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5Weight 10-20-2010 11:38 AM

Stupid/funny fishing injuries
Hi all,

I was out for a drive into K-Country on the weekend and decided to try tossing spinners in a stocked lake for a while. It was windy and I had a small hook, so I was trying to whip it out as far as I could. Then... you know you're getting old when... I threw out my elbow casting! Who hurts their elbow casting?! Ug. Talk about an eye roller.

Then I got to thinking about other stupid fishing injuries over the years - like when I was in northern Sask fishing pike with a boat full of friends. A buddy fires a big len thompson into the reeds and it gets stuck. His line sings in the winds for a while, while he pulls like a mother to get it out of the weeds. Of course we were having a competition for most fish, and as he wasn't at the motor, we let him drift there while we continued to catch fish. Then, out of the corner of my eye I see a flash of silver. All his pulling finally paid off, and a half a second later I flinch my head to the left, just in time to avoid his hook hitting me square in the face, only to have it smack me in the side of the head and stick me in the ear. He didn't have his hook de-barbed, so, a little on-lake surgery was in order. We had to push the hook straight out the other side of my ear, de-barb the hook, and then slide it back out.

No biggie. We laughed about it and I have a good picture. I look like a cross between Bob Izumi and Mr. T with the huge earring hanging down.

Any stories of fishing injuries you'd like to share?


6tmile 10-20-2010 11:59 AM

back in the day my dad and myself went to our favorite fishin hole, instead of taking his tackle box he hung a variaty of spoons on his fishing vest, it is about quarter of a mile walk, upon reching our destination the banks were very wet and slippery, I went down the bank first then my dad slid down right behind me, right into the back of me,:sign0176: I had 7 spoons lodged into my back, he had the rest hung up in his chest, well after about 15 mins of trying to seperate ourselves we decided to walk back to the truck.We got back to the truck and drove to the hospital I had to sit on his knee for 20 miles and steer the truck while he ran the clutch and gas, the doctor couldnt believe what happened, and of course enroute to the hospital we saw everyone that we knew in the country, talk about emberrassing, being 16 yrs old and sitting on my dads knee steering the truck, people still talk about this even though it happened 28 yrs ago:sign0161:

pickrel pat 10-20-2010 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by 6tmile (Post 711816)
back in the day my dad and myself went to our favorite fishin hole, instead of taking his tackle box he hung a variaty of spoons on his fishing vest, it is about quarter of a mile walk, upon reching our destination the banks were very wet and slippery, I went down the bank first then my dad slid down right behind me, right into the back of me,:sign0176: I had 7 spoons lodged into my back, he had the rest hung up in his chest, well after about 15 mins of trying to seperate ourselves we decided to walk back to the truck.We got back to the truck and drove to the hospital I had to sit on his knee for 20 miles and steer the truck while he ran the clutch and gas, the doctor couldnt believe what happened, and of course enroute to the hospital we saw everyone that we knew in the country, talk about emberrassing, being 16 yrs old and sitting on my dads knee steering the truck, people still talk about this even though it happened 28 yrs ago:sign0161:

that my friend.............. is to funny.........lolololololololololo

diamonddave 10-20-2010 02:46 PM

Caught about a 8lb Jack and while trying to remove the spoon he flipped around, catching my finger on one of the trebbles. So with the hook firmly imbedded in my finger and the jack flopping around the boat i try to fumble around to find a knife to cut its head off. Fall partially out of the boat with all my dancing around. A kind passerby sees all the ruckus and comes over to help me out, but he wouldn't cut its head off because he was catch and release only, too squeemish at the sight of blood. He pulled my boat back to shore where good old dad cut the things head off for me. From then on all my trebles have been turned into singles.........

nicemustang 10-20-2010 04:29 PM

Well I don't have much to add to the "funny" file, but stupid yes. I seem to always cut myself filleting. Because I like to keep a sharp knife and I go fast.

Photoplex 10-20-2010 04:41 PM

Not really funny, but damned stupid and painful!

Back when I was a kid in England, we used to visit a stocked trout lake. Fishing the other side of the pond (coarse fishing it's called there) was a bit different - it's not unusual to use a 10ft or more rod for float fishing. Anyway, I had my rod in a rod rest, and I was sitting a few meters away adding some split shot to my rig. My brothers bite-alarm on his rod rest starts beeping like mad, and he runs over like a whippet to grab his rod. The path he took? Straight between myself and my rod, kicking my line through with his leg. I ended up with a barbed hook deeply embedded in the (for want of a better phrase) drumstick of my hand - with the point stuck in my thumb bone.

