date. We tried showing her the i hunter app that wmu had a listing archery only sept 1 to nov 30 I’m pretty sure mule moose and wt are general tags for now only.

MKD 11-12-2018 03:44 PM

The Synopsis is not LEGAL DOCUMENT, nor is the iHunter App. Both have disclaimers attached.

Get a copy of the actual 2018 Regulations and determine whether you were hunting legally. (Queens Printer)

An Officer could make a mistake! If you feel they have charged you improperly, then contact them directly and explain the error. They can withdraw the charge.

If that does not work then approach the Crown Prosecutor with your argument. Reducing their load on game day will be welcomed.

Admitting you were hunting Deer without a license in your pocket!? That's the mistake.

Look up the differences between Strict and Absolute Liability offences. Google Lawyer will help.

Best of luck.

elkhunter11 11-12-2018 03:49 PM

Be aware that if you are convicted of hunting without a license, a suspension is likely.

reddeerhunter 11-12-2018 04:06 PM

1000.00$ fine and 1 year suspension of license.

Honest or not dont matter, they will give that to you.

Sucks, but come back better.

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