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Old 02-02-2008, 10:44 AM
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Rust Rust is offline
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Posts: 609

[QUOTE] Cormack Gates kept calling it the Ranching for Wildlife program. He also kept asking everyone if they agreed with the three guiding principles of the program. Interesting note here the fact sheet only lists 2 and they have changed from the terms of reference document.

1. Wildlife is a public trust to be managed in the public interest.
2. Landowners should not bear the full costs of producing habitat for wildlife or the inconvenience and impacts of public use on their land without compensation.

--Any Idea what the 3rd one was?

[QUOTE] The question was asked about the satisfaction rates and if there was a baseline to begin with. Doug Manzer of ACA stated they do not have any baseline data, so they have no idea what the current satisfaction rate is now. He also admitted they need this information to make the pilot project data valid. Mr. Manzer was queried that if the satisfaction rate right now is 80% how come 75% is the goal.

--DOes this not sound a little like the last project that Cormack Gates tried to do in Cypress Hill? Huge lack of Info and Statcs to support it!!!!!!!????

[QUOTE] One landowner stood up and said if this was not approved within the next 6-8 months he would call the Indians and Métis to come in and wipe out the wildlife on his property.

--And he thinks dealing with a hunter is a hassel!! HA

-- I don't think that any land owner/farmer/rancher should receive any compinsation of any sort for any crop or fence damage done by wildlife if they do not allow hunting on their land!!!!!!!
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