Cue much screaming and freaking out, a trip to the ER, and 3 porters/orderlies to pin me down as they removed the thing.

.270fan 10-20-2010 05:25 PM

When my brother and I were a lot younger we spent summers at my grandparents cabin on Baptiste lake, we used to fight over who got to fish from the very end of the dock (it was the best spot). Well, one day my brother beat me to the end of the dock and was fishing in MY spot...being older by 2 years I barged in there and took over what I felt was my rightful place being the eldest and all. Well this ticked off my brother and he swung his fishing rod at me and whacked me in the buttocks with the end of his rod. the end of his rod was also a ginormous Len Thompson red/white spoon...I swear it was the size of a garden spade ! well next thing I know is I have a huge treble buried in my right buttcheek, I am screaming and chasing after my brother dragging the rod behind me with the barbs still firmly embeded in my arse......eventually my Mom settled me down and I had to lay on a bench in the kitchen while she pushed the hook through and Dad cut the barb off.

Good times

Then there was the time when my brother (once again) was going to use his knife to cut the head off a sucker that he had caught at Bower Ponds in Red Deer, for some reason I wanted to I stuck my hand and knife in the way just as he was bringing down a mighty samurai chop....WHACK...right into my hand. laid it open to the bone..I could actually see the chipped bone for a second before it filed with blood...then I seem to recall chasing my brother with MY knife yelling like a mad man..... poor girl a the concession nearly fainted when I went and asked for a bandaid.... still got the scar to this day:fighting0074:

fishpro 10-20-2010 06:57 PM

I've had a couple, worst was probably the time I hyperextended my elbow when fighting a large sturgeon. That one hurt and was uncomfortable for about 6 months.

Then another time walking through the woods on a small stream in BC, I stepped over a large root of a tree and lifted my foot that was on the ground. Turns out the ground was hollowed out on the other side of the tree, so I fell and straddled the root.

On my last big fishing trip with my grandfather, he, my cousin and I were ocean fishing in Prince Rupert for a week. I managed to avoid the painful injuries but the others weren't so lucky. We set out traps for crabs, and my cousin and I did most of the handling, but one day my grandfather deciding to handle one of them, and he got clamped badly. He had a chipped bone in his thumb which took about 2 months to heal. Then a few days later, we were out of the ocean and had packed up to go back to shore. As we were leaving I informed my grandfather that we were going the wrong way. My cousin was in the passenger seat looking back, and I was in the seat behind his. My grandfather suddenly stopped the boat and I went flying forwards and elbowed him in the groin with my entire body weight behind it. Still one of the funniest things that's ever happened while on a fishing trip of mine!

Guitarplayingfish 10-20-2010 08:29 PM

One that sticks out is when I took an old friend of mine fishing for the first time. We were fishing a sweet pike hole, and had hooked into tons that day. He pulled in a smaller pike, and bent down to take the hook out (We were using large spoons). For some reason, he put WAY too much tension on the line and the rod was bent in half while he was doing this. It slipped out of the fish's mouth and swung around in a full half circle and impaled itself into his skull. He started screaming... I started laughing... After I could control myself I took it out of his head with plyers, and we continued fishing. It was pretty funny, and I'm laughing right now just recalling it. :sHa_sarcasticlol:

Cal 10-21-2010 08:21 AM

Not strictly fishing and not realy an injury but... this fall my hunting partner and myself canoed from Hinton to Whitecourt on an elk hunt, though we had more luck with the fish than the elk. This is our third year doing river trips togeather and the whole time I have always told him that when we run rapids we dont want to move any faster than the curent so he should quit paddling. For some reason he always gets to the start of the rapid and then panicks or somthing and starts paddling like crazy, forcing me to paddle to keep the canoe from broadsiding. Well this year we ran a doozie of a rappid and as usual he ignored my warnings and we ran it at full speed. At the bottom were 3 or 4 haystacks about for feet in hight and we rammed the bow of the canoe straigt through them, I remember watching my bowman almost completely dissapear into the first one. He was wet from head to foot and the canoe was full of water but I was completely dry. I dont know what it is with dutchmen and having to learn everything the hard way.

diadromous 10-21-2010 09:15 AM

I was pike fishing and had a 5" 5 of diamonds on, we were catching lots of pike right up in the shallows. I got my spoon snagged up in some lilly pads and couldn't get it out no matter which direction I pulled. As I was pulling the boat was coming in closer and closer to where I was snagged. Once I was about ten feet away I gave my rod a good hard tug and that big old spoon came rocketting out of the water directly at my face. My reflexes kicked in and I reached up and caught that spoon before it caught me between the eyes, in the process I wound up with one branch of that big treble burried right up to the bend in my thumb. I had the barbs pinched so I just yanked it out and kept fishing but it didn't feel good, that's for sure.

