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Old 08-05-2011, 05:22 PM
BGAngler BGAngler is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 99

Originally Posted by the local angler View Post
went there last nite no kanibbles for me and as far as i can tell to me it looks like it has not been stocked a second time but thats my thoughts and watching everyone else no one else caught anything either.
It was stocked about a month ago, I was there to watch it happen. Freaking shooting gallery a few hours after they dumped the fish in (~2000).

I wouldn't be surprised if it was fished out already, that place gets a ridiculous amounts of pressure. I've seen groups of 6 people there. That's 30 fish in one day from one group. Doesn't take a mathematician to figure out that it won't take long for those fish to be gone pretty quickly, considering how busy it gets on weekdays, nevermind weekends.
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