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perchie15 03-18-2012 09:09 PM

Battle Lake
Went out for about 4hrs today, caught a few whities nothing overly huge, and a pike, and shockingly a walleye!!! Havent seen one of them in ages come out of that lake!!

wbaj 03-19-2012 11:04 PM

Hey perchie congrats on your whites from Battle. I have only caught two from that lake in over a dozen tries. I used a wetastiwan to get them but I find it very hard to get them interested in biting. Mind if I ask what method you used to get yours?

perchie15 03-20-2012 02:40 AM

Yeah I was pretty surprised myself I've went a few times but no luck with the whites. Was using a wire worm. An had a bobber on to notify me of bites Ofcourse, whites weren't t nothing special maybe 1lb in half. I'm sure there is lot bigger ones in there!!

canamdon 03-20-2012 04:49 PM

good job............... i can't even get to see a fish there let alone catch one.
Were you somewhere other then the boat launch area or the southeast end?

ViperV7 03-20-2012 07:26 PM

Defintley a hit & miss lake. I only fish it in the summer. Ya the Walleye fishing really sucks there. I never seem to catch them either. :thinking-017:

drake 03-20-2012 07:31 PM

The walleye fishing is outstanding in Battle....if you know where/how to fish them.

perchie15 03-21-2012 05:58 AM

Well I was out by the camp ground fishing about 1/2km from shore in like 15fow. I didn't wanna travel on ice with my truck due to all the springs in the lake. So I just walked from the campground.

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