EZM 10-21-2010 10:13 AM

My cousins and a few friends were out one summer day fishing/camping. We were back at shore in the hot sunny afternoon and one of the guys was lounged back laying down on a float tube 30 feet from shore floating around with his shades (cool guy sunbather style).

My cousin and I were messing around with gear in the boat (which was at shore). And a couple guys hanging out on the bank having a cold one.

My cousing grabs a rod (with a big spoon) and casts it at the guys floating around - it hits the tube and he yells (in a half awake voice @#$%off man). Of course, this creates a few laughs for all of us and becomes "encouragement" for more shinanigans. Game on.

I fire up the boat and begin slowly circling him like a shark - all the while my cousing is casting right at him. (Seems like a good idea that just got a whole lot better).

A few missed casts later and few more F-yous (and chuckles) a well placed cast lands right in his lap. My cousing "sets the hook" yelling "FISH ON ...... PAN FRYERS!!!!" as the guy floating around begins panicking as the hook caught the front part of his shorts and stuck.

Caught up in the excitement, and seeing he was hooked in the shorts (and not in any meat of sorts) - I turn the boat and put her back in gear yelling - "let's go tubing .... yee haw".

The boat bumps into gear and the line tightens up and we begin pulling this guy around turning him (the tube) toward the campsite area. Why should'nt everybody see what we are up to? Everyone at the campsite can enjoy this with us. We were very careful to apply the right amount of tension to get him moving but not snap the line.

All of us, except the victim, pi$$ing our pants laughing. He is holding his cargo shorts by the pockets and sitting up yelling and cursing (clearly in a panic). We slowly drag him 20-30 feet and the bounce of the waves create a nice jerking action as the boat finally straightens out. We are on our way to good times!!!!

Now there are more spectators and this is getting really fun. We can't possibly stop now. This way too much fun.

Then, Karma, strikes. One one of the "bounces" of waves as we are dragging him dislodges the hook and it springs like a rocket right at us in the boat. My cousing dodges like a cat, I try and quickly dodge but and the hook hits me square in the head like someone threw a shovel. I tripped over the seat and fall right on top of him breaking the rod and eblowing him in the nose. Both of us bleeding like stuck pigs.

It was worth it ......that was awesome. We still talk about this almost 20 years later.

FishBrain 10-21-2010 11:43 AM

Let see, this year at medicine lake for the AO kids gathering, I am in a boat with HunterTrav, and TJ, oh and HunterTravs boy. As I am realing in my line TJ gives a huge cast but cathces my line as he is throwing out his, one lure smokes him in the head, and the other lure smokes me in the back, after the initial shock, and we realize he is no worse for wear on his face we proceed to laugh, untangle the lines, and get the lure unhooked from my jacket.
No one was hurt but it sure was a lucky one

Cal 10-21-2010 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by EZM (Post 712736)
My cousins and a few friends were out one summer day fishing/camping. We were back at shore in the hot sunny afternoon and one of the guys was lounged back laying down on a float tube 30 feet from shore floating around with his shades (cool guy sunbather style).

My cousin and I were messing around with gear in the boat (which was at shore). And a couple guys hanging out on the bank having a cold one.

My cousing grabs a rod (with a big spoon) and casts it at the guys floating around - it hits the tube and he yells (in a half awake voice @#$%off man). Of course, this creates a few laughs for all of us and becomes "encouragement" for more shinanigans. Game on.

I fire up the boat and begin slowly circling him like a shark - all the while my cousing is casting right at him. (Seems like a good idea that just got a whole lot better).

A few missed casts later and few more F-yous (and chuckles) a well placed cast lands right in his lap. My cousing "sets the hook" yelling "FISH ON ...... PAN FRYERS!!!!" as the guy floating around begins panicking as the hook caught the front part of his shorts and stuck.

Caught up in the excitement, and seeing he was hooked in the shorts (and not in any meat of sorts) - I turn the boat and put her back in gear yelling - "let's go tubing .... yee haw".

The boat bumps into gear and the line tightens up and we begin pulling this guy around turning him (the tube) toward the campsite area. Why should'nt everybody see what we are up to? Everyone at the campsite can enjoy this with us. We were very careful to apply the right amount of tension to get him moving but not snap the line.

