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dirtyman 03-22-2009 05:58 PM

costly brain fart
well i did it...was fishing at blood indian yesterday when the warden pulled problem ..he asked to check all the hooks and that was fine..he pulled up the last one of 4 (2 guys) and said there is a barb on this hook , i laughed and said ya right turns out there was a barb on that hook....10 min before the warden showed up i got broke off by a nice one and while all hyped up and in a hurry to get that line in the water again , got the other guy to get me a new hook and put another piece of shrimp of while the warden was driving towards us...i never thought twice.....forgot to pinch the the warden askrd me what he i think he should do..i was a little mad (at myself) and said that you are the boss and mistake or not i was in the he wrote me a ticket for $200...i know the rules and i play by the rules..i have never had a warning before (nope i did...didn't have my fishing lisence on my person one the truck walking the creek) and have been checked many times in the last year where when the "home town" warden pulls up i ask him if he wants me to pull up the lines and he says " i know you are good" .....the 200 dollars doesn't bother me that much but now i will have that on my record and it really bothers me...i don't at this time know if this going to hurt me in any way yet..further fishing and hunting...

i know i have done it before..get on the hot walleye hole and toss on a new jig then when you pull it up to re-bait or got one on and say ooooooooo sh#$%t i forgot to pinch that barb , then i pinch it...i would like to do a pole to see how many guys have changed hooks and relised after that they forgot to pinch the hook...i know before it goes in the tackle box for me it is gunna be pinched now..

signed :

now law breaker dirtyman:o:o:o:o

pdfish 03-22-2009 07:05 PM

Accidents happen, same thing happened to a buddy of mine on the Skeena one year. He got busted off, grabbed a rig he had ready, tied it on and flung it out. The fuzz pulled up 2 minutes later, he only got a warning though. All of the other rigs he and his friend had were legit.

Smokey 03-22-2009 07:07 PM

****e happens. When I went fishing for one of the first times in Alberta, I caught a really nice pike. Where I came from it was keeper size. When the CO came and measured it, it was 59 cm. He informed me it was to small and that a ticket would be issued. Stupid thing was is I had the regs, and did not read them in this case. Never had to read regs in Saskatchewan, as laws were fairly basic to most bodies of water. My point is many of us have made mistakes. It won't effect you down the road. Pay your bill, and learn and move on.

Walleyes 03-22-2009 07:12 PM

Don't let it bother you,, mistakes happen. Its not like you accidentally had a dozen to many fish on the ice. A simple mistake just to bad the C.O never had the common courtesy to accept any human error a big hero He is,, just single handedly saved all those stocked fish in Blood Indian..
I know I have caught myself more than once doing the same thing I have just been lucky and was able to correct it without being checked..

slingshotz 03-22-2009 07:13 PM

What I generally do now is buy packs of barbless hooks and remove all factory hooks from lures and attach the barbless ones at home. Then I leave all the barbed hooks at home so I won't accidentally use them (a lot of factory hooks are poor quality anyways). I've found that a few times before doing this I'd pinch down a barb and then discover that it's not really pinched far enough when I snag it on a branch or cloth. Before I started replacing the hooks I had a few times where a F&W checked my hooks and noted that some were not pinched down good enough but let me off. Now there's no question when you look at the hook.

The only thing is doesnt work on is obviously flies unless you tie your own with barbless hooks from the start. At the start of the season I check all my flies to make sure they are all pinched down.

And yes I've been guilty of forgetting to pinch the barbs on new lures, it's the shiny colors that put me in a daze :lol:

JohninAB 03-22-2009 07:37 PM

Walleyes, what an assinine thing to say. Hero CO, saved the fishery and too bad no common sense. Law was broken, consequences happened. Oh was it a CO or a fish and wildlife officer?

Bear Ballz 03-22-2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by JohninAB (Post 290252)
Walleyes, what an assinine thing to say. Hero CO, saved the fishery and too bad no common sense. Law was broken, consequences happened. Oh was it a CO or a fish and wildlife officer?

As with most things that come out of his mouth.

Alliman 03-22-2009 08:57 PM

Bye the way,how was the fishin ?

savagewsm 03-22-2009 09:21 PM

Rules are rules I guess but what really p**ses me off is that a fellow makes an honest mistake and gets nailed for having a stupid barb on a hook while others who need not be mentioned get to hunt and fish at will and any way they like. Maybe they should have a wattage limit imposed while they jacklight game or would that be interfering with their rights.

