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Old 01-25-2008, 09:41 AM
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Copidosoma Copidosoma is offline
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Originally Posted by Bull Shooter View Post
Dr. Gates stated that he had been analyzing an access study that was done by a gentleman sometime in the ‘80’s. Well, as it turned out, and unknown to me (and obviously Dr. Gates), the gentleman that had undertaken that study was sitting about two people down from Dr. Gates, and introduced himself to him. I am confident that this gentleman also objects to the Open Spaces proposal. There were a few red faces, and we never did hear Dr. Gates “take” on the access study.
Pffft, I love it when that sort of thing happens . I wonder how long it will take him to "analyze" (read) that study?

Originally Posted by Bull Shooter View Post
For those of you who don’t believe that Open Spaces will go through, this year, next year or whenever (and last week I was one of you), I leave you with this chronology of quotes taken from the meeting in Lethbridge:

• “Not instituted yet... needs to be all fleshed out”
• “It’s not a done deal!”
• We would consider different proposals if they met the objectives of access and compensation
• It’s a five year pilot, sometimes you just have to put it out there and see what will happen

Thanks Dick - If you are worried or have concerns, now is not the time to be silent. We need all the support we can muster. Regards, Mike
I have to say that at first I figured this whole Open Spaces thing was "much ado about nothing". I suspect it is pretty much a done deal. Won't keep me from writing letters though. Scary times indeed.

One of these days we'll have to pay for the air we breath. The money will go to industry to cover the costs for their burden of having to keep the air clean.
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