All of us, except the victim, pi$$ing our pants laughing. He is holding his cargo shorts by the pockets and sitting up yelling and cursing (clearly in a panic). We slowly drag him 20-30 feet and the bounce of the waves create a nice jerking action as the boat finally straightens out. We are on our way to good times!!!!

Now there are more spectators and this is getting really fun. We can't possibly stop now. This way too much fun.

Then, Karma, strikes. One one of the "bounces" of waves as we are dragging him dislodges the hook and it springs like a rocket right at us in the boat. My cousing dodges like a cat, I try and quickly dodge but and the hook hits me square in the head like someone threw a shovel. I tripped over the seat and fall right on top of him breaking the rod and eblowing him in the nose. Both of us bleeding like stuck pigs.

It was worth it ......that was awesome. We still talk about this almost 20 years later.

If it was me in the tube there would be no way in hell your vehical would leave that parking lot under its own power, and thats only if I had the self control not to do somthing drastic. I dont even know you, other than you must be a huge @ss and I kinda wanna help Karma strike you again. You probably should have kept that to yourself, not cool.

Photoplex 10-21-2010 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Cal (Post 712997)
If it was me in the tube there would be no way in hell your vehical would leave that parking lot under its own power, and thats only if I had the self control not to do somthing drastic. I dont even know you, other than you must be a huge @ss and I kinda wanna help Karma strike you again. You probably should have kept that to yourself, not cool.


Christofficer 10-21-2010 08:31 PM

Wow..... that's all I'm sayin....

Anyways, I groined myself once with my fishing rod. That's about it. I've been hit with lures and splitshot in the back of the head too. Worst was a 7" rapala, all 3 trebles went into the back of my head.

TreeGuy 10-21-2010 08:41 PM

We used to fish off the docks occasionally back in NS. I had a seagull manage to pick my baited lure off in mid air on this one paticular evening. The spectacle drew many a chuckle.

In the spirit of sportsmanship, a catch and release was in order on such a fine breeding age adult :D.

The hook extracting process I will leave to your own vivid imaginations though!

Sure enough the ungratefull bugger, with all his remaining might, clamped down on the end of my nose and added a damned robust twist or two to boot. If'n a fella was inventive enough to bottle such a occurance into an alarm clock, not only would he become incredibly wealthy, but no one would be late for anything again.......EVER! :lol:

T-Bone 10-21-2010 09:07 PM

too much
Back a few years I was in the boy scouts and lived in Ontario we had a camping trip on the Grande River,,Anyway buddy casts across the river and snags up in a tree so there he is just reefing on his rod and all of a sudden it comes loose and just nails him in the groin..We end up taking him to the nearest hospital and they cut his pants off remove the hook from his lower privates and we take him back to camp only for him to get a chunk of bark in his eye..but all in all it was a good trip

boonedocks 10-22-2010 07:17 PM

I had a 20ish pound sturgeon on the bottom hook of my pickeral rig a couple of years ago.While attempting to land the fish my buddy got the top hook stuck in his hand.The sturgeon made one last run and the rig broke leaving the hook firmly embedded into buddys thumb.He had another shot of "anesthetic" and I yanked it out with my pliers.Nasty. When I was in my early twenties I spent 3 days fishing on the forestry trunk road with a size 18 misquitoe fly stuck in my shoulder.It was embedded so far that we could not push it through to cut off the barb.Went to doctors in Hinton,had the fly cut out, a stitch put in and a tetanus shot, then back to fishing

Albertadiver 10-22-2010 07:23 PM

A repost from another good similar thread...

Ok... here's the short version.

Went on a fly-in fishing trip with several cousins and uncles to Dore Lake in Northern saskatchewan.

First year.

Cousin Calvin threw his rod in the water.

Second year.

Cousin Calvin threw his rod in the water. However this time he jumped in after it and retrieved it. Note the soaked wallet.

On this same second trip, my dad and I were in a different boat, and saw the others head for the dock about 20 minutes after we started fishing in the AM. Cousin Calvin had hooked my cousin Dennis through the meat of his thumb near the palm. A shot of whiskey, some pliers, and a bandaid later they were out after about half an hour. Ten minutes of fishing, we watch the boat head back for shore again... Different hook, same thumb, twice as much whiskey, same victim, same culprit.

My 89year old great uncle was royally ticked, he was missing out on valuable fishing time!

These cousins are all over 40 years old.

Map Maker 10-22-2010 11:57 PM

funny stories on here.