Kingfisher 03-22-2009 10:55 PM

I went ice fishing last weekend and the night before I spent about 2 hours grinding off the barbs on my jigs with my dremel tool.

I'm sure you won't have this happen again. It's an easy mistake to make. Good on you for admitting it and moving on.

JohninAB 03-23-2009 06:01 AM

savagewsm, aboriginals cannot fish any way they like. They must follow the exact same rules as us except there is no need for them to purchase a license.

Cal 03-23-2009 06:12 AM

The other day I was using an old hook I have not used in years, since I used to pich my barbs down anyways befor it was manditory I thought nothing of it untill I caught a fish and had a heck of a time getting it out... whoops. I gotta say, giving out a ticket for having a barb on your hook when all the other hooks in you takle box and all your other rigs are leagal does seem pretty harsh. If my unhoned decifering skills can tell it was an accident than you'd think a profesional such as a Fish cop could tell.

honda450 03-23-2009 06:16 AM

I fly fish with some pretty small flys. Dang its hard to see if they are pinched or not sometimes. Got checked out last year while fly fishing and he checked out my little fly. Dang I couldn't see it, well it was pinched.

Got a magnifying glass now. hehehe:lol:

Walleyes 03-23-2009 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by JohninAB (Post 290252)
Walleyes, what an assinine thing to say. Hero CO, saved the fishery and too bad no common sense. Law was broken, consequences happened. Oh was it a CO or a fish and wildlife officer?

Without turning this into a big sh1t show stuff like this really burns me. A little common sense on behalf of the CO would of served justice. Its not like the man was targeting a non retention species. If he was on the South Sask River targeting Sturgen or out on say Newell targeting Walleye then yah O.K I could handle it. Because these are stricly release only fish and can be harmed while fishing with a barb. But the guy was out on a southern A.B. slough hole targeting a planted fish I mean come on.. And it would of just taken 2 min to check his tackle box and find out that the majority of his tackle is proper but no,, drop a $200.00 bomb on buddy.. Again what a hero..

pdfish 03-23-2009 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Walleyes (Post 290416)
Without turning this into a big sh1t show stuff like this really burns me. A little common sense on behalf of the CO would of served justice. Its not like the man was targeting a non retention species. If he was on the South Sask River targeting Sturgen or out on say Newell targeting Walleye then yah O.K I could handle it. Because these are stricly release only fish and can be harmed while fishing with a barb. But the guy was out on a southern A.B. slough hole targeting a planted fish I mean come on.. And it would of just taken 2 min to check his tackle box and find out that the majority of his tackle is proper but no,, drop a $200.00 bomb on buddy.. Again what a hero..

I gotta agree with Walleyes, everything else was legit, seems that a warning would have been the reasonable way to go.

merk1 03-23-2009 07:52 AM

I agree with Walleyes, especially with the rest of the tackle done, mark it down as an oops. I sometimes have the same problem with my 6yr old daughter, she like to change her own hooks and does not yet understand everything so now when I get new tackle the dremel come out before the tackle box. Don't want to run into one like dirty man did. $200= a lot of tackle.

DoUCWhatIC 03-23-2009 08:12 AM

I would expect that every time a game warden finds someone using a barbed hook it was an accident or mistake. I doubt he or she ever hears "Yeah, I knew it was barbed but I didn't think I'd get checked today". Perhaps all the "bad" guys should have "liar" tattooed on their foreheads so the wardens can instantly identify the bad guys!!!

bobalong 03-23-2009 09:27 AM

Although fishing with a barb nowdays is usually an accident, I think the 200.00 fine serves as a good deterent, as I know if I was dinged 200.00 for having a single barbed hook you can be sure it would never happen again. Every time I bought or touched a hook (remember the 200.00) the first thing I would be doing is checking to make sure the barb was removed. As merk1 mentioned I too remove all barbs before they go into the tackle box, just in case in a hot bite I forget to check.
Regarding a couple of comments stating a warning would have be adequate in this case, that may very well be true. However I don't think having anglers decide what rules (not guidlines) they should follow and what ones can be bent is probably not a good precedent, as we all know where that could lead.

dirtyman 03-23-2009 09:31 AM

the fishing was goood
the fishing was good...took to long to find the drop off..40 holes 2 2.5 lbs and lost a few more in that of 5 on the ice with 2 guys..i like to keep the the 13 to 15 inchers perfect for the smoker..the bigger ones hit the pan...and they were good..

if your going out the bigger one we caught and seen in the camera were in 3 to 6 feet of water ...really lite bites camera really helps

jts1 03-23-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by JohninAB (Post 290405)
savage, aboriginals cannot fish any way they like. They must follow the exact same rules as us except there is no need for them to purchase a license.

