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Old 01-30-2008, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by LongDraw View Post
I agree there is nothing worse than someone going off half cocked without first having the facts. The BIG difference is this is a discussion board, not a formal conduit such as a letter, email, association position paper, etc, to SRD and the Government. This is what discussion boards are for! It is human nature to speculate on the "what If's", and perfectly justifyable on a discussion board. You have stated numerous times that you do not want to get pulled into this debate, and people are trying to put you on the other side of the debate? HUH.... You are part of the discussion, hence your posts. I am sure you have given a few a sober second thought before they go off "half cocked" with your input, thanks for that. For the most part we have been discussing what we now know as the facts of the Pilot project, which have been all along.

At this point there is no value in calling out bruised ego's, chicken littles, etc...

I am sure we are on the same side of this issue for the most part, so lets keep this thing on the tracks, ok?
As I've said more times than I care to count, I'd be pleased just to share the occasional fact and engage in a civil discussion and leave it at that but it seems I keep getting called out...speaking of keeping things on track....was your post really required? Maybe now we can get back on track?
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