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kanny90 10-14-2020 09:15 AM

Elk in wmu 344 and 346
I hunt this area alot and alot of people tell me this is a good spot for elk, can someone help guide me in the right direction?I'm new to outdoorsman, I usually take me elk out of the 350s and 520s but due to a injury i cant walk alot. Ill be willing to share some of my spots in exchange. Thanks

Big Grey Wolf 10-14-2020 10:21 AM

I would like to share some of my elk areas in 344 and 346. However since it took me almost 60 years to develop 'All' that knowledge in those two WMU's, 1000's of liters of expensive fuel from Edson, lots of boot leather and sweat climbing out of ravines and up ridges, I believe I will pass.

DeadEyeGardner 10-14-2020 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Big Grey Wolf (Post 4247922)
I would like to share some of my elk areas in 344 and 346. However since it took me almost 60 years to develop 'All' that knowledge in those two WMU's, 1000's of liters of expensive fuel from Edson, lots of boot leather and sweat climbing out of ravines and up ridges, I believe I will pass.

You mean you went hunting and eventually learned some things!? I wouldn’t share either! Well said.

bezzola 10-14-2020 12:34 PM

I can tell you first hand that 347 and 346 with the predators and all the logging we seen not alot of anything this year. Seen grizzily bears though

Dean2 10-14-2020 12:42 PM

Keyboard hunting just never wants to end. It is a good thing I am not a mod, I would Ban any new poster that put up this kind of a thread.

Camdelle 10-14-2020 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Dean2 (Post 4248053)
Keyboard hunting just never wants to end. It is a good thing I am not a mod, I would Ban any new poster that put up this kind of a thread.

It never hurts to ask. Some people actually want to help newer hunters or people hurt like this gentleman. Some people however just want to put up nasty comments to make others feel like ****.

Look at Bezzola! He probably saved the OP a lot of grief, pain and wasted time.

Glad your not a mod.

Have a great day.

Dean2 10-14-2020 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Camdelle (Post 4248070)
It never hurts to ask. Some people actually want to help newer hunters or people hurt like this gentleman. Some people however just want to put up nasty comments to make others feel like ****.

Look at Bezzola! He probably saved the OP a lot of grief, pain and wasted time.

Glad your not a mod.

Have a great day.

If the OP had been on AO for a while, contributed, helped others that needed it, guys like me would be willing to help him, even if it was by PM rather than openly posting info. Brand new sign up, never added anything to the Forum, we have no way of knowing if his go fund me story is true, why in the world would anyone provide GPS coordinates to find an elk.

I am not as mobile as I used to be, I still did the leg work to find my own new spots that are easier to get in and out of. I don't expect others to do my work for me. If he feels bad because some of us point that out, oh well, it is social media, shrinking violets should probably avoid forums, Twitter, Facebook et al.

kurthunter 10-14-2020 01:09 PM

Honestly I hunt 344 a lot. The Elk are here but hard to find. Honestly... Honestly drive up the Willow road and you will see why. There are more clear cuts, logging roads, oil and gas roads than I've ever seen. Even on google maps its easy to see.

I spend hours on the roads and hours in the woods on foot and the elk seem to only move at night. I've seen a couple cow elk this year right at last light almost hit them with my truck.

There are lots of spruce grouse LOL but as for actually finding elk spots I wish you the best of luck. Best advice I can give is hunt along the rivers that run east to west through he zone.

Enjoy your season!

obsessed1 10-14-2020 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Camdelle (Post 4248070)
It never hurts to ask. Some people actually want to help newer hunters or people hurt like this gentleman. Some people however just want to put up nasty comments to make others feel like ****.

Look at Bezzola! He probably saved the OP a lot of grief, pain and wasted time.

Glad your not a mod.

Have a great day.

Nope happens every year. Someone asking for a give me hunt....

OP check out the Elk tactics thread. If you go through all that info and apply and practice it and spend the time in the woods you'll be able to find elk on your own in whatever wmu that holds Elk in alberta. As for a specific spot good luck with that. That info is hard earned and costs a great deal to those who possess it.

kanny90 10-14-2020 01:11 PM

Appreciate the people willing to help, and to the people who are salty or get offended , believe in karma what goes around comes around. Ill gladly give anyone my elk spots in the zones I cant go anymore because I cant walk for long distances due to torn mcl and acl and knee fractures.

obsessed1 10-14-2020 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Camdelle (Post 4248070)
It never hurts to ask. Some people actually want to help newer hunters or people hurt like this gentleman. Some people however just want to put up nasty comments to make others feel like ****.

Look at Bezzola! He probably saved the OP a lot of grief, pain and wasted time.

Glad your not a mod.

Have a great day.

Nope happens every year. Someone asking for a give me hunt....

OP check out the Elk tactics thread. If you go through all that info and apply and practice it and spend the time in the woods you'll be able to find elk on your own in whatever wmu that holds Elk in alberta. As for a specific spot good luck with that. That info is hard earned and costs a great deal to those who possess it.