Savage , aboriginals ?? I have heard some stupid comments on here and the norm is for me to keep my mouth shut, But I just happen to be a lil of that savage that you speak of. I dont agree with it myself I pay for all my tags and fallow regs. Something that happened 500 years ago has nothing to do with me. Cept when derogatory comments like that are made... How many guys do see in a loin cloth with a big ass head dress out there slinging a rod ?? Savage... Grow up

Bear 03-23-2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by jts1 (Post 290539)
Savage , aboriginals ?? I have heard some stupid comments on here and the norm is for me to keep my mouth shut, But I just happen to be a lil of that savage that you speak of. I dont agree with it myself I pay for all my tags and fallow regs. Something that happened 500 years ago has nothing to do with me. Cept when derogatory comments like that are made... How many guys do see in a loin cloth with a big ass head dress out there slinging a rod ?? Savage... Grow up

Dude calm down. He was responding to the user "Savagewsm" not calling natives savage.

Walleyes 03-23-2009 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by jts1 (Post 290539)
Savage , aboriginals ?? I have heard some stupid comments on here and the norm is for me to keep my mouth shut, But I just happen to be a lil of that savage that you speak of. I dont agree with it myself I pay for all my tags and fallow regs. Something that happened 500 years ago has nothing to do with me. Cept when derogatory comments like that are made... How many guys do see in a loin cloth with a big ass head dress out there slinging a rod ?? Savage... Grow up

:lol: :lol: :lol: Easy there big fella, I think you have mis read what John meant.. I beleive he was refering to the poster that calls himself savagewsm and not aboriginals as savage..

jts1 03-23-2009 11:02 AM

You are 100% correct I did read it wrong and owe that gentlemen a public apology. I tend to get a lil jump on the subject of natives having fishing and hunting rights I dont agree with it , and try to distance myself them even being one myself. I apologize Hope this dont make me the bad guy.

Copidosoma 03-23-2009 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by jts1 (Post 290539)
Savage , aboriginals ?? I have heard some stupid comments on here and the norm is for me to keep my mouth shut, But I just happen to be a lil of that savage that you speak of. I dont agree with it myself I pay for all my tags and fallow regs. Something that happened 500 years ago has nothing to do with me. Cept when derogatory comments like that are made... How many guys do see in a loin cloth with a big ass head dress out there slinging a rod ?? Savage... Grow up


Walleyes 03-23-2009 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by jts1 (Post 290550)
You are 100% correct I did read it wrong and owe that gentlemen a public apology. I tend to get a lil jump on the subject of natives having fishing and hunting rights I dont agree with it , and try to distance myself them even being one myself. I apologize Hope this dont make me the bad guy.

No sweat jts,, I found it quite humorus myslef and I figured you would be a bit humbled once you saw the error of your ways. I can definetly see where you are coming from we do start jumping on our native freinds on here quite a bit so you have a reason to be a bit defensive.

Life go's on man don't sweat it..

JohninAB 03-23-2009 11:24 AM

jts1, no problem. I did not word my response very well!

savagencounter 03-23-2009 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Bear Ballz (Post 290257)
As with most things that come out of his mouth.

X2 anything ive seen him write is all negitive

kinwahkly 03-23-2009 11:50 AM

Is it okay to pinch the barbs flat or do you have to remove them completely?

Alliman 03-23-2009 12:09 PM

Right on Dirtyman, we always have our best luck in shallow water 2-4ft Did you happen to notice anything particular in their guts beetles or what not ? They really hit hard there on Hot pink teeny tube jigg !!

Fishin' Fool 03-23-2009 12:22 PM

I've gotten in the habit of removing the trebles from my lures and replacing them with weedless hooks or circle hooks. Since I do this at home, it's easy to just pinch all the barbs at once. Not to say the odd barb hasn't slipped by, but it's always an accident. I pinch them as soon as I notice while out on the water.

I much prefer pinched or barbless hooks anyway. Not only are releases easier, but when a hook catches on my jacket, in the carpet in my car, or like last week, gets buried in my finger, it's a lot easier to remove.

The only exception are the hooks in my survival kit. They are barbed. I hope to never use them, but in a survival situation, I'll take any advantage I can get.


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