My story is: I was ice fishing at pigeon lake and got a nice fish on. I pulled it up to the hole and saw it was a big pike.
I pull the head out of the hole and went to reach behind the gills with my bare hands (like ive done a thousand times before).
Well, at the same moment the pike decides to swim forward with his mouth open and engulfs half of my hand.
With the pike's teeth embedded in my hand, I instinctively pull on the fish, which of course drives those damned teeth further in.
I finally realize this pike is not letting go, and i gather my wits and pull open his jaw and take my hand out. I let the pike go but my hand was a mangled bleeding mess.

Next Monday, with my hand all bandaged up, I am sitting at my work and a new buddy comes in to talk about going on his first fishing trip with me this weekend. I jokingly tell him about the pike story and he got so scared he refused to come fishing even though I swore it was safe.

billie 10-23-2010 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Map Maker (Post 714096)
Next Monday, with my hand all bandaged up, I am sitting at my work and a new buddy comes in to talk about going on his first fishing trip with me this weekend. I jokingly tell him about the pike story and he got so scared he refused to come fishing even though I swore it was safe.

The newbies don't get it....this stuff is fun:sHa_shakeshout:

FishingMOM 10-24-2010 05:48 PM

My biggest mishap ice fishing was falling in. I was in 6 feet of water. Managed to crawl out.

Too many people on the ice and some dipstick had started a campfire near us and softened the ice too much.

Fishfinder 10-25-2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Cal (Post 712997)
If it was me in the tube there would be no way in hell your vehical would leave that parking lot under its own power, and thats only if I had the self control not to do somthing drastic. I dont even know you, other than you must be a huge @ss and I kinda wanna help Karma strike you again. You probably should have kept that to yourself, not cool.

X 1000000000000000000!!!! Wow!
Other than EZM's story obviously, hilarious posts everybody!:)

Haven't really got a good one, other than running for my rod as my bell goes off, I go like a madman and often end up falling on my arse:sign0161: this happens way too often.:scared0018:

Cal 10-25-2010 05:06 PM

EMZ explained to me that the fellow in the tube was a friend of his, which IMO does make his story more funny. I re-read his post and although its easy to miss and not very clear he does kinda say he knew the guy. Anyways he's probably not as big of a jerk as that story makes him out to be.

whitetail Junkie 10-25-2010 05:47 PM

5 years ago slipt off a wet boulder in the Highwoord River,just up stream of a mini waterfall,I went down the falls with my rod and everything else includinng a cell phone&Wallet:mad0100:

However I survived:)

EZM 10-25-2010 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cal (Post 716169)
EMZ explained to me that the fellow in the tube was a friend of his, which IMO does make his story more funny. I re-read his post and although its easy to miss and not very clear he does kinda say he knew the guy. Anyways he's probably not as big of a jerk as that story makes him out to be.

Yeah I probably should have clearly indicated I knew this guy and we "kids" were a bunch of clowns back some years ago. We did things to each other that I can't even repeat on here.

It was consenting behavior - and I've been a victim too - we are all still good buddies. No feeling were hurt and everyone laughs about it today.

When you take it in the spirit of "what it is" it's not that big of a deal.

As Cal explains - I am not that big of a jerk .... ok maybe I am .... lol.

At the end of the day - keep it in context and understand it was consenting behavior.

Fishfinder 10-25-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by EZM (Post 716337)
Yeah I probably should have clearly indicated I knew this guy and we "kids" were a bunch of clowns back some years ago. We did things to each other that I can't even repeat on here.

It was consenting behavior - and I've been a victim too - we are all still good buddies. No feeling were hurt and everyone laughs about it today.

When you take it in the spirit of "what it is" it's not that big of a deal.

As Cal explains - I am not that big of a jerk .... ok maybe I am .... lol.

At the end of the day - keep it in context and understand it was consenting behavior.

Glad to hear. I never realized u knew the guy. I spose if he was ok with it, then your right, no harm done:)
Cheers n GL!:)

Paul C 10-28-2010 04:13 PM

Funny Injuries Cool Thread
I friend of mine has made two trips to ER for removal of hook from the knee and from the eye brow. Both times his buddy was trying to cast from edmonton to west coast. I dont know why he uses so much force to cast from a boat. I finally saw him break his rod casting and finally we had the last laugh. Er staff also had a good laugh.
There is nothing like sitting in ER waiting for the hook to be removed from your face while other people watch you.
Its just fishin.

fish-man 10-28-2010 10:27 PM

Smacked myself in the back of the head with my weight- hard- while casting. Embarassing.

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