BTW Dean 2 would make a great mod and has been helpful in every way on many issues and questions.

bucksman 10-15-2020 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Dean2 (Post 4248053)
Keyboard hunting just never wants to end. It is a good thing I am not a mod, I would Ban any new poster that put up this kind of a thread.

OR, now bear with me this might be a completely insane answer. Just don't respond....

skidderman 10-15-2020 11:55 AM

In 346 I would say the best elk hunting is on private land or on crown next to private. Having said that getting permission is not easy. Good luck.

CrisPbacon 10-15-2020 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by skidderman (Post 4248743)
In 346 I would say the best elk hunting is on private land or on crown next to private. Having said that getting permission is not easy. Good luck.

Anything North of Edson and at least 3 km from the end of any road is the best elk hunting. You need to get into the backcountry for success.

burnme 10-15-2020 09:38 PM

I for one have never asked for help on here, but would think, as a hunting forum, asking for help would not be attacked the way it does happen all to often ! You don’t want to help, as many have said, say nothing! That is way easier than replying!

slough shark 10-15-2020 10:28 PM

Well if you hunt it a lot you would probably have an idea where they are, if you’re not able to walk a long ways probably your best bet is getting permission somewhere on private land, really doesn’t matter which zone. Anywhere on crown land regardless of zone you’re probably walking a ways, elk aren’t stupid. Private land you can at least get close to their food source and hunt it.

obsessed1 10-15-2020 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by burnme (Post 4249016)
I for one have never asked for help on here, but would think, as a hunting forum, asking for help would not be attacked the way it does happen all to often ! You don’t want to help, as many have said, say nothing! That is way easier than replying!

It gets attacked because someone joins up mid season and first post is can someone tell me where I can shoot an Elk. People here are more than willing to help but no one's going give away what they work hard for for nothing. If posters don t speak up there are multiple such requests from countless new comers. If your truly a hunter you would never ask that question. You want help? How bout join in and be a contributing member to the forum instead of just looking to take someone else's hard work.
There have been contributing members who have asked for help and received it in spades. But remember a lot of this stuff is hard earned. Not many guys are getting up a 2 am to go hiking just to call bulls so they can locate them for hunting the next day. After spending time and money doing the hard part of hunting why should it be assumed it would be given away to a stranger? There are tones of resources to help someone to success even on AO but not many will hold your hand and lead you to them.

DeadEyeGardner 10-16-2020 06:43 AM

It’s a big internet
There’s probably 20 years worth of forums and posts answering all these same questions that show up on here every single year right in the thick of the rut or mid hunting season. Take some time to search what’s already been discussed, as many members are tired of seeing the same posts. The answers usually remain the same... go for many a drive pre season and look for critters. Then knock on some doors. It’s never been so easy to scout with the aid of the internet now. In areas where there is farmland close by, the animals will move onto farmland to feed and then usually back to public bush to bed. It’s that simple really. In areas where it’s all crown land, you better be ready to burn some fuel or boot leather because the animals will be spread way out, and usually moving constantly away from predators. Buy some trail cameras, Spend some time scouting, and be a hunter about it.

Dean2 10-16-2020 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by burnme (Post 4249016)
I for one have never asked for help on here, but would think, as a hunting forum, asking for help would not be attacked the way it does happen all to often ! You don’t want to help, as many have said, say nothing! That is way easier than replying!

If guys want an address to get meat, I will happily give them the GPS coordinates or street address to Safeway. This is a "HUNTING" forum. Like so many have said, there is a ton of great info on how to HUNT for elk on this forum and a ton of Youtube videos. If you won't do the work to hunt them, pay to go on a guided trip where someone else gets paid to do the scouting and permission work for you. You can even go to Saskatchewan, drive to the exact spot, sit an hour and shoot a great bull, the owner will haul it out and process it, only costs money to avoid all the work.

With respect to saying nothing when people post stuff I think is wrong or entirely self serving, not going to happen. I want them to clearly understand they need to contribute or Bog off.

Dom4 10-16-2020 08:42 AM

I am totally going to agree with the message that is being repeated above. I have not once on this forum experienced someone ask for some advice on what to do after explaining a hunting situation without being absolutely bombarded with advice and help from members on the forum. Myself included have asked for coyote hunting tips and people were more than happy to help me learn how to setup and how to call them but I know for a fact if I asked where everyone hunts them and if I can get permission on the same quarter section I would most likely get a different response.

I think what people are trying to avoid and myself included put in tons of time between scouting and sitting and glassing areas and driving 400 kms to check trail cameras I am just not so inclined to tell people exactly where i hunt and where specific animals are but I am always more than happy to share my experiences and if that advice can help someone else then why wouldn't i want to share it.

This is all just my opinion though.

DeadEyeGardner 10-16-2020 12:11 PM

The OP says they can’t walk a lot due to injury and want pointed in the right direction.

Well drive around at dawn and dusk and find some critters. Sound like it’ll prob be private land you’re after since you can’t walk a lot, so go ask permission after that.

If you’re looking to ride a quad or sxs into an area- I doubt anyone is going to promote areas to you.

Best of luck

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